View Full Version : Been to ENT and now......

30-08-07, 10:51
I have problems with dizziness and lightheaded and ear ache.. Been to docs no ear infection but i have wax in both.. gave me olive oil and some tabs for the dizziness.. The ENT guy stuck his lil pipe thing down my nose both of them and well we had to do it 4 times because i kept pulling out. Do you think this could of upset the balance of things?

The dizziness was coming on at night as I was going to sleep and when I woke in the morning this happened the first day of my ENT app. which was fri then sat and sunday.. it doesnt happen now..

I dont no what to do?!!?!?!!?

30-08-07, 20:49
I suffer with dizziness, earaches, sinus pain. I have had a CT scan, been checked by ENT dr and all is ok but I still suffer. Its anxiety me thinks;-)

31-08-07, 14:45
I'm really tense and anxious at the moment, particularly in the neck/shoulders. It's making me lightheaded and it's making my tinitus worse. It's really difficult not to worry - but it's often the worry that causes the symptoms. So relaxation and changing you reaction to the symptoms may help - if you can be strong and do that? Having said that I'm not doing a great job at the moment!

01-09-07, 22:11
Sounds like anxiety to me, I had this when I was really bad earlier this year and again for a while just recently when it came back, though not as bad as before. It went away after I kept telling myself it was just anxiety.
Try talking to yourself and telling yourself it's nothing bad, takes a bit of work, but you'll get there!!

01-09-07, 22:43
I was having problems with headaches, dizziness, earache, funny facial sensations, for a few months, and I believe this is what set my health anxiety off. I worried myself sick something was badly wrong with me, then I got toothache (in other teeth), went to the dentist, turns out it was all down to impacted wisdom teeth, and I need them taking out, can't get it done now though because I need a general anaesthetic (another thing to worry about) and I'm pregnant. Hope you find out what's up soon, and it may be worth seeing a dentist? xx