View Full Version : It hurts when I cough

30-08-07, 20:53
I have had bronchitis, i was diagnosed with it about 3 weeks ago, was coughing 2 weeks previous to that but then it got very chesty so I went to the dr. Had antibiotics, all seems to be clearing but ive still got a dry cough which my GP said is normal.

Since last thursday when I cough I get a dull kind of ache down my right side of my breast, the inside side iyswim:winks:

I only get this wierd dull ache/trapped wind type feeling when I cough not when breathing. Would you say its a strain then and nothing serious? I am booked into see a dr next tuesday but im starting to get concerned as its not getting any better but im still coughing so I suppose it won't. I didn't have any pain when I had bronchitis.

I thought it could of been wind because ive been suffering with alot of wind in my chest and back over the last week but its in the same place when I cough so I doubt its that.

Ekkk getting paranoid I will need an x ray and find something bad because my cough hasn't 100% cleared up:blush:

30-08-07, 20:55
Forgot to add it seems to be worse when i wake up in the night or first thing in the morning after lying down when I cough the discomfort is alot worse????

05-09-07, 10:33
Hi Cherry,

How did you get on at the doctors? It sounds like it is a muscular strain to me caused by the coughing. Also having bronchitis you would have been working your respiratory muscles harder than normal so the have possibly become a bit tender.

Take Care,

Neil x

05-09-07, 21:15
Hiya Neil,

Saw dr and he said its muscular and not to worry at all:-)

Thanks for asking hun.