View Full Version : Xanax withdrawals......any help?

31-08-07, 02:08
Hello-I have been on Xanax for two years and eventually got up to 2 mg a day-not a very high dose-I am weaning off in two weeks because Of pregnancy and I am not feeling intense withdrawal but some and I was wondering if any one else has done it this quick-I have NO choice! Anyway, I want to feel safe and know someone else has been through it-there are so many horror stories out there that just don't do me any good-only worse!

31-08-07, 15:22
Has no one weaned off of this med??

01-05-14, 20:52
hi , I did it gradually day by day , just lowered the dose and in about two to three weeks I was clear , it is quite awful and sometimes still feel the need but nothing like the addiction , gud lick with the pregnancy :D