View Full Version : Mirtazipane Dosage.....

14-12-18, 20:44
5 weeks into Mirtazipane in total and 3 weeks on 30mg and the anxiety/depression not lifted after initially feeling better. Wondering how long to wait until trying 45mg?

14-12-18, 23:23
Hi Jonny7

Has your doctor suggested you try 45mg? If he has told you that you may do this without further appointments with him, there's no reason you couldn't increase it now.

On the other hand, if your doctor has not advised you to do this and you just want to increase it to 45, speak to him BEFORE doing so!!!

Good luck

15-12-18, 00:13
I think you should give 30mg a couple more weeks before increasing. When is your next appointment with your GP/doctor? I would make an appointment if you haven't already got one booked.

15-12-18, 01:51
I agree with KK. It's not so much the total time as the time on the current dose you have to look at and 3 weeks it pretty short.

02-01-19, 18:47
Feeling very down and anxious as I was feeling completely better on the 45mg dose. After 6 days of bliss, breakthrough anxiety has come through and I’m now in a sensitised state for most of the day. I tried to drift through it and ignore yesterday but succumbed to taking a Lorazepam this afternoon to get me through the day. Back to work tomorrow and really hoping this is an extended blip and I will start to feel better again. No where else to go dosage wise as I’m on 45mg Mirtzipane before bedtime and 200mg Sertraline in the morning.