View Full Version : Multiple swollen lymph nodes in neck with elevated white blood cell count

19-12-18, 20:23
Hey everyone. I’m mostly a lurker here but I’m going on about 8 months of non-stop anxiety over multiple health issues. Currently I’m dealing with about 5 palpable lymph nodes (all around 1.5 – 2cm) in various locations around my head/neck. These are all new and have not previously been swollen. I’ve also got a 3 cm lymph node that has been enlarged for going on 15 years now (this one has never really bothered me but it feels as if it is a bit larger than normal now). A few of the nodes are a bit tender but beyond that I have no other symptoms.

I visited my GP a few days ago and he ordered a CBC which came back showing that I had elevated white blood cell and platelet counts. He believed this meant I had an infection and I am now on antibiotics for a week. I have a neck ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow.

I guess I’m just having a hard time believing I have an infection based on the fact that I have no symptoms other than the swollen lymph nodes. And of course from there my mind immediately jumps to lymphoma or leukemia as the only possible reasons for lymph node swelling. To add to my anxiety I have no idea how elevated my white blood cell count and platelet count are because the doctor has not released the blood test results to me. Previously I had lipid and metabolic panels that were released via a client portal website as soon as they were available. So of course my mind keeps telling me that they don’t want to release it because the levels are dangerously high.

I guess I’m just wondering if anybody here has experienced something similar in terms multiple huge lymph nodes with no other symptoms (well, other than the white blood cell count I guess)? And if so, what was the cause? Right now I just can’t stop thinking the worst.

20-12-18, 04:35
I just went through the high platelet thing, myself. It totally scared me! They were high on 3 separate blood checks. Found out my iron was low and that was causing it, I had it re checked last month and it was back in range. Praying it stays that way!!

I also have a couple nodes in my neck as well. One of them, in particular, is worrying me because I think it feels bigger.

I pray your scan goes well, as I"m sure it will! I'll say a prayer for you. Keep us posted!

20-12-18, 08:21
Thanks for the response and kind words. That definitely helps a bit. I'm trying to put this in the back of my mind for now but I'm really struggling.

Earlier today I began poking around as I know I shouldn't and noticed one lymph node was particularly hard. At this point I'm not convinced it's a lymph node at all. It's sitting way too deep in my neck and seems almost fixed to muscle or even bone. I'm trying to stay positive but I just can't imagine this isn't a tumor of some kind. It's bad enough that I'm almost not worried about any of the other nodes anymore.

20-12-18, 13:32
Thanks for the response and kind words. That definitely helps a bit. I'm trying to put this in the back of my mind for now but I'm really struggling.

Earlier today I began poking around as I know I shouldn't and noticed one lymph node was particularly hard. At this point I'm not convinced it's a lymph node at all. It's sitting way too deep in my neck and seems almost fixed to muscle or even bone. I'm trying to stay positive but I just can't imagine this isn't a tumor of some kind. It's bad enough that I'm almost not worried about any of the other nodes anymore.

Its SO difficult not to poke and prod at them, I know. I'm majorly guilty of it myself. Mine feel like hard rubber if that helps at all. I have two in my neck, one of them has remained the same since I discovered it last January. The other one (the one I'm concerned over) I discovered in July. I'm trying to be calm about them but its not easy. I completely understand how you feel!

Maybe you are feeling a normal structure in your neck? Something that deep could easily just be muscle or something. I KNOW its hard difficult not to worry, gosh do I ever know! I won't even tell you not to because I know how it is. I'm sure you will gain peace of mind when you get your scan and you can move on. *hugs* :hugs: I'm here if you need to chat, just private message me.

20-12-18, 20:13
I don't believe it's anything normal or else I would feel something sort of similar on the other side of my neck.

I did have the ultrasound today and the technician said it just looked like a really swollen node. Hopefully that's all it is. Probably will be tomorrow before I have the results.

I did finally get the CBC back. Looks like my platelet count wasn't actually elevated, so I must have heard wrong. It was actually on the low side of normal.

