View Full Version : Just really struggling right now.

Clydesdale Epona
13-12-18, 22:56
Sorry guys not expecting any replies just really want a ramble.

I seem to find I get more anxious when it's that time of the month because I forget things.
I took an ibuprofen for pain earlier and a few mins later an antihistamine(loratadine) for my rash. I then panicked that I mixed the two and basically would die. I checked online (I know googling is a no no) and found they don't have any known reactions but started to think I'd just be the rare exception.
I calmed down a little and notice I was kinda breatheless and thus panicked it was because of the pills. I took a puff of my Ventolin and panicked even more before realising its non steroid and now I'm left with the bad breathing lol

I'm aware this all seems out of proportion but I feel so lost right now like I don't know what's real anymore? Just sat here so confused like I don't know if I'm waiting to die or what?

Just really sick of anxiety sometimes :(

13-12-18, 23:33
OK so you took some ibuprofen, then loratadine followed by salbutamol - and you think you're going to die?

That will not cause death. No chance. None. Nada. Impossible.

HOWEVER, I assume because you're on salbutamol that you have asthma? Asthmatics should generally NOT take ibuprofen. Because it can cause wheezing etc.

Im certain you'll be fine. Just don't mix the NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aspirin) again if you have asthma.

Good luck and calm right down :-)

Clydesdale Epona
13-12-18, 23:51
Thanks I'm feeling a little better, I'm aware they shouldn't be mixed and only took one but I'll avoid in the future.

They haven't caused me any harm before and not sure if I even have asthma as I don't wheeze and Haven't yet had an attack. I just get shortness of breath.

My doctor uust gave me it to try because the breating test didn't come up abnormal and just been on it since really :)

Thanks for replying weren't expecting anything as I know deep down I was being silly just really gets to me sometimes x

14-12-18, 01:35
I can empathise, I also get more anxious around my TOTM, because I tend to feel extra dizzy, lightheaded, tired, weak, etc. Been checked for anemia but I don't have that. I have no idea why, I always feel worse around my period.

I also tend to get forgetful and can't remember if I've taken my meds for that day, worry if I've taken too many etc.

Ibuprofen and antihistamines are very common medications and if there were some sort of interaction, it would definitely be listed. If you are really worried you can always speak to a pharmacist. But I am certain taking the two together will do you no harm.

14-12-18, 05:35
Loratadine is a very commonly used antihistamine available over the counter. It's known to have very few interactions.

I have to take it alongside my BP meds some times due to the itching they cause.

There will be know issue with combining it with asthma, many of us will have taken it for hayfever.

Obviously checking for interactions is wise but this antihistamine is very safe.

Like RadioGaGa says though, the ibuprofen should be used only under medical guidance. I've taken it at various times throughout my asthma life time (> 35 years, they've decided it's disappeared now for a while). The lack of wheezing when I didn't even use my inhalers, or when I did, meant they decided it has gone and hidden under a rock for now.