View Full Version : Severe Health Anxiety

13-12-18, 20:22
Hi, Ive had health anxiety now for 5 years after the sudden death of my mum, things got a little better but now dad died 5 months ago and all the panic has returned. My main fear is a brain aneyurysm or tumor. I had a brain MRI and CT scan 3 years ago both were clear. I have developed a strange noise in my ear like someone is blowing in it when I bend down or strain, also I have a heartbeat sound in my head sometimes at night. I went to my GP and she examined my ear and said she could see pockets of fluid behind my eardrum but its nothing to worry about, she also listened to the pulse in my neck and said it was clear of any abnormal sounds. She has referred me to a ENT consultant and I am waiting for a appointment. How can I free myself of this fear that I am going to drop dead at any minute? I keep going lightheaded but I have done this for years. Has anyone else had the same fears as me and overcome this? Please help x

13-12-18, 21:39

I'm truly sorry to hear what you've been through. It would be dreadful to lose a parent so suddenly, and then for the other parent to pass away in a relatively short period of time. I'm sure it can't help much but I truly send you my greatest condolences and a virtual hug.

Anyway, I definitely think this is anxiety feeding on you.

1) Blowing in ear: I had practically the exact same thing a while back when my brain tumour fears were at their height. There's probably no physiological explanation for it. When I stopped paying attention to it (and moved on to the next 'symptom') guess what? It went away. I feel the same will happen to you.

2) Hearing heartbeat at night: You're in a very quiet room, lying in your bed trying to sleep. Other than when you're in bed trying to sleep - when are you ever in such a quiet environment? Never probably - even a library is louder! It can be normal to hear your pulse in your head when trying to sleep. The fact you've ran this past your doctor is even more reassuring. The reason I say this is normal is, us folk with anxiety tend to suffer from increased anxiety at night. Increased anxiety = faster, harder heart beat. Hence why you can hear it.

3) When your doctor listened to your carotid artery, she was listening for bruits. This a noise heard on auscultation with a stethoscope of stenosis caused by atherosclerosis. It's very reassuring this was negative as it rules out a significant blockage.

4) The fluid in your ear is very likely the cause of your balance issues - there's another condition (I'm certain you don't have it) called labyrinthitis. This is benign, although it causes serious balance issues. Most people with it are stunned to find they don't have more serious pathology. In other words, you'd be amazed how much a bit of fluid in your ear could affect your balance.

You've seen your doctor, who has apparently given you a very good "once over", and has found nothing of concern. I would be very reassured by that! I'm sorry I can't give much other advice on coping with the feelings (I'm currently undergoing CBT) but I do hope I've helped in someway.

Good luck, God bless and have a great Christmas

13-12-18, 21:55
Thank you so much for your reply I feel a sense of calm just reading what you have said, I just dont seem to be able to cope with any unexplained symptoms I just need answers all the time, I have had so many tests over the last few years, I have seen a cardiologist, Neurologist both NHS and private, I have had every test going MRI x 2, CT x 2, Echocardiogram, so many ECG Ive lost count but I still fall down a rabbit hole everytime I have a new feeling or sensation. I am wasting so much of my life. I hope CBT works for you I had a few sessions but perhaps I will try it again, once again thankyou x

14-12-18, 01:41
I'm so sorry for the loss of your parents. I know how the loss of someone close to you can set the HA demons in motion, as it happened with me, after the sudden loss of my lifelong best friend. I hope you are able to find some peace, or at least figure out a way to cope with these fears and after-effects of such a big loss in your life. It can be a very hard thing to do, but I hope you are able to succeed.

14-12-18, 09:57
Thankyou for your kind words x