View Full Version : Red dots on arm? petechiae?

10-12-18, 04:16
I have these red dots on my right arm and i think they been there since the summer I thought maybe they are petechiae since I had them before but on my leg but they went away after some time these haven't and they are starting to worry me. Would any of you know what they are or what they might be?

10-12-18, 04:22
Frankly, I didn't see anything but a normal arm, hair and a few freckles :shrug:

Positive thoughts

10-12-18, 04:49
I can see 1 red spot and some freckles... Whatever it is, if it's been there since summer its definitely not petechiae...
It's probably nothing to worry about, these things pop up as we get older. I am 37 and have all kinds of red spots and I dont worry about them. I am also prone to petechiae and get them with mild pressure and everytime my blood pressure gets taken it looks like someone shook a paint brush over my arm that had red paint on it. I get them on my whole arm and even the top of my hand. I actually asked my dr and dermatologist about this and they both said so long as my blood counts were normal not to worry about it..

10-12-18, 04:52
Hey! I have a few tiny pinprick red spots all over my arms, I had them checked out by the doctor last year and she said it was likely just a few tiny blood vessels that had popped and that they were totally harmless.

10-12-18, 04:58
My first Pic wasn't taken that well. So I tried to find better light but my phone is good couple of years old so the camera isn't all that well.

10-12-18, 06:28

10-12-18, 06:44
I'm 20

10-12-18, 06:44
I’ve got a couple of those on my arms as well. Been there for awhile. I wouldn’t be worried.

bin tenn
10-12-18, 13:26
As one person suggested, perhaps they're popped blood vessels. I also have these red spots in several places. Cherry angimoa is another possibility.

10-12-18, 13:29
My first Pic wasn't taken that well. So I tried to find better light but my phone is good couple of years old so the camera isn't all that well.

Are any of them raised? In the 2nd photo a couple look raised.

10-12-18, 16:48
Looks perfectly normal to me. In my experience, google told me that tiny red dots = petechiae = leukemia. Not the case. If I look too closely, I have all sorts of tiny red dots and spots which the doctor said were blemishses or burst capillaries...and completely harmless.

10-12-18, 16:56
I've got loads of them, arms, stomach, chest and thighs.

Never bothered me.

12-12-18, 04:14
I've got loads of them, arms, stomach, chest and thighs.

Never bothered me.

They don't bother me neither it's my anxiety that's bothering me because I don't know what theses are and that's what is worrying me. I know that I don't have leukemia because I had a blood test like a month or two ago and everything came back fine but it is making me wonder if it's skin cancer.

---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:12 ----------

As one person suggested, perhaps they're popped blood vessels. I also have these red spots in several places. Cherry angimoa is another possibility.

I don't could be I have 2 cherry angimoa already but I don't think it is. But it does make worry that it might be skin cancer.

bin tenn
12-12-18, 12:46
They don't bother me neither it's my anxiety that's bothering me because I don't know what theses are and that's what is worrying me. I know that I don't have leukemia because I had a blood test like a month or two ago and everything came back fine but it is making me wonder if it's skin cancer.

---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:12 ----------

I don't could be I have 2 cherry angimoa already but I don't think it is. But it does make worry that it might be skin cancer.

Nope, not skin cancer, IMO.

13-12-18, 17:35
Nope, not skin cancer, IMO.

Went to the dr to get checked out cause I was sick asked her about my arm she said they are petechiae and she wants to get blood work but I had blood work about 2 months ago and it came back fine but she said she wants to do one just incase because she just wants to be sure I don't have anything like hep c and when she said that it scared me I haven't done anything that would give me hep c would a regular blood test at the er show hep c or anything dangerous? She has me worrying just because she said that if she would have just said just to be safe or sure I would have been fine. Do you know if regular er blood test show hep c or anything dangerous?

bin tenn
13-12-18, 18:00
Depends on the reason for the ER visit. I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't think Hep C (among many other things) is tested for / indicated via a standard blood test. Some things are, some things aren't.

14-12-18, 04:37
Depends on the reason for the ER visit. I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't think Hep C (among many other things) is tested for / indicated via a standard blood test. Some things are, some things aren't.

