View Full Version : how do you stop the worry?

30-08-07, 15:05

sorry if i sound like i'm repeating myself from previous posts - i'm just so worried.. i keep thinking i've got some terrible illness - i can't even bring myself to write what it is :blush:!

almost 2 months ago i had a loop excision to remove some abnormal cells from my cervix apparently it was "a large area of severe abnormality".

since then i have been stricken with fear about HPV - i am terrified its caused changes in other parts of my body - i'm 26 and shouldn't be worried about things like this but i can't help it. what do i do? how can i get over this? i know i will always have the virus and i find this so scary. i was wondering if there was anyone out there who could offer advice on this who has experienced this or knows someone who has... its affecting my lovelife with my lovely boyfriend too - because i'm so afraid!:weep:

many thanks


31-08-07, 00:09
i can't relate exactly to your problem but i know what it's like to fear serious illness. my therapist tries to get me to see that worrying about it doesn't change the situation... your body will let you know if you're seriously ill whether you're hyper-vigilant about it or not. the best thing is just to stay as informed as you can. i don't know much about hpv but i would say all you can do is have regular checks - your doctor will be aware of what's best for you so you need to learn to trust that.

i'm sorry i can't give you any advice from personal experience - but like i said i know how it feels to always think the worst and live with the fear of serious illness so i hope you can stay strong.
