View Full Version : Worried about Heart Attack

16-12-18, 11:26
I am really worried as my mother was diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia and originally when I heard about it I was not that worried but now I am completely stressing out as I have read up on it and how bad it is and I am 22 and have to worry about this all my life and am also worried about my mum now as this seems really bad. Was wondering if anyone knew anything about this and could help me find at least a little more of a positive view.Additionally I also have several symptoms such as left arm discomfort and light headedness so am worried I may already have CHD or something and that causes me to stress more. Thanks for reading.

---------- Post added at 11:09 ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 ----------

Just wanted to say also my mum was told that "The laboratory could not find a gene change which would cause your high cholesterol" but not sure what that means.

---------- Post added at 11:26 ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 ----------

Also found this link https://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/11/02/benefits-familial-hypercholesterolaemia which said this
more surprising is that according to the The Simon Broome FH Register Group,
the mean life expectancy in FH is as long as for other people; more die from
CHD at a young age, but fewer die from cancer and other diseases later in life.16
These calculations were based on a selection of FH people with close relatives,
who had died early, and the authors therefore assumed that the prognosis would
have been even better for unselected individuals. Also, before 1900 their life
expectancy was longer than for the general population,17 probably
because high cholesterol protects against infectious diseases,18 the
commonest cause of death at that time." which sounds good but am unsure how good the source is

16-12-18, 12:39
Hi Jamie 123

If there is a history of FH it's important you get your cholesterol checked. This can then be treated.

The BMJ is a very reliable source. However I have never heard of people with high cholesterol living longer - if that were true, surely we wouldn't treat it? So please don't let your cholesterol go unchecked because of that one article.

You don't need to panic but definitely get it checked soon and follow your doctors advice.

Good luck

16-12-18, 20:17
Hi Jamie 123

If there is a history of FH it's important you get your cholesterol checked. This can then be treated.

The BMJ is a very reliable source. However I have never heard of people with high cholesterol living longer - if that were true, surely we wouldn't treat it? So please don't let your cholesterol go unchecked because of that one article.

You don't need to panic but definitely get it checked soon and follow your doctors advice.

Good luck

Hey thank you for the message I will definately look into getting tested just using the study to somewhat calm me down but I have again panicked myself by reading that 85% of men with FH have a heart attack by age 60 and am panicked again. As a medical professional is there any more you can tell me about this disease? Also would you happen to know what the no genes found thing means in my original post in this thread as I am unsure but my mum keeps saying it means she wouldnt pass it on to us?
Thanks again for your message.

16-12-18, 20:54
I'm not a doctor I should clarify, popping in from Pharmacy however :)

Anyway, FH needs to be treated because its a problem with how your body breaks down cholesterol - in other words, it CAN'T be treated by a good diet *alone*. The threshold for diagnosing it is a total cholesterol reading of >7.5mmol/L or LDL reading >4.9mmol/L. Have you ever had your cholesterol taken? Really the reason it causes issues is because the person has massively elevated cholesterol levels from a young age, which builds up and then leads to CAD etc a younger age.

But, re-reading your post - did they tell your mother that she had FH or that she just had very high cholesterol? There's no point considering the diagnosis any further because, even if she does have it, there's a 50% chance you DON'T.

A simple fasting blood test will tell you. Arrange it at your GP surgery and follow up with them :)

Good luck and keeps us posted

bin tenn
16-12-18, 20:56
I think you're reading too deeply into this study, and worrying unnecessarily. Rather than obsessively thinking about the "what ifs", I recommend focusing on acceptance and doing what you can, reasonably, to reduce your own risk of early heart disease. Accept that this is a thing. Accept that you may or may not develop early heart disease - virtually anyone can potentially develop it. Make lifestyle changes as needed - if you smoke, stop; if you don't exercise much, start; if you're overweight, talk to your doc about healthy weight loss options; and so on.

16-12-18, 21:46
I'm not a doctor I should clarify, popping in from Pharmacy however :)

Anyway, FH needs to be treated because its a problem with how your body breaks down cholesterol - in other words, it CAN'T be treated by a good diet *alone*. The threshold for diagnosing it is a total cholesterol reading of >7.5mmol/L or LDL reading >4.9mmol/L. Have you ever had your cholesterol taken? Really the reason it causes issues is because the person has massively elevated cholesterol levels from a young age, which builds up and then leads to CAD etc a younger age.

But, re-reading your post - did they tell your mother that she had FH or that she just had very high cholesterol? There's no point considering the diagnosis any further because, even if she does have it, there's a 50% chance you DON'T.

A simple fasting blood test will tell you. Arrange it at your GP surgery and follow up with them :)

Good luck and keeps us posted
Basically I believe that my mother was diagnosed but they did not find a gene which would cause it. I have not myself had a cholesterol test but will have one as a result of realising how serious this disease can be and how important it is to treat it from early. Would you happen to know if the drugs they give are effective for controlling cholesterol in this case of FH and whether they will help me. My mum is already on some medication for these but I am not. I am just really worried it will be too late as I am having some small symptoms such as feeling like my hand goes numb and discomfort in my left shoulder and back and at 22 that is really scary.

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:45 ----------

I think you're reading too deeply into this study, and worrying unnecessarily. Rather than obsessively thinking about the "what ifs", I recommend focusing on acceptance and doing what you can, reasonably, to reduce your own risk of early heart disease. Accept that this is a thing. Accept that you may or may not develop early heart disease - virtually anyone can potentially develop it. Make lifestyle changes as needed - if you smoke, stop; if you don't exercise much, start; if you're overweight, talk to your doc about healthy weight loss options; and so on.
You are 100% right I will definitely look into getting tested and taking steps to reduce my risk however its just worrying reading about otherwise healthy people who still have problems and with me being overweight it really worries me I have done irreparable damage:weep:

16-12-18, 21:59

Yes treatment is effective at lowering their cholesterol. This is usually a high dose statin, and can include others such as ezetimibe, bile acid sequestrants and fibrates. A healthy diet + exercise. You'd get referred to a specialist

BUT - really try to stop worrying about it right now, until you get your blood test. Even if it is positive, it's not the end of the world!