Well when I went I had stomach pain vomiting so do you think that they would check for it I mean I haven't done anything that would give me hep c I don't do drugs the only needles that been in me have been from the hospital and I don't like eating or drinking after anybody my family keeps calming me down saying that I don't have it but I can't stop worrying it's making me feel worse.

14-12-18, 05:48

14-12-18, 06:09
A regular blood test doesn't check for hep c. They need to specifically request a hep c blood test.

---------- Post added at 16:48 ---------- Previous post was at 16:45 ----------

They may have done an LFT test, which just tests your liver function. You won't have hep c btw (I have it), you only get it via blood to blood contact with someone who is infected, such as sharing needles.

I'm sorry that you have hep c but thank you for telling me that it has calmed me down a bit. I wonder why I have theses petechiae than especially for so long? Again I'm sorry that you have hep c and have to deal with it I hope that you doing everything you can and enjoying your life and spending your time with the people that you care about.

14-12-18, 06:16

14-12-18, 18:47
You said those red spots have been there for 8 months straight. If that's true they are not petechiae.. Petechiae is bleeding under the skin from tiny broken capillaries, much like a bruise.
I get these DAILY from one thing or another and they go away after a few days, a week max.
You can get the labs to make yourself feel better but if you had these 8 months ago and labs 2 months ago and there was nothing abnormal, I doubt there will be now.

Why are you worried about HEP C? They ER will not run this test with basic labs. You can ask your dr to run a hepatitis panel but unless your liver enzymes are elevated or there is something else ominous in your labs that point toward a liver problem, I dont see the point.

I asked if any of your spots were raised because in the one photo you posted it looked like 1 of them was a tad raised. It looked sorta like a cherry angioma. In any case there are all kinds of red spots that appear on the skin as we age. I have many and I am also prone to petechiae. So long as your blood counts are normal it shouldn't be a concern.

14-12-18, 20:33
I've had red dots all over my arms and stomach for years. Was told it was possibly hormonal brought on from first pregnancy or from where my body stretched so much in pregnancy. Either way, I only really noticed them when I had my first child. My mother has them too so there's obviously a genetic disposition x

14-12-18, 23:32
You said those red spots have been there for 8 months straight. If that's true they are not petechiae.. Petechiae is bleeding under the skin from tiny broken capillaries, much like a bruise.
I get these DAILY from one thing or another and they go away after a few days, a week max.
You can get the labs to make yourself feel better but if you had these 8 months ago and labs 2 months ago and there was nothing abnormal, I doubt there will be now.

Why are you worried about HEP C? They ER will not run this test with basic labs. You can ask your dr to run a hepatitis panel but unless your liver enzymes are elevated or there is something else ominous in your labs that point toward a liver problem, I dont see the point.

I asked if any of your spots were raised because in the one photo you posted it looked like 1 of them was a tad raised. It looked sorta like a cherry angioma. In any case there are all kinds of red spots that appear on the skin as we age. I have many and I am also prone to petechiae. So long as your blood counts are normal it shouldn't be a concern.

My doctor told me that they were petechiae and said that it is bleeding under the skin I'm prone to them too because I had them on my legs earlier this year. I was worried about Hep c because my doctor said they usually don't mean anything or you could have hep c I don't know what you do or have done and that's what freaked me out she knows I have anxiety. I even told her that I haven't done anything that would give me hep c I don't share needles, or have done anything with anyone who has hep c I even told her I had blood work and a urine test done 2 months ago and I still had these things on my arm and everything came back fine cbc good sugar good everything good and she looked it up and said yep I see it and no none are raised. Now I found out earlier today that my mom also gets/have these as well and she said they told her that they are completely fine so that has also calmed me done.

---------- Post added at 16:32 ---------- Previous post was at 16:27 ----------

I've had red dots all over my arms and stomach for years. Was told it was possibly hormonal brought on from first pregnancy or from where my body stretched so much in pregnancy. Either way, I only really noticed them when I had my first child. My mother has them too so there's obviously a genetic disposition x

Well I don't know how well the hormonal part would work for me as I'm a 20 year old male but it could be something to deal with hormones and mine might also be genetic since I found out my mom also has them.

