View Full Version : Panic of being arrested is back!

13-12-18, 00:05
Ok so if you have seen my posts over the past few years you will know I have a huge fear of being arrested due to getting in trouble with the law when I was younger and the whole situation has been stuck with me.

So it was my first night out in months as I do not drink much anymore and it was my works Xmas do, towards the end of the night we was in a club and everyone was a little drunk dancing etc. Then I remember some one pushing me in the side of the face and when I turned round people were holding him back, I walked off to the bar and didnt think much of it but then a bouncer came up to me and asked me to leave for the night, he didn't physically throw me out.

At the time I didnt think anything of it and all day Sunday I was fine, it was sunday night and I was in bed and the panic hit me out of nowhere, I started to think I had done something to someone like touched them in an inappropriate way and now I am going to be getting arrested for something bad. I remembered it all well but now I have been going over and over it is just a blue and I keep picturing myself doing something I didnt.

I know I never threw a punch or done anything bad, I keep telling myself I barged into him accidently and he didnt like it etc but my brain keeps going mad with different scenarios.

Since Monday I have been in bed worrying and called in sick 3 days in a row and left my bed only for dinner which I can barely eat. convinced every day the police will be round to get me, I also have a family xmas meal this weekend and convinced I will be arrested and kept in the police station the whole night away from my family even thought I KNOW I never done anything. Even though I know I didnt do anything I worry that someone will lie to get me in trouble!

Sorry for the long post, this is exactly why I don't drink anymore.

My worry of being arrested is very bad, I can sometimes worry if I brush past someone in the street and they shout assault. About a year ago I got home from work and on the news a suspected bomb threat had been planted on the exact road I had walked past only half hour earlier and was convinced I was caught on CCTV walking through and would be a suspect. I once got attacked and wallet stolen, but I was the one worried I had done something bad. It really does get out of control

13-12-18, 02:04
Were you so drunk you can't remember what happened? You seem to be saying you weren't and can clearly remember it so you would know if you had done something. And your colleagues would have witnessed any fighting so even if you struggle to remember you could always ask what they thought happened.

But as you say it could just be a misunderstanding. And I wouldn't read into the bouncers actions because if you are a bloke they will kick you out of the most minor of things whereas if you were a woman. :lac: And for all you know, unless the bouncer explained it, the other guy could have told them any pack of lies (likely) to spite you.

As for the police though, anything the bouncer was told that was enough for that and they would have called them and kept you there.

So, it's likely just an idiot trying to get back at you in a cowardly way and you overthinking if you can remember things clearly.

13-12-18, 02:11
Thanks for the reply!

I was drunk but not drunk where everything is a total black out, I remember the whole night, but where I keep thinking about that moment over and over it seems to be coming more unclear and harder to remember :wacko: I know its just my anxiety making me think these things but its so hard to shake off.

Bouncers must remove people from pubs/clubs so many times in a night so I am no different I guess.

Thats what I keep thinking, if I had done something serious they wouldn't have just let me walk away. I know I never hurt anyone or anything but the more I think about it the more my mind is playing tricks on me.

I know its something I need to get sorted, I can't keep living in fear of being arrested over things that do not even matter.

13-12-18, 02:49
I think bouncers are more hot on getting the police out than they used to be because the environment has changed. Fights are one thing but there is so much about men touching up women these days that there is a more zero tolerance attitude and clubs are looking more towards their legal liabilities.

But yeah, bouncers just see blokes as problems so chuck us out if there is anything that could start up. It's the same with not even letting groups of blokes in. They are much more lenient on the women as they are less likely to be a problem later if they need to restrain them.

I think you are right, your anxiety is twisting everything and you get to a point where there are so many "what ifs" going on you can't be sure anymore. If you came back to it less anxious you would find yourself more logical about it.

13-12-18, 22:57
Terry is absolutely right here. Being thrown out of a club happens dozens and dozens of times every Saturday night up and down the country

If you had done something arrestable you wouldn't have been thrown out so you could disappear into the night. Police arrive..hey where's the bloke you called us about.....oh I let him go over an hour ago. It just doesn't work like that. You would have been kept there until they arrived.
I reckon there was an unintentional shove or push, other guy objected and you were deemed the guilty party and chucked out. As I said happens dozens of times.

13-12-18, 23:05
I can understand your concern. I'm subject to legal issues at the minute

I've had to move city out of fear of the police. I. Struggle to get out, find work, build friends.

I know what I did was wrong but the constant fear kills me

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