View Full Version : guess who's back! with...chest pains?

11-12-18, 00:36
hey all!! it's been... forever since i checked the forums. my previous problems and fears have left me but now i'm back with something new. chest pains and a fear of heart attacks.

some background info before i ramble on: i'm a teenager and am very healthy!! never had any issues in the past besides high resting heart rate from anxiety.

now, let's fast forward to today. i've been having chest pains!! out of nowhere... it started mid last month, just pains around the shoulder blade that would come and go. i figured it was just tense muscles and brushed it off. today and yesterday though, i've started feeling pain in my sternum (is that what it's called? lol, it's the bone at the center of my chest.) it pinches when i take a deep breath but it's on and off. i'm noticing it's mostly at night and when i'm sorta sitting not straight. i still have pains around the shoulder blade and spine, and i get headaches and jaw pain but that's not anything out of the ordinary (my jaw stiffens when i'm stressed so it hurts sometimes.)

should i be worried? should i just brush this off? i've been very stressed because of some recent events so i'm assuming maybe this is all linked. what's definitely NOT helping is me running into articles about heart attack symptoms :lac:

any info or personal experiences is appreciated!

11-12-18, 06:04
Your definitely NOT having a heart attack (((hugs)))

Have you spoken with your parents about your feelings of anxiety? Maybe they can get you an appointment with someone that can help you through it?