15-12-18, 01:39
Your dr said "they could be nothing or it could be due to hep c"? I hate to say this but if I were you I would find a new dr. There are literally soooo many things that can cause petechiae!! For your dr to just pull hep c out of the air if your showing none of the more common symptoms of hep c, is a bit crazy in my opinion.

16-12-18, 06:07
Your dr said "they could be nothing or it could be due to hep c"? I hate to say this but if I were you I would find a new dr. There are literally soooo many things that can cause petechiae!! For your dr to just pull hep c out of the air if your showing none of the more common symptoms of hep c, is a bit crazy in my opinion.

Unfortunately I really don't think I can I live in a very small town and alot of doctors have already moved my moms and my grandmas doctors both left without informing either of them and to be fair to her I don't think she was just pulling it out of no where where I live was number one for herion and opioid usage so I think she was going off most likely possibility. Plus I went to the er last night because of food posing and they wanted to draw blood before they did that my doctor came in and told me that they wanted to do that and I thought screw it why not show him my petechiae and see if he agrees that it was petechiae I showed him it and he said yeah you do have some petechiae so I told him that my doctor wanted to do blood work to make sure there wasn't any underlying problems he said he can take a look took my blood got an iv waited about 4 hours he came back and said that there were no infections of the blood cbc was good palette count was good kidneys and liver was also good now I don't know if they checked for everything that's all he told me.

16-12-18, 06:43
Did you mention to the er dr that those particular red spots have been there for 8 months straight?

16-12-18, 07:21
Did you mention to the er dr that those particular red spots have been there for 8 months straight?

Yeah I told him everything I told my dr.

16-12-18, 13:07
I haven't really had any sleep because my anxiety and a nightmare I had regarding these stupid petechiae and the nightmare that they missed something in my blood work. Which is stupid since he told me everything looks good especially after I told him what my dr wants to do and what she said and he told me he would check some of it out and came back and told me everything is fine. Now I'm not a doctor and I don't know how the tests work but I feel like if there were something wrong with me and these petechiae were warning signs that I just been brushing off for awhile now whatever it would be I doubt my blood work would come back good for everything. Damn you anxiety for making me second guess and lose sleep.

16-12-18, 13:29
My first Pic wasn't taken that well. So I tried to find better light but my phone is good couple of years old so the camera isn't all that well.

These are classic cherry hemangiomas. Completely benign proliferations of blood vessels. Can be any shade of red and flat or raised and up to 5mm in size or bigger. I have tons of those myself and they pop up more and more as we get older. Look it up.

16-12-18, 13:55
These are classic cherry hemangiomas. Completely benign proliferations of blood vessels. Can be any shade of red and flat or raised and up to 5mm in size or bigger. I have tons of those myself and they pop up more and more as we get older. Look it up.

I already have two of them. I know that I will more than likely get more but every dr I've seen looked at my arm and said that they are petechiae maybe they are maybe they aren't I guess my dermatologist will tell me when I see her next month.

16-12-18, 14:24
It's not petechiae, petechiae spots do not stay for months, they go away after days or perhaps a week.. I don't normally tell people to Google but a simple Google search will confirm this... You could get new petechiae but it likely wouldn't keep popping up in the same exact spot..

Don't worry about these spots.. Its nothing to worry about. Your labs are fine, the dr checked your liver function and it's fine. If you had hep C your enzymes would be elevated. You are okay..

16-12-18, 15:05
I already have two of them. I know that I will more than likely get more but every dr I've seen looked at my arm and said that they are petechiae maybe they are maybe they aren't I guess my dermatologist will tell me when I see her next month.

What doctors, GPS? GP is useless, at least in my experience. See a derm. One look from an experienced derm would be enough to determine hemangiomas.
Maybe they are some form of allergy or a dermatitis? Again derm would tell.

Regardless of what they are, I agree with the previous poster that your normal labs have pretty much ruled out anything serious, cancer, liver disease etc. You are fine. The only thing left is to convince your anxiety.