View Full Version : Fear of Sporadic fatal insomnia

18-12-18, 10:11
Hello everyone i have had some concerns over my sleeping the past couple of days. I am almost unable to sleep and when i do get to sleep it is only for about 3-4 hours. Also another concern is that when do finally sleep i don't recall to have any dreams. so its like i just open my eyes back up and time has passed. i also have been experiencing body twitching, cramps, and very dry mouth. my fears have me so worked up i am worried about even trying to go to sleep.

bin tenn
18-12-18, 12:44
I know next to nothing about SFI, but I know you almost 100% certainly do not have it. This has been a theme in the past on the forum, and it's just not something anyone should really be concerned about, IMO.

18-12-18, 12:46
This is an EXTREMELY rare entity. Its only been reported in the literate in about ~30 people worldwide. I had never heard of it until I came on here actually. Where it seems to be quite a common fear.

I would bet my life savings on it that you won't be the next case study.

Source: NORD (National Organisation of Rare Disorders)

18-12-18, 13:24
Aha, here is SFI! I was wondering where it went lol :) I recall from AZ there were tons of people worrying about it.

OP, I know this probably won't help but I will try anyway: "Only 9 cases of sporadic fatal insomnia have ever been diagnosed as of July 2005".

Does this help? And no, you won't be an exception :lac:

18-12-18, 13:42
Aha, here is SFI! I was wondering where it went lol :) I recall from AZ there were tons of people worrying about it.

OP, I know this probably won't help but I will try anyway: "Only 9 cases of sporadic fatal insomnia have ever been diagnosed as of July 2005".

Does this help? And no, you won't be an exception :lac:

SFI is up there with rabies and ALS in the fantasy illness category :winks:

Positive thoughts

18-12-18, 15:34
SFI is up there with rabies and ALS in the fantasy illness category :winks:

Positive thoughts

I read this and pictured a March Madness style bracket to narrow down the top fantasy illness.....

18-12-18, 15:41
I read this and pictured a March Madness style bracket to narrow down the top fantasy illness.....

Just wait... There's another Ebola epidemic in Africa going on... :wacko:

Positive thoughts

18-12-18, 18:13
This is so rare you have a better chance of being hit by lightning while reading this response than you do of getting SFI.

18-12-18, 18:15
This is so rare you have a better chance of being hit by lightning while reading this response than you do of getting SFI.

And to add to that - getting hit by lightening whilst reading this and simultaneously winning the lottery and getting a visit from the Queen herself!

18-12-18, 18:23
Just wait... There's another Ebola epidemic in Africa going on... :wacko:

Positive thoughts

Looks like a solid Final Four....

18-12-18, 18:39
Just wait... There's another Ebola epidemic in Africa going on... :wacko:

Positive thoughts

And the brain eating amoeba and flesh eating bacteria as well. They are watching and waiting, always waiting...

18-12-18, 22:14
Thanks for the responses, It just makes me nervous that i only get around 3 hours of sleep and then i can't seem to dream at all. and that's one of the first signs of the disease. I worry often but its never been this bad before.

18-12-18, 22:35
Fantasy-wise, this has to be on par with spontaneous human combustion...has there ever been a thread on that?

18-12-18, 22:54
Actually now you come to mention it, I can smell burning ;)

Ray you really, really haven't got this condition. If you are latching on to the fact you don't dream and diagnosing from that, well I can tell you my other half swears he never dreams. All his life he reckons he's never dreamt. Of course he has, he just never remembers them.
Even in 3 hours of sleep, you will have gone through cycles and you will have dreamt, you just are not remembering them

bin tenn
19-12-18, 01:41
It's beyond rare that I ever recall dreaming. Sometimes, especially during really rough times, I've had very little sleep. Lack of dream recall and a period of poor sleep doesn't mean much of anything.

20-12-18, 17:38
Thanks for the responses, It just makes me nervous that i only get around 3 hours of sleep and then i can't seem to dream at all. and that's one of the first signs of the disease. I worry often but its never been this bad before.
There are literally MILLIONS of people, many on this forum, who have those same symptoms. Bad sleep is a multi billion dollar business, and that is because bad sleep is so common.

20-12-18, 18:28
Wait! There's another Ebola scare??
The last one did have me a little worried when my son told me they got special training at his job and the Ebola suits.

Then it hit home.