White blood cell count was only a bit higher than normal but I had 17% atypical lymphocytes. From what I understand this seems to indicate mono or glandular fever. That seems a bit odd to me considering my only symptoms are swollen lymph nodes and possibly feeling a bit more tired. That also makes the antibiotics I'm taking seem odd since mono is a viral infection and not a bacterial one.

20-12-18, 20:17
I don't believe it's anything normal or else I would feel something sort of similar on the other side of my neck.

That's not necessarily true. You can have an infection that affects one side. I've had many.

Positive thoughts

20-12-18, 20:29
That's not necessarily true. You can have an infection that affects one side. I've had many.

Positive thoughts

Oh yeah, you're completely right there.

I was more referring to it being a normal structure in the neck such as a bone or muscle. There isn't anything similar to that on the other side. It absolutely could just be something swollen on that one side due to an infection.

21-12-18, 22:05
So update. I got the results back from my ultrasound. They looked at my abdomen on the right side since I was experiencing some mild pain there. They also looked at both sides of my neck where I had multiple swollen lymph nodes.

The abdominal ultrasound didn't find anything suspicious, just a kidney stone.

The neck ultrasound found multiple mildly enlarged or enlarged lymph nodes of concern. The one I've had for years appears doesn't appear to be concerning even though it is the largest of the bunch.

I had multiple enlarged nodes in the front of my neck and on both sides with diminished or absent fatty hila. The radiologist's diagnosis was mild bilateral level V lymphadenopathy. They stated that my swollen nodes could be reactive, but that they're recommending a contrast enhanced CT scan to be sure (this is straight from the radiologist report). My GP is referring me to an ENT who will decide whether a CT scan or a biopsy is more appropriate. I have an appointment in a few weeks.

Both the radiologist and my GP used the exact words that the lymph nodes "could be reactive". However after looking up some papers specifically about ultrasounds of benign and malignant lymph nodes I have my doubts that they're being completely straight forward with me.

Between the few different papers I read it seems that the consensus is that the presence of fatty hila indicates that the node is benign. Conversely the complete absence of fatty hilum is seen as a major criteria for malignancy. Even though absent fatty hilum is often seen in young people and in the level V area of the neck, only 9% of reactive lymph nodes have an absence of fatty hilum. Additionally an absence of hilum is present in about 85% of metastatic nodes. Lymph nodes with lymphoma have absent hilum only about 25% of the time.

Seeing as I have multiple nodes on both sides with an absence of fatty hilum I'm definitely leaning towards the fact that at least some, and probably all, are malignant.

The only good news is that my abdominal ultrasound came back with nothing, so whatever I have has not metastasized from my liver, galbladder, pancreas, or right kidney. I have had issues with lower right abdominal pain in the past which makes me think it could possibly be colon cancer that has metastasized but I feel like it would have spread somewhere other than the lymph nodes first.

I do have an abnormally large total lymphocyte count according to my blood work (7900/microliter with normal range being 1000-4800) so I'm leaning leukemia here. Depending on what kind of leukemia it is this may be treatable.

I guess I won't know for sure until I get the biopsy or CT scan done in a few weeks (and that may not even show the source of the cancer), but I'm just going to have to focus on not being an anxious mess and being a huge downer for my entire family over the holidays for now.

Long post, I know. Just had to get this off my chest. It's sort of helping me cope a bit. If anybody here has gone through something similar please let me know. I'm curious as to how it turned out.

22-12-18, 06:45
I'm in the exact same situation as you, except I didn't had the courage to go to the doctors to check it. PLEASE keep us updated. I have a question: can you, like... squeeze your node? 'Cause I can squeeze mine, and can't stop doing it.

22-12-18, 07:50
I'm in the exact same situation as you, except I didn't had the courage to go to the doctors to check it. PLEASE keep us updated. I have a question: can you, like... squeeze your node? 'Cause I can squeeze mine, and can't stop doing it.

Believe me I know where each and every last one of them is. I poked enough that they got a bit sore and have been trying to back off while still keeping an eye on their size.

You haven't been to the doctor yet? If you've got multiple swollen nodes for a long period of time it seems like you should make that a priority. Most of the time these things are nothing to worry about though. Honestly I wasn't too worried about mine at first since I've had swollen nodes in the past. I only started worrying when my bloodwork came back funky, and now the ultrasound appears to be giving some less than encouraging results.

