View Full Version : Chest pain? Not sure what to do.

13-12-18, 19:20
Hey all. Just trying not to overreact.

I have some chest pain on both my left and right sides. Can also feel pain in my back on my left side. I have history of costochondritis (according to my doc) and can definitely feel the pain when I press on those areas. It's definitely more painful than it has been in the past, though, and it feels like more of a burning pain when I press than just an aching one of that makes sense.

Oh, and to make it all awesome I read an article about a woman who was having back pain and thought nothing of it, but was actually having a heart attack. :doh:

I'm thinking I should get it checked out but am unsure if that is just silly. I was at the doc last week with a really bad cold and they did take my vitals and BP and all was normal then. I was having pains then too but thought little of it as I thought it was my lungs hurting from congestion.

If I were to get it checked out I have three options:

1. Go to my regular doc. It isn't likely I'd get an appointment before next week though.

2. Go to urgent care. This is like a regular doc but they take walk ins. My fear here is that they're either going to think I'm crazy for coming there with chest pains or they're just not going to be helpful at all (whether or not it is serious).

3. Go to the ER. Obviously worried here they're going to think I'm insane or overreacting. Also pricey.

Any advice? I could push through the pain but of course I have the little voice at the back of my head that says "get it checked..." even though I know I'll hate myself if there's nothing wrong and I pay a bunch of money to be told that.

13-12-18, 19:31
What would I do? Hmmmmmmm If I had a history of inflammed breast bone cartilage...then I think I would probably presume that it has got worse since having the cold from coughing or posture or both. A heart attack would have more symptoms, and you were only checked last week - also you are saying it 'hurts to press' and that is not something of a heart attack. I think you will have to apply some logic here, is the pain hurting when you breathe? Are you breathless? Is your heart rate ok? You know, think it all through and decide if it is something that really seems to be an emergency. I think by the fact you are posting on an anxiety site, I would say this is definitely not ER necessary. As for the 'walk in'.....thats your choice.....but could you try some home-help (not sure what they say to do for this condition - stretches - warm bath - warm packs - painkillers?) and see if it helps before making a decision.

13-12-18, 19:33
The 4th option is to take some ibuprofen and push through it. I'm not a doctor but your age alone and your history of costochondritis along with getting over a virus is the most likely culprit. Besides, with a heart attack, it doesn't cause pain to press on the areas as with heart pain, it's inside and debilitating.

If you're that concerned, call the doctor and see what they say.

Positive thoughts

13-12-18, 19:40
Thanks, both of you. It always gets me because you think "chest pain" and you fear the worst. Even when it hasn't been in the past. And I'm concerned that if I were to, say, call my doc and said "chest pain" they would immediately be like "Go to the ER!!!!" and up my anxiety.

I just took a couple ibproufen and will see how I fare with that. Will probably try a hot bath tonight because I think wet heat is supposed to be helpful. I'm also starting to feel achy across my body which I'm sure is anxiety so, thanks anxiety.

13-12-18, 19:48
My husband rang with 'chest pain' once and ended up in A and E for hours, only to find he had bad indigestion. :blush:

13-12-18, 20:36
My husband rang with 'chest pain' once and ended up in A and E for hours, only to find he had bad indigestion. :blush:

I fear that exact response! Like I go in thinking that it's just rib pain and the actual professionals begin to freak out - that couldn't be good for my HA. :roflmao:

13-12-18, 20:40
Are you or have you been coughing a lot? I presume your lungs were checked last week to rule out a chest infection but I think you would know it if you had anything lung related because you would feel pretty ill.

It's probably a costochondritis flare which can be painful and persistent. You're doing all the right things for this. I'd say if the pain gets worse then go to the walk-in clinic and get your lungs checked/bloods taken again to check for infection.

I do hope things settle down for you, poppy. Chest pain is always alarming but more often than not muscle/costo-related particularly in someone your age.

13-12-18, 20:49
I fear that exact response! Like I go in thinking that it's just rib pain and the actual professionals begin to freak out - that couldn't be good for my HA. :roflmao:

I KNOW !!!! LOL I get what you are saying. When this happened, he was moaning all day and I was so certain it was indigestion (which he had clearly never had before !). He eventually called the out of hours doctor and they sent an ambulance ! ECG's blood tests and so on......I was freaking at this point.....:roflmao:Ended up with a bottle of gaviscon. LOL

13-12-18, 21:00
Better to be safe than gassy though...

13-12-18, 21:31
Are you or have you been coughing a lot? I presume your lungs were checked last week to rule out a chest infection but I think you would know it if you had anything lung related because you would feel pretty ill.

