View Full Version : Headache worries

16-12-18, 02:01
Let me set the scene for you-
I woke up with a dull, nauseating headache that gave me chills on Thursday. I took 3 Advil and it didn’t help. Friday I went to work and took 1 excederin and that did help. The weather is rainy and gross here, the temp keeps going up and down. My headache is back today.

I just graduated college TODAY!! So I was certainly stressed to get finished. I also started my period today- but they aren’t usually painful. Maybe they can change from time to time. I’ve heard you can get period migraines. I usually don’t have headaches for this long. I was also experiencing some aches in my body, my upper back, my neck, my lymph nodes felt a little swollen? Am I freaking myself out? Probably. I had some chest tightness and soreness yesterday but maybe it was anxiety because that’s gone after graduation. I’m just worried something is wrong with me because I just feel achy, and this headache won’t leave me be! I can’t stop thinking that something is wrong. :( the headache started in my forehead and then went to the right side, and my eyes, and now it’s on the sides of my head going towards the back, and in my forehead and eyes. It’s worse if I sit or stand. Ugh I wish I didn’t worry so much.

---------- Post added at 02:01 ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 ----------

Side note- I do not feel sick other than this headache / aches

16-12-18, 04:34
It sounds like a tension headache. I get these from time to time and they can last a LONG time in truth. I use to have to go to the nuerologist every time I got one that lasted more than a week. He would give me some sort of cocktail consisting of 4 different medications and it always broke them within 2 days. I know 2 of the medications, one was naproxen and 1 was a muscle relaxer called skelaxin but I cant recall the other two. I stopped going because at the time I lost my insurance and those appts were expensive.. I took to the drug store after that and kept trying different headache meds till I found one that worked... Surprisingly excedrin tension headache did the trick and I still keep it in the medicine cabinet for when I get one.
I get migraines and other types of headaches but the tension headaches are always the ones that linger and I'm talking about non stop headache for days and days. Go to bed with it and wake up with it... Maybe give the excedrin tension headache a try.

I hope you get relief soon, I know how much these can take out of you.

17-12-18, 06:55
Definitely sounds like a tension headache, perhaps made worse by hormones. I’ve gone through phases of having similar thing that even lasted for a month or two straight, as was vicious circle - the more I worried about it the more tension in my head! Hope you can take some time to relax now and feel better soon!

17-12-18, 15:53
I'm going through the same at the moment - long term tension type headache that has been on and off for almost 2 months now, starting early November. I have gotten migranes after my period before so I think it's partially hormone related for me - my current one started just before my period when my estrogen levels dropped and I'm headed towards midcycle now and it's still there. I got some relief after ovulation last month so I'm entertaining the hormone hypothesis as at least making it worse if not causing it altogether.

Maybe try to relax, take some pain meds, and see if it abates after a few days? It sucks that they can't do more for headaches - I'm thinking I might get some blood work to see if there is a physical precursor but if that comes back clear I'm stuck with the old "reduce stress, exercise, etc. etc.". :P