I will try to keep this updated but I don't expect to learn much until my ENT appointment in two weeks. I'm hoping before then I at least experience a decrease in swelling to put my mind at ease some but i'm not holding my breath on that.

22-12-18, 20:59
I don't really have any advice on your situation, but I didn't want to read and not reply. I just want you to know that I'm saying a prayer for you and sending you big *hugs* it seems you are handling this anxiety well and that is admirable! Hopefully the ENT can ease your mind. My GP sent me to an ENT after I had my neck a scan as well and the ENT wasn't concerned at all. He had me go back for a follow up scan and come back to him in 6 months and he still wasn't concerned afterwards. I can still feel both nodes on the left side of my neck. One was discovered in January, so almost a year ago, and the other was over the summer. Mine feel like rubbery moveable oval peas. What do yours feel like?

24-12-18, 06:47
I don't really have any advice on your situation, but I didn't want to read and not reply. I just want you to know that I'm saying a prayer for you and sending you big *hugs* it seems you are handling this anxiety well and that is admirable! Hopefully the ENT can ease your mind. My GP sent me to an ENT after I had my neck a scan as well and the ENT wasn't concerned at all. He had me go back for a follow up scan and come back to him in 6 months and he still wasn't concerned afterwards. I can still feel both nodes on the left side of my neck. One was discovered in January, so almost a year ago, and the other was over the summer. Mine feel like rubbery moveable oval peas. What do yours feel like?

The thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. Thank you.

I'm dealing with this about as well I can right now. Mostly trying to focus on other things. A few of the nodes seem to be getting smaller but my neck still feels very swollen. There are at least 10 palpable nodes, most of which are firm, oval, and mostly movable. One is too deep in my neck to really feel easily and at first I believed it to be a cyst or tumor. The ultrasound confirmed it was a node though.

I'm just hoping it's mono. It would make sense with my bloodwork, tiredness, and white spots on my tonsils. I've just heard that's usually a pretty rough virus and I really don't feel THAT bad physically.

27-12-18, 04:54
How are you feeling?

03-01-19, 04:18
How are you feeling?

Haven't checked these boards much lately.

I have my appointment with the ENT tomorrow so I'm a little anxious about that. I definitely feel like none of my lymph nodes are getting bigger. Some have definitely shrunk while others have not changed.

I have had a sore throat, neck pain, and some nasal congestion since getting off the antibiotics. I think that's mostly cleared up by now but I do still feel a bit more tired than usual.

I'll keep this thread updated. Hopefully I can get a clearer idea of what this might be after talking to the ENT.

03-01-19, 05:02
Haven't checked these boards much lately.

I have my appointment with the ENT tomorrow so I'm a little anxious about that. I definitely feel like none of my lymph nodes are getting bigger. Some have definitely shrunk while others have not changed.

I have had a sore throat, neck pain, and some nasal congestion since getting off the antibiotics. I think that's mostly cleared up by now but I do still feel a bit more tired than usual.

I'll keep this thread updated. Hopefully I can get a clearer idea of what this might be after talking to the ENT.

Personally I think this is virus related and all the poking and prodding of your lymph nodes has made your neck sore and the nodes swollen! Other than this it could be something autoimmune.

It's certainly not lymphoma or leukemia as your blood work would have shown this up big time and you'd be having some serious treatment now. You'd also be feeling extremely unwell and tired.

Good luck with your specialist visit.

