View Full Version : Really worried about getting cholesterol results tomorrow

13-12-18, 10:47
Hi guys. I haven't been here for ages. My HA has been heaps better but I am just having a 'moment'.

Last time I had my cholesterol checked (a good 4 years ago) it was 5.9 but my GP was not at all concerned because my bad cholesterol levels were actually really good and my over-all heart attack risk was extremely low.

Anyway, I had my cholesterol levels checked last Wednesday as my Dermatologist needed to check them and my liver before starting a certain medication. I go tomorrow to get the results and hopefully start my new meds.

I am really anxious that my cholesterol is going to be through the roof and they are going to say I could have a heart attack at any time. I am 36 and female so keep trying to convince myself it would take many years for super high readings to actually cause a heart attack.

I don't know if they have read the results already or will only look when I am actually at my appointment? I am expecting them to be raised and im ok with that but I keep thinking my levels will be like 10 or over and I could die at any moment.

I haven't felt this worried about my health in a long time. I didn't want to get them tested, I much prefer sticking my head in the sand, but knew that sticking my head in the sand changes nothing and I really want to start the medication so I can be acne free.

13-12-18, 10:59
I went through the whole cholesterol fear. I'd never had it done and my diet is far from perfect. I drank too much and didn't eat like I should. All this changed a few weeks before my cholesterol check and my reading came back as 2.6! Talk about amazed

I assume you're about to start Isotretinoin/Roaccutane.

Anyway in normal individuals, it takes yearrrrsssss for high cholesterol to cause issues. Just look at your diet and eliminate crappy foods.

Good luck

13-12-18, 11:01
Yes, I'm starting Isotretinoin.

I just keep hoping that the Dermatologist has looked at my results already and if they were dangerously high I would have had a call or letter telling me.

Thank you.

bin tenn
13-12-18, 13:13
You probably don't need to worry, IMO. My cholesterol has been a little off for at least the past three years. LDL a little high, HDL a little low, triglycerides high. I'm 31, and my doc put my numbers in a heart disease risk calculator. My 10yr risk was something like 11%, ideally should be 7% or less. All things considered, I was surprised it was still very low! I started a statin a couple months ago, and now my LDL is great. HDL is still a little low, but we're working on that. Early heart disease also runs in my family. I do still worry about it from time to time, but I feel much better now that we're getting things under control. You'll be fine!

13-12-18, 17:16
Thank you. I am fine with it being a bit high, I know it will be. I just don't want super high levels. I don't know if the dermatologist would have read my results by now and let me know if they were dangerously high? I just don't want to be told I could have a heart attack at any moment because they are over 12 or something.

Oh well, ill find out at 9.30 tomorrow.

13-12-18, 17:29
Thank you. I am fine with it being a bit high, I know it will be. I just don't want super high levels. I don't know if the dermatologist would have read my results by now and let me know if they were dangerously high? I just don't want to be told I could have a heart attack at any moment because they are over 12 or something.

Oh well, ill find out at 9.30 tomorrow.

If I’m understanding this right, you have no read to believe your levels will come back “super high”, you’re just worried about it just because?

You have to see the fallacy in that type of thinking. Not to mention even if they did, it’s easily corrected with diet and exercise. You’re putting way too much fear into a minor or nonexistent issue.

13-12-18, 17:50
Yes your dermatologist will read your results before releasing your rx for Roaccutane. They'll have also run a FBC, LFT and a pregnancy test if you're female

Honestly if your cholesterol is high its very easy to lower it as others have said with diet and exercise. If not, statins are good at doing this in combo 2ith a good diet.

Good luck and stop worrying :-)

bin tenn
13-12-18, 18:01
Even so, I doubt a drastically "off" cholesterol panel would mean heart disease / cardiac events are imminent. As it's been said, it takes years - decades, usually - for poorly managed cholesterol to cause problems.

13-12-18, 19:17
I have no reason to think it is super high no. It was raised last time. I know I am blowing everything out of proportion but it has been really helpful to discuss it. Thank you so much for your replies.

I have done extremely well with my HA. I have had a lot of treatment but I have still not really been able to tackle the fear around having my blood pressure taken and my cholesterol checked. I put off going on the acne meds for years because of the fear of having my cholesterol checked, so getting my blood done was a really big step, but understandably has triggered me a bit. I am going to try and concentrate on being proud that I have turned another corner by having the test done and look forward to hopefully being acne free.

You have all really helped, thank you again.

14-12-18, 05:26
It's perhaps worth remembering that in the UK the NHS don't even care about cholesterol levels until you get over 40 and they offer you a free health check where they may see it.

14-12-18, 07:48
That is good to know Terry. Thank you.

14-12-18, 19:05

So my levels are raised. 6.4 and my 'bad' cholesterol is not great.

I have been advised to go on statins, at least for the duration of my treatment as that makes cholesterol levels go very high. The Derm said he would advise me to take them forever but that is my GP's decision. In the past my GP has never been concerned because I have no other risk factors and they have never wanted me to go on statins before.

I have an appointment with a nurse practitioner on Thursday to get them and I will see what happens after my treatment. I am a bit worried but less anxious than I thought I would be.