View Full Version : No more panic on no No more panic ?

30-08-07, 05:49
Hi all.

I joinded NMP at a dark point in my life and was so welcomed and helped by the people I spoke to. If I hadn't chatted with certain people then I'd still be suffering symptoms I knew nothing about. Globus Hystericus (sp?) was a biggy for me. Once someone told me what it was it evaporated in weeks.

Also I became House Bound for over a month (Agrophobic) and without a big kick up the a$$ from an NMP member may still have been that way.

Thing is NMP has helped me a great deal. So much so that if it wasn't here I'd have probably done something silly.

2 months after joining though I found myself not only still in theropy myself but helping individuals through the trauma. Eventually it all became too much - you can't be broken yourself and fix other people.

After talking 3 people down (at least I hope I did) from suicide threats I decided enough was enough. I was here for help not more angst.

I've only posted once in 6 months, and dearly miss the forums. I'm not sure whether I'm better for it or not, but I certainly know I am no worse.

The point of the thread is that its number 1 that counts - thats you. If you gain more than you lose then its a winner. Turn it around and its not so.

I'm not having a go at Nic or any of the mods here - they have been absolutely fantastic to me and I thank them greatly for it.

It just seemed that NMP is more than it looked like on the surface. It may have changed in recent months. Hopefully I'm on the mend - my bottle of pills may say otherwise. Its just that people out there that suffer need to remember just one thing - it all comes from within. Like giving up cigs, booze whatever. You have to want to want it.

NMP has been great to me, but there came a time to take stock. If you put more in than you get out (and this goes for everything in life), then put yourself first.


30-08-07, 12:48
Hi there Krakers!

So glad NMP has helped you - and that you have also been able to help others.

[- you can't be broken yourself and fix other people.]

I do believe there is a difference between helping someone by offering support and 'fixing' them.

I don't think being broken yourself prevents you from being able to help someone else.

Many times I have been supported and helped by people I know are going through the mill themselves and there have been times when, even though I have been at my lowest, I have been able to offer support to someone else. I think the key is in the differences I have mentioned above.

Thank you for posting your thoughts - and it really doesn't matter how much or how little you post here. The important thing is that the site is used by people who need help and in turn can offer it - like you!

Take care


30-08-07, 12:54
:) Hi Krakers :)

I hope you're on the mend too (Put down those pills!) I'm a little confused by your post but I think I know what you mean. Its probably to do with the fact that anxiety/depression, etc can effect absolutely anyone at all, so (as well as genuine people who are happy for you to come & go as you please & give/take what you want/need to) you're bound to get attention seekers, victims & malicious people on here too. Just like a cross section of society. Its also worth remembering that everyone here is at different stages of recovery; some not even sure if what they have is panic/anxiety, some out living their lives again, some determined not to do anything to help themselves recover at all. But its not for us to judge. Personally, I just don't answer posts that I feel no connection to & I don't take replies I don't agree with to heart. But someone who is more emotionally fragile may see something like that as the final straw & kill themselves. You can't control how someone else will react to anything, so you just have to try to be as responsible as possible with what you contribute. If you are clearheaded enough to know when something is a good idea & when its not then just keep yourself in check. I'm not saying for a second that I gauge it right everytime but I try to, so my conscience is certainly clear.
They have introduced a "No suicide bids please" policy which I think is a good thing. I know its cynical but I can't get my head round someone being at that point & thinking, "I'll go online & discuss it with people", maybe cos when I was, I just jumped in my car & crashed it at highspeed to make it look like an accident. Then again, maybe going online would have helped me avoid that point? Who knows. I'm sorry that you ended up feeling burdened by other people's angst, I'm sure they'd be upset to know it had effected you so negatively. Anyway, good luck with finding a way you can use this site without damaging yourself further, it would be a shame for you to miss out.
Take care, CarpeDiem

06-09-07, 00:18
Thank you groovygranny and carpediem for your replies.

If the jist of my post was lost, then thats probably part me wanting to sing NMP's praises and the other part that rationalised events and became exceptionally wary.

I feel any elaboration would be to the detremenet of all and therefore will not go down that route.

I'll post an update seperately, and keep popping back from time to time.

Love you all ..................... Krakers.