View Full Version : Scary cancer dream triggered extreme health anxiety.

10-12-18, 18:04
Hi, ive been trying to trace back to the thing that caused all my anxiety to help me calm down....
so back in march i was sleeping and in the middle of the night i get this very sharp pain in the side of my left breast which caused me to kind of wake up but i was still somewhat asleep because my eyes were closed. i rolled over to message my breast and as i am doing so i feel a hard lump and i say to my self "its breast cancer". my eyes shot open and i was a little shaken but i didnt think anything of it until the week after i actually did this school report on this lady who found out she had breast cancer through a dream. (also, i didnt have a hard lump, somehow i imagined i felt it, probably my imagination )
literally ever since that day ive convinced myself ive had breast cancer, which is dumb because i am only 20 and i dont think i have a real reason to be concerned... the day before i was shocked to find out my friends mom had breast cancer so maybe that triggered my worry...
i went to the doctor and she told me i was fine and not to worry but ever since then i keep thinking my weird dream thing was warning me of the future. i know thats dumb and i tend to over think a lot when it comes to that stuff but its really eating me alive. i still get those sharp breast pains And I’m not really sure the cause of those, maybe they have to do with my back? they still scare me too.
should i at all be worried?? before this happened i used to be so happy but now i feel like i cant be because of this fear of breast cancer 😦

10-12-18, 18:09
I have dreamt many times about me telling people I have a brain tumour. That's all it is. A dream. Although it certainly does unnerve me at the time, we have to realise dreams are in no way shape or form premonitions.

Good luck and calm down:)

11-12-18, 02:27
This is where we start to get into Magical thinking and the negative biases that cause problems for our thinking.

I think what we have to remember is that we are already anxious and that is affecting our daily thinking. This spills over into our dream states because the mind is busy filing away it's daily paperwork to prepare you for the next day.

With the lady that had a dream and then ended up with it, I don't know the case, but it sounds like we could argue it was something on her mind already and she turned out to be right. Sometimes people's intuition is right. Sometimes people with lumps or bumps or symptoms do turn out to be cancer or something else horrible. But they are very much outliers. Whereas how many HAers do you ever hear about getting it right? We can certainly come up with an enormous amount of evidence to prove when they get it wrong.