View Full Version : Just wanted to post and say hello..

13-12-18, 15:55
Hello everyone.. I have been a member on here since 2007 but I rarely post, i did when I first joined, at that time this site literally saved my life because I realised i wasn't the only person suffering etc..it gave me strength to keep going.. In 2005 and 2007 I battled very severe Anxiety and depression..I got through it (not going into too much detail) or this post will be as long as hell..

First time I took Fluoxetine(prozac)and it took 6 weeks to help and 2nd time in 2007 I took Seroxat(paroxetine) and that took just over a week! to start working but that first week so so bad to get through..fast forward the years and in 2017 I decided I wanted to come off the Seroxat so spent a year cutting down with no problems..
Anyway fast forward to last few months and the Anxiety is back, my own fault but I should have knew better by the signs but thought I could manage it having been through it before, etc..but no matter how much exercise, positive thinking, mindfulness or anything has helped to stop it in its tracks..

So I managed to see my Dr today and fortunately he is trained in Mental Health, i had seen him before but didn't know he had an interest in it.. He spent 45 mins talking to me and he told me some things I think might be helpful to others on here so that's why I have written this post..

He told me to not try to 'battle on' hoping it will get
better because if you have had it before and it hasn't gone on it's own, then leaving it longer makes it harder and longer to treat and get better..people do this alot.
Never to feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek help..and when you do, if you are not happy with what you are being given or told then to seek a 2nd opinion..it's your right.
He said that I'd be shocked at how many patients he sees with mental health problems..it's so common nowadays.
I told him that my brother had given me some Diazepam to help me but I had not taken it because of it not being prescribed to me personally etc.. And with the laws on driving and prescribed medicines etc and the fear of addiction..etc.
He told me that you will always hear the bad about everything in life.. Diazepam has helped millions of people around the world and continues to do so.. If you take it as directed you will be ok..if it can help short term then why suffer..

He asked if i felt i should start taking Seroxat again as it had helped in the past and i said yes, but i am very worried about the side effects at start up as they can be bad so he said to start on the lowest i possibly could even though it will take longer to get to a therapeutic dose at first.

He prescribed me Diazepam to help with side effects also..even though i took some and it has'nt really helped just feel spaced out, maybe need more than 2mg as it's a low dose..

I just wish that there were more Doctors like him out there as it makes all the difference when you are feeling so low...

Anyway just wanted to post and hope i havent bored anyone to death...

Thanks for reading and thanks to everyone at 'Nomorepanic' for being here again..

13-12-18, 17:48
It's brilliant you have a doctor like that. A lot of them have no clue or it seems little interest.

I do think he's right about an increase of people with mental health issues. The sheer number of people suffering from anxiety disorders worldwide is staggering.
Which makes me wonder why pharm companies don't put more reasearch into specialised anti anxiety medication...not anti depressants. It's suprising really, out of sheer monetary greed alone, they would make a mint.

13-12-18, 18:36
Hi Darksky, yes i totally agree with what you said about the Pharm companies...

Hopefully there will be more specialised meds on the market in the future, but seems like most things they are a long time coming :lac:.
I'm sorry but i have bad brain fog and struggle to put all my thoughts into words if you get what i mean...took me forever to write that post, as Anxiety sufferers will know, brains on a go slow :doh:

13-12-18, 19:25
Hi CarmR, please don't worry about not posting much. I've been here since 2006 and still haven't reached 700 posts. People cope in different ways, some by posting a lot, others by reading rather than sharing. One thing is certain though, there are some wonderful people on these boards who have only ever been unstinting in their support.

13-12-18, 19:53
Thanks Fishman65,

You are so right, it has always been the same on this site..The people are all amazing..i guess we are all kindred spirits...
There are many knowledgable people here too..maybe i will ask for some advice on a few things because i have given up 'googling' as there is so much conflicting and horror stories, and i'm old enough to know which is which now thankgod, lol :doh:

Thankyou and i hope you are doing well :hugs:

13-12-18, 20:03
The beauty of this place, is we can post something and people will 100% get what you say.
No matter how supportive friends and family are they never can truly get it unless they have suffered themselves.

13-12-18, 20:16
I have always said that, to truly understand you have to have experienced it...:)

13-12-18, 20:58
A 45 minute GP appointment!!! That's what we all need! My lot have probably done a 45 minute course on mental health and how to get the patient out of the room in 10 minutes flat! I'm glad you had such a positive and helpful appointment though!

I hate to think how many times I have posted over the years..but it's certainly too many times! Welcome back, CarmR! Post as much or as little as you want!

13-12-18, 21:25
Ten minute appointments seem to be the norm now and that includes the time it takes to take your coat off and sit down. there's nothing more off putting knowing you have only minutes to explain yourself and I feel, what's the point. :shrug:

CarmR, sounds like you have a good one. :yesyes:

13-12-18, 22:23
Hi carmr , sort of welcome back if you know what I mean , it would be nice if no one needed this site but it has helped me through some very dark times .
If I'd had a Doc like yours seven years ago I probably wouldn't be in the mess I am , I wasn't even told the tablets he gave me were antidepressants never mind what to expect on starting taking them , anyway I won't bore you with that sad tale .
Diazepam does help and not everyone gets addicted my Docs seem so to think you take one and you are addicted he even said I was addicted and taking them every day until I pointed out I'd only been prescribed ten in three months , they aren't the answer but they take the edge off when things get unbearable.
I'd definitely stick with that Doc he sounds a star .
You've got better before , Ive a feeling you will do it again many on here do then disappear.
Take care .:)