View Full Version : Pressure behind nose (anxiety)

14-12-18, 13:22
Hi first time posting on here. Been reading lots of posts and found them extremely helpful. My issue is I was wrongly diagnosed with a tremor last year at which point I freaked out and was googling like mad (I know wrong thing to do). After lots of doctor visits and an MRI was told it's anxiety. I have body switches at night and noise going through head, normally worse when stressed. I also feel shakey in the morning. My main issue is the strong heavy sensation behind my nose that peaks when stressed and goes away when relaxing and it's driving me mad! I'm had this 30 years ago and it's returned. I just can't stop thinking about it so making it worse. When I do yoga and meditate I feel good but before I know it the pressure is back! I'm just wondering if anyone out there has something similar and how they cope? For info doctor put me on antidepressants 2 weeks ago but not feeling any benefit as yet. :-(

bin tenn
14-12-18, 13:33
I think this is what I get occasionally as well. It's hard to describe, but it's a pressure/heaviness/tightness near/behind my nose. I don't know what causes it, but I've taught myself to just push it aside. It's a non-issue, IMO.

14-12-18, 15:01
Thank you for replying, I've never heard anyone else having this odd symptom so it's actually nice to hear. I know it's definitely anxiety but it's got such a grip on me at the moment I can't get out the cycle of thinking about it which just makes it worse. I'm know what I should do but putting it in practise is almost impossible for me! :-(

bin tenn
14-12-18, 18:49
I understand. I kind of thought I was the only one, too, but apparently not! Please do try to practice what coping skills and such you have been taught. It will be fine.

14-12-18, 19:47
Thank you appreciate your reply. :-)

14-12-18, 20:29
I've had this too. I always thought it was a pressure thing from the weather! X

15-12-18, 13:19
Appreciate everyone's comments. Makes me feel I'm not alone. This forum has helped me so much with my anxiety. :-)