View Full Version : Cyst still there after tooth extraction

08-12-18, 03:19
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Hope this post isn't too long.

Back in June I broke a molar and got an abscess. Along with the gum soreness and swelling, a small cyst formed in the soft tissue in my lower cheek just above the jawline. I couldn't afford to go to an emergency dentist until a month later in July. When I did, they did x-rays on that side, told me they didn't see any signs of active infection, and removed the tooth that was broken. I told the nurse I was concerned about the cyst. She said it was normal for that to happen and that they typically scrape it out when they remove the tooth. I healed up fast from the extraction and still have a few bone shards but otherwise okay.

A couple weeks ago at the end of November I was licking the inside of my cheek and felt the cyst with my tongue, exactly where it was before. I hadn't licked that area since the surgery and I'm really scared it was a tumor and not actually an abscess and that they just missed it on the x-ray. I also had a blood test at the end of August for unrelated reasons and it came back normal. Do the cysts sometimes stay after surgery like that? I can't afford another trip to the dentist and I'm freaking out. :( I'm 28 and female and have never smoked and rarely drink so I know I'm not really at much risk for oral cancer but I'm so scared.