03-01-19, 19:25
Hi mate,

I was diagnosed Chronic lymphocytic Leaukimia (CLL) 2 and a bit years ago.. It was found during a blood test for that i needed as i had gout.. My numbers were 14000 wbc and lymphocytes 8000.. I was called back in literally after an hour to redo the blood test and then i was examined by the gp and reffered to a heamotolgist.. It was the heamologist confirmed the leaukimia and ive been on wait and watch ever since.. There is no proof that early treatment is advantageous so they basically wait till you either start having symptoms that bother you alot or yiur bloodwork starts to get much worse like lymphocyte doubling time over 6 months etc or your platelets/heaomglobins get bad.. Some lucky patients never need treatment for many many years.. Unfortunately it doesn't look like ill be one of those. I had only 1 noticeable node swollen but to be fair i never ever checked em because ive never been aware of it.. Now i have over 50 at least all over my body, ribs are riddled with them :( neck ones are all around 2 to 3 cm now abd my wbc. Is 80000 abd lynphocytes at 70ish.. Other bloods fingers crossed are ok atm. Cll is a disease of the bone marrow and immune system.. There are good treatments for it now but we all know chemo or targeted cell treatments always carry a high degree of risk with them anyway.. So its never good in that aspect. I have never even had a scan as yet abd i await my first bone marrow biopsy which no doubt will not be long away. Cancer causes so much distress its unreal, i already had bad HA before this even came along.. Its pretty much ruined my life now.. I steuggle on a daily babsos to be fair but i live and carry on for my 6 kids.. We all need anfocus to drive us. Hopefully your gonna be right and itll be something much less serious but with those blood counts.. Im sure they must have looked at leaukemia already and ruled it out? As your numbers do seem high but the doctors are good.. So i reckon its probably something else mate. Sending positive thoughts your way :) how old are you by the way? I was unlucky getting this at 40 its rare.. Its much more common for late 50s plus to get my disease.

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

Symptoms off cll consist of recurring infection, weight loss (ive lost 3 stone although more so through being a parcel delivery guu for the past year i think rather than the cancer), night sweats and fatigue.. So far only the last one has really effected me although i do struggle with temperature control and hot flush a helluva lot!

---------- Post added at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

And to add mate.. Am always here for a chat if ever needed.. There are many of us with all these health worries etc.. Ive been venting in the heart forum over constant palps and ectopic beats ive been experoencong lately.. Lol its a merry go round fo griet ain't it! .. Anyhow ya know where i am :)

03-01-19, 19:37
Thanks for posting info about your condition, you're doing well in the face of having HA. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the bone marrow biopsy and hopefully you won't need any heavy treatment for a while yet.
Stay strong x

03-01-19, 21:15
Thankyou for kind words.. To be honest mate.. I dont cope well with the anxiety.. Cripples me at times.. Currently convinced i have a bad heart and every pain i feel is a symptom.. Crazy but it feels real! I have cancer yet worry bout heart attack! The life we have huh ha

04-01-19, 01:59
Had my appointment with the ENT today. He checked out my bloodwork, the radiologist report, and then did a physical examination. Afterward he seemed pretty certain based on all those things that I had just come down with a case of mono. The lymph node size did not concern him and the radiologist report from the ultrasound didn't appear to be anything too out of the ordinary in his opinion. I asked about the absence of fatty hilum being strongly tied to malignancy and he just flat out didn't agree with the statement, telling me that it wasn't completely true.

The ENT also questioned why I was given anti-biotics for what was likely a viral infection.

Additionally it became clear that there was something odd going on with the radiologist report as the ENT could not find most of the lymph nodes in the locations on my neck as described in the report. I noticed this as well when I read the initial report a few weeks back. It seems likely the radiologist mixed up the levels at which the lymph nodes were located. To top it off the ENT did not think the ultrasound was even a very good way to identify what was going on with my lymph nodes if it was not done by someone who specializes in head and neck ultrasounds (or something like that).

At the end of the appointment the ENT made it clear that he simply thinks I had a viral infection (probably mono) and that there's nothing seriously wrong. He didn't even seem to think I needed a biopsy or a CT scan. However because the radiologist flagged my ultrasound as possibly suspicious he is going to get me scheduled for another ultrasound in about 2 weeks at a clinic that specializes in head and neck scans. If any nodes are suspicious at that point they will be biopsied and I'll know within 3-5 days if the nodes are anything sinister.

