View Full Version : Premonition??

19-12-18, 20:14
Hi all. I'm going through an anxious patch at the moment and it's really affecting my thinking. Last night my daughter woke up just as I was falling asleep and I was struggling to go back off. Then I closed my eyes and saw a pickup truck heading towards me at speed and then I jolted back awake. I've convinced myself this was a premonition as I didn't drift off to sleep, it was instant. Please someone help me be rational as I'm now terrified it was a premonition. It was exactly like it happens in the movies when someone has a premonition. X

19-12-18, 20:39
Can you try and figure out what Saturday nights lottery numbers are before the truck gets you and PM them to me.

In other words, not real. It's nonsense, and doesn't happen.

19-12-18, 20:43
If I do, then we can go 50/50. The psychic theme seems to be a common one for me when anxious

19-12-18, 20:55
It's just a projected anxiety. It's imagination trying to make itself real. Premonition does not exist, and therefore isn't worth worrying about.