View Full Version : How to deal with a relapse of anxiety?

16-12-18, 02:47
I have gotten to the point with my anxiety when I can kind of distinguish between rational and irrational fears, even though I still get anxious. But now part of my fear is actually having anxiety, if that makes sense.

How do you deal with an anxiety flareup and not let it get out of control?

16-12-18, 23:21
It makes perfect sense scaredpt. Thinking you may be stuck with anxiety is frightening for sure, though not everyone is. People can go through periods of anxiety and then gradually it can fade into the background. Of course, some anxiety is rational, at least the reason for having it is. For instance if you were confronted by an escaped tiger, to be frightened is a normal response.

Dealing with flare ups depends upon the individual but there are techniques we can use. CBT is very popular and you'll find links on this site. Relaxation works for some, mindfulness is very much 'in vogue' these days and then there is medication. The best way I deal with flare ups is to see them as a setback. I am on the road to eventual recovery but a setback is when we have strayed from the main path, but will find our way back. Other times I think 'ok yes the anxiety has jumped on me again but I've survived before and will again'. I wish you well.