Good luck

bin tenn
17-12-18, 02:18
I agree with RadioGaGa. My doc started me on a low dose statin a few months ago (20mg Atorvastatin / Lipitor). So far so good. The follow-up labs showed my LDL ("bad") lowered by 50+ points, down to a normal value. Now I just have to focus on lifestyle changes to bring my HDL up. Please do take the advice and try to stop worrying so much! Feel well soon.

17-12-18, 02:44
Hi Jamie 123

If there is a history of FH it's important you get your cholesterol checked. This can then be treated.

The BMJ is a very reliable source. However I have never heard of people with high cholesterol living longer - if that were true, surely we wouldn't treat it? So please don't let your cholesterol go unchecked because of that one article.

You don't need to panic but definitely get it checked soon and follow your doctors advice.

Good luck

There's a lot of "assumes" in the quoted text above. I haven't read it but I get the impression this is more an empirical study. What do you think? It doesn't seem to conclude, more assume a conclusion.

I'm sure you know there are many studies that are far from conclusive being in the medical industry. The more recent links made (without any causation determined) between Diazepam and death rates, for instance. Or the absolute BS being peddled against Pregabalin including from medical circles where they try to imply those prescribed by doctors are abusing them the same as substance misusers (and laughably quoting abuse in prisons as relevant to the general population! :doh:)

17-12-18, 08:25
I would agree with that; particularly there was the infamous case of Andrew Wakefield (MMR linked to autism) which was fabricated for his own reasons. I'm not saying that's the case with the cholesterol makes them live longer study - but certainly I've never heard of anything like that even being suggested before haha

Personally Pregablin is causing MASSIVE issues in thepart of the UK that I'm from. Its the Nr 1 drug of abuse here. Its becoming a CD along with Gabapentin in due course. However, I think that will do very little for those who really want to abuse it.

17-12-18, 13:58
I would agree with that; particularly there was the infamous case of Andrew Wakefield (MMR linked to autism) which was fabricated for his own reasons. I'm not saying that's the case with the cholesterol makes them live longer study - but certainly I've never heard of anything like that even being suggested before haha

Personally Pregablin is causing MASSIVE issues in thepart of the UK that I'm from. Its the Nr 1 drug of abuse here. Its becoming a CD along with Gabapentin in due course. However, I think that will do very little for those who really want to abuse it.
I didnt really think that it would be better to have FH but I was just trying to use that study in my mind to tell myself it isnt as bad as the 85% article I read until I can go to the doctor.

17-12-18, 15:04
Jamie, here's the deal. Heart disease, high BP and cholesterol issues run in my family. I ended up with it as well as a few other relatives. Was it totally due to hereditary factors? NOPE! I'm ultimately responsible. Honestly, I never gave it a 2nd thought growing up as I don't and didn't have HA. I partied hearty, smoked, drank etc. Frankly, that's what did it. Had I lived a healthy lifestyle from my youth, I possibly would have developed issues from familial reasons but who knows :shrug: Too late now! That said, I'm proof that one can survive and manage well with lifestyle changes and meds.

The bottom line is you're young and have the opportunity now to make life decisions and lifestyle choices to help you avoid physical issues in the future.

Positive thoughts

17-12-18, 19:50
Jamie, here's the deal. Heart disease, high BP and cholesterol issues run in my family. I ended up with it as well as a few other relatives. Was it totally due to hereditary factors? NOPE! I'm ultimately responsible. Honestly, I never gave it a 2nd thought growing up as I don't and didn't have HA. I partied hearty, smoked, drank etc. Frankly, that's what did it. Had I lived a healthy lifestyle from my youth, I possibly would have developed issues from familial reasons but who knows :shrug: Too late now! That said, I'm proof that one can survive and manage well with lifestyle changes and meds.

The bottom line is you're young and have the opportunity now to make life decisions and lifestyle choices to help you avoid physical issues in the future.

Positive thoughts
Yeah you are right I will look into getting an appointment soon and making sure thats I have the best treatment possible whether that be diet changes or medication. I am just worried that as I am overweight and usually stress a lot I could have done irreparable damage and could have CHD at 22:weep:

19-12-18, 02:07
In the past few days I have been worried about this https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=226601 and now I am really worried that while I am sleeping something bad may happen due to my heart being damaged or my arteries being blocked. This is due to the fact I have had several symptoms today including discomfort in left side shoulder and arm discomfort in chest, severe nausea(currently), pins and needles, feeling strong heartbeat in my stomach, nausea when lying down on right side and a feeling of breathlessness at times and also headache at times especially when in certain positions and bending over. I am really panicking this will be the end of me and dont know what to do so I thought I would write to see if anyone has any advice.:weep::weep:

---------- Post added at 02:07 ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 ----------

Also the nausea I experience is mainly when sitting or lying down and often goes away at least partially when I stand up. Also when I stood up I felt a sharp (moderate pain) in the middle of my chest which quickly came and went and also dizziness with neck discomfort. I dont know what to do :weep:

19-12-18, 07:15
Get yourself checked by a doctor so you don't have to worry anymore.

19-12-18, 08:07

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


19-12-18, 08:32

Go and get your cholesterol checked. Even the most experienced Cardiologist on the planet could not give you a diagnosis on here. Without knowing your cholesterol you don't know where you stand.

The chest pains etc are probably your anxiety playing up.

But please see your doctor regarding everything you've posted in this thread.

Good luck