View Full Version : Visible shaking legs and hand keeps cramping up

13-12-18, 20:25
Hi all

I basically drank a shedload of beer and wine on Tuesday night and have felt like crap for past 2 days... I'm not sure if it was fully alcohol withdrawals as I drank a lot over the weekend really.

Anyway, I didn't really eat much during those days and have forced myself to eat a meal today. My anxiety is sky high as I'm worried I'm going to have a seizure as part of the alcohol withdrawal (if thats what it is), as you can have seizures or the DT's up to 90 hours after your last drink.

Anyway I'm feeling really anxious that these shaky legs and hand cramps aren't gonna go away. I'm scared that it's Wernicke Korsakof syndrome and the shaking is muscle ataxia (which is a symtom of alcohol abuse) or the beginnings of a seizure.
Could it also be a result of not having eaten a lot the last few days or vitamin deficiency caused by this? I've been taking regular thiamine tablets, but just worried this time I've messed myself up totally. My health anxiety has been so high lately and the drinking has increased as a result (and vice versa).

Please help me, it won't stop. My bf says don't be so silly but it's not helping...
I'm 32 female. Thanks in advance.

13-12-18, 21:43
You got yourself one nasty hangover! :wacko: Add to that being dehydrated and no food and no wonder you feel like shit! :doh:

Get yourself some sports drinks (preferrably low or no sugar) and get some carbs and protein into you. Take ibuprofen for any body or head aches and for goodness sakes, lay off the alcohol for a while and let your body recover!

Positive thoughts

13-12-18, 21:49
I agree with Fishmanpa completely.

I'd also add that Wernicke's encephalopathy usually only occurs when a chronic, severely malnourished drinker is injected with glucose - or gets a sudden 'dose' of glucose from other means, e.g. in their diet or during VERY VERY severe withdrawal. Korsakoff's psychosis is the sequelae that occurs if IV Pabrinex is not given during Wernicke's. People going through Wernicke's are not aware of it.

Delerium tremens is actually quite uncommon, even in heavy drinkers. Only 6% of heavy dependent-drinkers develop clinically relevant alcohol withdrawal symptoms. And of that 6%, only 10% experience DTs.

I don't know why I've told you all this because I *know* you don't have alcohol withdrawal syndrome, but I suppose I've done it to reassure you.

Just keep an eye on your boozing habits!

Good luck

13-12-18, 21:58
Sounds like a hangover per the other 2 responses. If you’re going to drink, stick to one type of drink and make sure to have eaten and hydrated going in. The older we get, the harder the hangovers hit,

15-12-18, 17:03
Thanks for your replies.
So basically to clarify, if i had any form of brain damage from alcohol misuse, it would be blatantly obvious to others and myself? It wouldn't just be a case of trembling legs and high anxiety? As they are still trembling and hands still cramping.
Again, thanks in advance

15-12-18, 19:08
if i had any form of brain damage from alcohol misuse, it would be blatantly obvious to others and myself? It wouldn't just be a case of trembling legs and high anxiety?

No more reassurance for you! :winks:


Positive thoughts