It's probably a costochondritis flare which can be painful and persistent. You're doing all the right things for this. I'd say if the pain gets worse then go to the walk-in clinic and get your lungs checked/bloods taken again to check for infection.

I do hope things settle down for you, poppy. Chest pain is always alarming but more often than not muscle/costo-related particularly in someone your age.

I have been coughing a fair amount. They did rule out a chest congestion, I'm thinking my ribs were hurting when I thought it was my lungs because my lungs were clear. I originally went to the doc because I have a history of having colds turn into bronchitis and/or pneumonia (last year I was given an inhaler) but I seem to be getting better aside from the rib pain so I don't think that's what it is this time. :shrug:

13-12-18, 21:36
Better to be safe than gassy though...

Indeed.....:roflmao:....but you know what I felt well embarrased about wasting NHS time, as did he. It was a doctor over reaction, then a paramedic over reaction, rather than us though. He is mega fit, and they said his heart rate was either worrying.....or he is mega fit (it was the latter LOL)

Aye, keep an eye on it Poppy, see how you are tomorrow I reckon. :D

14-12-18, 05:52
I have been coughing a fair amount. They did rule out a chest congestion, I'm thinking my ribs were hurting when I thought it was my lungs because my lungs were clear. I originally went to the doc because I have a history of having colds turn into bronchitis and/or pneumonia (last year I was given an inhaler) but I seem to be getting better aside from the rib pain so I don't think that's what it is this time. :shrug:

If you have been coughing a lot you have likely pulled the smaller muscles around your ribs. This can feel like someone has given you a good kicking! Every breath can mean you feel pain because the expansion is pushing on them. Sneezing or laughing will be something you don't want any of right now!

I thought the same as pulisa. If you were having breathing symptoms then I would be saying see your doctor because there is a possibility of what you have mentioned above.

I've had pneumonia, as an asthma sufferer, and I found the pain was quite bad. I woke up in the middle of the night with it and couldn't even sit up. My mum had pneumonia in recent years, elderly with asthma, and she couldn't get up without us lifting her and that was painful.

My mum also suffers from a lot of coughing in general, she has mild COPD now, which worsens when she has colds and obviously with chest infections. She finds she gets rib & back pain from this and it takes weeks to go.

But if you think you are having any symptoms of something like pneumonia your doctor would say be safe and let them check anyway. Breathing issues are always seen as a priority even if they turn out to be little of anything.

---------- Post added at 05:52 ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 ----------

I KNOW !!!! LOL I get what you are saying. When this happened, he was moaning all day and I was so certain it was indigestion (which he had clearly never had before !). He eventually called the out of hours doctor and they sent an ambulance ! ECG's blood tests and so on......I was freaking at this point.....:roflmao:Ended up with a bottle of gaviscon. LOL

But did he embarrass you further by letting out a belch that stopped everyone in the A&E? Basically sounding like the T Rex on Jurassic Park. Then announce he felt much better :yesyes:

I guess he's reached that age where dinner is followed by a Gaviscon chaser? :biggrin:

If he ever complains about bowel blockage it might be wise to check if he had a great big plate of sprouts earlier. Again, one big T Rex impression and all is well again :blush::roflmao:

14-12-18, 15:30
My two cents, not to be taken as medical advice, of course.

In 2013, in the midst of a kind of nervous breakdown after my friend's sudden death, I thought for sure I was having chest pains, and couldn't breathe. Went to the ER, spent hours, took EKG, Chest XRays. All Normal, but because I am a fat diabetic in my 40's they wanted to inspect further, so they ended up doing a heart catheterization on me a week later. Guess what? No problems found at all. It was my anxiety, and I was put on meds for it at that point, after spending thousands. Now, maybe you wouldn't have to spend thousands if you are somewhere other than the USA, but you get my point. I went through a lot.

Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't check it out, because everyone is different and you never know, I guess. I suppose you have to just go with your own instincts here...none of us can tell you with certainty what you should or should not do in this case.

17-12-18, 14:53
I wanted to come in and update - chest pain is nearly all gone and was definitely costochondritis. :blush: Cue the relief.

17-12-18, 19:45
Yay! :D

17-12-18, 20:42
Very good news! You didn't want that hanging over you in the run up to Christmas.

18-12-18, 01:49
Glad to hear you are doing better, Poppy! :yesyes::yahoo:

Another piece of evidence for future sessions when kicking the anxiety monster in the nuts :buttkick::biggrin: