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View Full Version : Back pain and pain with deep breaths

19-12-18, 03:04
This morning I suddenly (while sitting- no obvious cause) had pain in my mid-left back, and when I tried to take deep breaths I felt like something in my chest (left lung?) was fluttering or spasming disturbingly. I went to urgent care and by the time a doctor saw me a few hours later my back hurt a little less and the disturbing flutter was gone, though deep breaths still hurt. Now it's nighttime and I still have minor back pain but breathing is basically fine.

Last night I woke up suddenly from a dream in which I'd gotten a foreign object stuck up my left nostril. Upon waking (very suddenly in the middle of the night, which is rare for me) I had trouble breathing for a few seconds because my left nostril was totally blocked. I got up and walked around a bit and it cleared and I went back to bed. (No congestion or anything so not sure why it was blocked). Some blood in left nostril today, though that's not uncommon for me in the winter, and I used nasal saline spray as always to prevent a full-on nosebleed.

The doctor didn't do any tests other than listen to my lungs and heart with a stethoscope. She basically said 'you're 25, it's unlikely to be anything serious'. Is it possible there's a foreign object in my lung? Or something else serious?

19-12-18, 03:55
I’d tend to agree with your doctor. I think you’d be aspirating if there was something in your lung.

bin tenn
19-12-18, 12:47
I agree with your doc as well. It may be a pulled muscle, that happens to me quite a bit. And yes, it can make deep breaths (and sometimes not even deep) hurt like hell!