View Full Version : Bleeding after sex

30-08-07, 14:33
Girls, Do you every have a small spot of bright red blood after sex. This happened to me yesterday and of course I freaked out. Everytime something like this happens whether it's a weird period and bleeding between my cycle - I always freak out and think it's cancer.

I need some reassurance.


30-08-07, 15:08
its probably nothing, but i would go to your dr. when was your last smear? bleeding is also caused by STI's such as chlamydia or your pill is too weak.

30-08-07, 17:01
I have had this for a few months. It has only happened a few times as I have only....a few times:blush: but doc examined me and told me what it was but arranged an appt for me to go to hospital anyway. I was supposed to go on monday past but I cancelled:blush: or rather, rearranged.
The explanation I was given is that the cells that are normally on the inside of the cervix, some of them made their way to the outside of the cervix. They are more tender and sensitive than the outside ones (she likened it to the cells on your lips and the cells on the inside of your mouth) This won't cause any harm but it obviously causes worry and concern and in my case, a bit of discomfort which is why she made the appt.
I would get yourself an examination and get your mind put at rest. Make sure your smear is up to date.
Don't try to self diagnose though, as it can make you get in a state, like you have, or make you complacent about something that needs checked.
Forums are good for this sort of thing....doctors are better!

30-08-07, 17:59
:) Hi CrazyCool :)

I'm sure its nothing much, could be pill related if your taking it? Get yourself to the docs though, its the only way to get some answers. Speculating will only raise more questions! Hope all is ok,
Take care, CarpeDiem

30-08-07, 19:28
It is quite common this and usually a sensitive cervix issue. Don't worry but to put your fears to an end see the Dr or nurse and have a chat with them. Hugsxxxxxx

30-08-07, 23:37
Hi Crazycool! :flowers:

As others have said it can be due to a cervical issue. Last time I went for a smear the nurse said she saw a 'cervical ectropion' - basically cells usually found inside the uterus grow outside, around the cervical opening. They're rich in blood and, if damaged (say, by sex), can bleed a tiny bit. The condition is totally harmless and quite common, and occurs frequently in those who use oral contraceptives. It poses no problem unless you find the bleeding troublesome, in which case I think cauterisation can sometimes help.

There are other causes of spotting or bleeding between periods but I'm afraid I don't know much about those. Cancer is pretty unlikely though - I have period problems myself and my GP says that it's very often due to a hormone imbalance and nothing too sinister!

As others have advised, make sure your smears are up-to-date and if the problem persists or gets worse, see your GP. It might be worth keeping a diary too, so you can identify any patterns and also show your doctor.

Good luck - I'm sure you'll be fine :hugs:

Anna. x

31-08-07, 09:37

i have had this to i have had my smears and dont have another for a year but i do have a ectropian like black start they dont harm you it is just cells that are outside the cervix rather than inside .i allso get spotting of blood 2 weeks befor my period i have told the doc this and he sead it is ok nothink to stress about i think lots and lots of people get it hun dont worry x

jodie xx