---------- Post added at 17:56 ---------- Previous post was at 17:23 ----------

Hi mate,

I was diagnosed Chronic lymphocytic Leaukimia (CLL) 2 and a bit years ago.. It was found during a blood test for that i needed as i had gout.. My numbers were 14000 wbc and lymphocytes 8000.. I was called back in literally after an hour to redo the blood test and then i was examined by the gp and reffered to a heamotolgist.. It was the heamologist confirmed the leaukimia and ive been on wait and watch ever since.. There is no proof that early treatment is advantageous so they basically wait till you either start having symptoms that bother you alot or yiur bloodwork starts to get much worse like lymphocyte doubling time over 6 months etc or your platelets/heaomglobins get bad.. Some lucky patients never need treatment for many many years.. Unfortunately it doesn't look like ill be one of those. I had only 1 noticeable node swollen but to be fair i never ever checked em because ive never been aware of it.. Now i have over 50 at least all over my body, ribs are riddled with them :( neck ones are all around 2 to 3 cm now abd my wbc. Is 80000 abd lynphocytes at 70ish.. Other bloods fingers crossed are ok atm. Cll is a disease of the bone marrow and immune system.. There are good treatments for it now but we all know chemo or targeted cell treatments always carry a high degree of risk with them anyway.. So its never good in that aspect. I have never even had a scan as yet abd i await my first bone marrow biopsy which no doubt will not be long away. Cancer causes so much distress its unreal, i already had bad HA before this even came along.. Its pretty much ruined my life now.. I steuggle on a daily babsos to be fair but i live and carry on for my 6 kids.. We all need anfocus to drive us. Hopefully your gonna be right and itll be something much less serious but with those blood counts.. Im sure they must have looked at leaukemia already and ruled it out? As your numbers do seem high but the doctors are good.. So i reckon its probably something else mate. Sending positive thoughts your way :) how old are you by the way? I was unlucky getting this at 40 its rare.. Its much more common for late 50s plus to get my disease.

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

Symptoms off cll consist of recurring infection, weight loss (ive lost 3 stone although more so through being a parcel delivery guu for the past year i think rather than the cancer), night sweats and fatigue.. So far only the last one has really effected me although i do struggle with temperature control and hot flush a helluva lot!

---------- Post added at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

And to add mate.. Am always here for a chat if ever needed.. There are many of us with all these health worries etc.. Ive been venting in the heart forum over constant palps and ectopic beats ive been experoencong lately.. Lol its a merry go round fo griet ain't it! .. Anyhow ya know where i am :)

Wow man, really sorry to hear that. CLL was something that really popped out to me when I was trying to figure out what my blood test results meant ( I think I mentioned it earlier in the thread). I looked into it quite a bit and ultimately decided I probably didn't have it because WBC was usually >20,000 and lymphocytes were usually >10,000 even at CLL stage 0.

I had 12,200 WBC, 7900 lymphocytes and 17% atypical lymphocytes during my blood test about 3 weeks ago. This is only a bit lower than yours so now I am wondering why this wasn't looked into more. Since you asked though I am 28. I'm assuming that's the biggest reason they're not concerned as CLL appears to be extremely rare in people under 30.

Like I said in another post my ENT was not really concerned at all which has helped put my mind at ease quite a bit.

I am 100% certain I will still have some enlarged nodes during my next ultrasound so I'm expecting a biopsy. If I have anything sinister (sounds like it would be Thyroid cancer or CLL if anything) I will at least know then. But until then I am feeling hopeful based on the ENT's opinion and the fact that I am not currently feeling any weird symptoms other than some nasal congestion.

Thanks for the response though. Really. It's nice to be able to talk to other people here who worry about this stuff as much as I do. And I'll say this, you do seem to be handling everything well. Appreciate the kind words and sending positive thoughts your way as well.

---------- Post added at 17:59 ---------- Previous post was at 17:56 ----------

Personally I think this is virus related and all the poking and prodding of your lymph nodes has made your neck sore and the nodes swollen! Other than this it could be something autoimmune.

It's certainly not lymphoma or leukemia as your blood work would have shown this up big time and you'd be having some serious treatment now. You'd also be feeling extremely unwell and tired.

Good luck with your specialist visit.

Thanks! My ENT seemed to agree with you so I hope you're both right. I'll know for sure in a few weeks when I get another ultrasound or possibly a biopsy.

I guess I'm kind of repeating myself here but I do want to respond to everybody who posted. Thanks for the kind word guys and gals.

