View Full Version : How do you undo things you regret?

19-12-18, 14:25
How can you undo something you did that you regret doing? :frown:

sorry idk where to post this :frown:

19-12-18, 14:27
You can't.

So (in my opinion) the best thing to do is think hard about what you can learn from the experience and take forward for the next time you find yourself in a similar situation.

If as human beings we're not making mistakes, we're not learning, and unfortunately, chances are that along the way we'll do things we feel bad about - I know I have. The best solution that I've found is to acknowledge the problem and try to embrace the new knowledge it brings so I can make different mistakes next time.

19-12-18, 22:44
I think BlueIris is right.

I've found in navigating my mental health, personal reflection is so very important in living your life, we live and we learn and we go on.

We can't always fix things either so we need sensible expectations when we hit a bump in the road.

05-01-19, 23:32
Umm...sometimes you can't undo things but sometimes you can. But for the things you can't my father had some great advice for me when I was in my twenties. He could see I was having a very hard time with a very personal issue in regards to a relationship (more than just a break up btw) I was in at the time. He could tell, as many parents can, that I was struggling. When he had the opportunity he said..."N, sometimes you gotta cut your losses and move on." Whenever my dad would impart wisdom it was always very brief but oh so succinct. Good luck.


06-01-19, 11:51
Ever stoped snd thought about 5 years ago and not thinking of a single bit of panic way back then ? That will be all of us in 5 years time i soo can not wait for my test to be done although i am so scared atleast i can start my life everything is on stop and its real difficult at this time

06-01-19, 12:49
Depends what that 'thing' was, I think your question is very wide-ranging and some things are solveable and many things are not, and you have to move on. If you describe what the issue is - maybe we can give more specific help ?

06-01-19, 14:08
Given we're on a mental health forum, a place where we all have skewed negative thinking about ourselves or situations and the views of others, I think it's always worth questioning whether it's as big as we perceive it to be.

A reason I ask that is your thread to the Admins reveals how you struggle with how you believe others are perceiving what you say.

09-01-19, 21:03
I wish I knew the answer to this. :( Sadly some things can't be fixed. X