View Full Version : Flupentixol

10-12-18, 11:38
Hi I started on this medication on tablets then my psychiatrist suggested I try it as an injection so 9 weeks ago I had my first dose which was to last 2 weeks. The next day I woke really anxious I couldn’t keep still I couldn’t handle noise I got rushed into hospital it was a nightmare. Anyway 9 weeks on the movement symptoms have gone but my anxiety is so high I’m agoraphobic but started to be able to go places a bit more comfortably but now I’ve gone back to not being able to go out I don’t feel like me feel like my whole personality has changed the only emotion I have is crying. I can’t laugh I feel like I’m just not me. I dread every day everyone keeps saying you’ll get better and anxiety will go and il be able to go out again but I don’t think it’ll just happen I think I’ve gotta start all over again. I can’t even eat properly. I love music but since this I don’t even wanna hear it. I’m dreading Christmas..Has anyone else experienced this? I really don’t know what to do and my psychiatrist just says yes I had a bad reaction but doesn’t understand why I’m feeling like this 9 weeks on. Does anyone have any advice or this happened to them? I need to know if that’s it,if I been pushed back or if it will all come back slowly. Thanks for reading.