04-01-19, 03:04
Had my appointment with the ENT today. He checked out my bloodwork, the radiologist report, and then did a physical examination. Afterward he seemed pretty certain based on all those things that I had just come down with a case of mono. The lymph node size did not concern him and the radiologist report from the ultrasound didn't appear to be anything too out of the ordinary in his opinion. I asked about the absence of fatty hilum being strongly tied to malignancy and he just flat out didn't agree with the statement, telling me that it wasn't completely true.

The ENT also questioned why I was given anti-biotics for what was likely a viral infection.

Additionally it became clear that there was something odd going on with the radiologist report as the ENT could not find most of the lymph nodes in the locations on my neck as described in the report. I noticed this as well when I read the initial report a few weeks back. It seems likely the radiologist mixed up the levels at which the lymph nodes were located. To top it off the ENT did not think the ultrasound was even a very good way to identify what was going on with my lymph nodes if it was not done by someone who specializes in head and neck ultrasounds (or something like that).

At the end of the appointment the ENT made it clear that he simply thinks I had a viral infection (probably mono) and that there's nothing seriously wrong. He didn't even seem to think I needed a biopsy or a CT scan. However because the radiologist flagged my ultrasound as possibly suspicious he is going to get me scheduled for another ultrasound in about 2 weeks at a clinic that specializes in head and neck scans. If any nodes are suspicious at that point they will be biopsied and I'll know within 3-5 days if the nodes are anything sinister.

---------- Post added at 17:56 ---------- Previous post was at 17:23 ----------

Wow man, really sorry to hear that. CLL was something that really popped out to me when I was trying to figure out what my blood test results meant ( I think I mentioned it earlier in the thread). I looked into it quite a bit and ultimately decided I probably didn't have it because WBC was usually >20,000 and lymphocytes were usually >10,000 even at CLL stage 0.

I had 12,200 WBC, 7900 lymphocytes and 17% atypical lymphocytes during my blood test about 3 weeks ago. This is only a bit lower than yours so now I am wondering why this wasn't looked into more. Since you asked though I am 28. I'm assuming that's the biggest reason they're not concerned as CLL appears to be extremely rare in people under 30.

Like I said in another post my ENT was not really concerned at all which has helped put my mind at ease quite a bit.

I am 100% certain I will still have some enlarged nodes during my next ultrasound so I'm expecting a biopsy. If I have anything sinister (sounds like it would be Thyroid cancer or CLL if anything) I will at least know then. But until then I am feeling hopeful based on the ENT's opinion and the fact that I am not currently feeling any weird symptoms other than some nasal congestion.

Thanks for the response though. Really. It's nice to be able to talk to other people here who worry about this stuff as much as I do. And I'll say this, you do seem to be handling everything well. Appreciate the kind words and sending positive thoughts your way as well.

---------- Post added at 17:59 ---------- Previous post was at 17:56 ----------

Thanks! My ENT seemed to agree with you so I hope you're both right. I'll know for sure in a few weeks when I get another ultrasound or possibly a biopsy.

I guess I'm kind of repeating myself here but I do want to respond to everybody who posted. Thanks for the kind word guys and gals.

This is great news and should put your mind at rest. The ultrasound (and maybe node biopsy) is just a precautionary and follow up measure. These illnesses like mono, EBV etc do take a while to clear from the body.

Take care :)

04-01-19, 08:32
Good news buddy!! Hope all goes well for you.. And it sounds like it is! :)

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10-01-19, 21:17
Just updating this thread as new information comes along.

Had a gastroenterologist appointment today after being referred by my GP. He wanted me to follow up on the stomach pain I was experiencing around the time I was also experiencing swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

The PA I saw was took a look at my CBC and abdominal ultrasound results and was not concerned with either given that my symptoms have almost completely gone away. I did have a liver panel blood test done just to be safe and I should be getting the results soon.

Still think I may have something going on as I have some soreness/inflammation in my left shoulder, armpit, and pectoral with some slightly enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit as well. Basically my left pectoral seems to be much thicker and more tender than on the right side. Never noticed it before but I'm hoping it's just residual swelling from an infection. Of course, my mind wants to jump straight to male breast cancer but that's even less likely than any of the blood cancers I've been worried about for almost a month now.

