View Full Version : Old lump on shin, new panic.

12-12-18, 13:21
So I have a small, verry small pea size lump on my leg the shin to be more precise. It feels like rubber, and moves around under the skin when I press on it.

I noticed this properly 10-12 yers ago, I remember it being summer and I scratched my leg and felt it, I then freaked out thinking I was dying of cancer. My Mom then noticed she has something similar and I calmed down, I calmed down so much that I forgot it the next 10 years.

Fast forward to last month.

I noticed it again, I then again trough I was dying and even though I remembered that I properly had it for at least 12 years, I freaked out ! Actually I’m still freaking out, my brain tells me I could be a new lump than before, even though it in the exact same place and leg. I also think my skin looks thicker in that area and that the skin is a tiny bit more white also.
My local brain says it probably just a fatty lump, but my anxiety won’t listen at all.

Anyone had a old anxiety thing that became a new one after many years??

12-12-18, 16:25
Hi there yes I’ve had that a couple of times, most recently I freaked out about dented stretch marks on the side of my boob, which I know have been there ages, but my brain convinced me it was new, that was 3 months ago, I’m a lot better than I was 3 months ago but I still check everyday and sometimes freak myself out with what I think is another new symptom, I’m getting there but I still have a way to go until I can stop thinking I have something sinister or will get something sinister in the near future, it’s a long road, hope you start feeling better soon xxxx

12-12-18, 20:27
thanks a lot :hugs:

I poked around a lot today, and my leg feel sore now, pretty stupid of me and of cause im afraid its cancer, even tough i know its my own fault :doh:

hope i can calm down so i can get some work done and sleep.

13-12-18, 20:59
Went training today, and now my leg hurt in the area of the lump. I have been picking it a bit today, Im so worried its cancer, bone cancer, I hate this feeling so much, I can figure out if i should see a doctor or not, I hate going there and haven't been for some time now, I also think they're will say its nothing, because its movable and all that.

If only my leg did not hurt