10-01-19, 22:09
Hi mate,

I was diagnosed Chronic lymphocytic Leaukimia (CLL) 2 and a bit years ago.. It was found during a blood test for that i needed as i had gout.. My numbers were 14000 wbc and lymphocytes 8000.. I was called back in literally after an hour to redo the blood test and then i was examined by the gp and reffered to a heamotolgist.. It was the heamologist confirmed the leaukimia and ive been on wait and watch ever since.. There is no proof that early treatment is advantageous so they basically wait till you either start having symptoms that bother you alot or yiur bloodwork starts to get much worse like lymphocyte doubling time over 6 months etc or your platelets/heaomglobins get bad.. Some lucky patients never need treatment for many many years.. Unfortunately it doesn't look like ill be one of those. I had only 1 noticeable node swollen but to be fair i never ever checked em because ive never been aware of it.. Now i have over 50 at least all over my body, ribs are riddled with them :( neck ones are all around 2 to 3 cm now abd my wbc. Is 80000 abd lynphocytes at 70ish.. Other bloods fingers crossed are ok atm. Cll is a disease of the bone marrow and immune system.. There are good treatments for it now but we all know chemo or targeted cell treatments always carry a high degree of risk with them anyway.. So its never good in that aspect. I have never even had a scan as yet abd i await my first bone marrow biopsy which no doubt will not be long away. Cancer causes so much distress its unreal, i already had bad HA before this even came along.. Its pretty much ruined my life now.. I steuggle on a daily babsos to be fair but i live and carry on for my 6 kids.. We all need anfocus to drive us. Hopefully your gonna be right and itll be something much less serious but with those blood counts.. Im sure they must have looked at leaukemia already and ruled it out? As your numbers do seem high but the doctors are good.. So i reckon its probably something else mate. Sending positive thoughts your way :) how old are you by the way? I was unlucky getting this at 40 its rare.. Its much more common for late 50s plus to get my disease.

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

Symptoms off cll consist of recurring infection, weight loss (ive lost 3 stone although more so through being a parcel delivery guu for the past year i think rather than the cancer), night sweats and fatigue.. So far only the last one has really effected me although i do struggle with temperature control and hot flush a helluva lot!

---------- Post added at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

And to add mate.. Am always here for a chat if ever needed.. There are many of us with all these health worries etc.. Ive been venting in the heart forum over constant palps and ectopic beats ive been experoencong lately.. Lol its a merry go round fo griet ain't it! .. Anyhow ya know where i am :)

You're a solider mate! I love your upbeat vibe through a stressful situation. Had Cancer myself so I know the drill too, but your upbeatness is inspiring.

21-01-19, 20:05
Another update here. I got the results of the liver panel back and everything was normal.

I also just had an appointment to get a follow up ultrasound on my neck. I still have some enlarged lymph nodes so they did a biopsy on one of them. I should have the results within 2 days. It was hard to tell but I don't think the doctor was too concerned with the size of the nodes.

As a side note, I don't feel too much on my neck right now due to the anesthesia but it's definitely already swelling up bad from the multiple needle injections. I'm sure I'm going to be sore for the rest of the week and will probably have a big ole' bruise tomorrow haha.

24-01-19, 21:09
Hopefully the last update for a while.

Got a call today about the results of the biopsy. Came back normal and the ENT said he was 99.9% sure there is nothing sinister going on. Everything seemed to point to the nodes being reactive.

However, because some of the nodes are still a bit enlarged he is scheduling me for a CT scan in a few months to be absolutely certain.

In the end, this seems like it was all a fairly mild case of mono. Worst thing that came out of it was me worrying myself silly and my swollen/sore neck from the biopsy.

24-01-19, 21:18
IM so happy for you!! What size was the node dr biopsied?

26-01-19, 01:18
IM so happy for you!! What size was the node dr biopsied?

Thanks! Feels good to get some confirmation that things are all good.

The node was about 1.5 cm x 2 cm I think. I can't recall the exact size. It wasn't even the biggest one, but the largest one has been large for years and is likely shotty.