View Full Version : You know you have Panic disorder when ....

31-08-07, 09:40
I have seen this on another forum and thought what a good idea, so here goes ........................

when you cant bear anyone to join the que you are in .

when you cut your own hair.

When you pack your handbag with paper bags and rescue rememdy.

When the Tesco driver knows your full name with out reading the paperwork.

When your Gp puts everything down to panic disorder.

When you stock up with long life milk.

when people ask "whens the best time to phone you?" , you reply "anytime" .


31-08-07, 10:13
I certainly fit two of the criteria. The postman and tesco's man both know me by sight and the phone one is so true.

31-08-07, 11:07
Oh Mirry that is brilliant..and so true:yesyes: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

31-08-07, 11:22
can you think of any others to add ?

31-08-07, 13:18
When the doctors receptionist recognises your voice!

That happens to me :lac:

31-08-07, 13:19
When you are already feeling sick and dizzy with anx about attending a friends wedding in 6 months time :lac:

31-08-07, 14:08
~ When you only feel dizzy and light headed when you think you are going to, and you feel fine the minute you leave the situation

~ When you keep tranqulisers/rescue remedy/beta blockers etc in your bag 'just in case'

This is a great thread! It's so true, especially the UHT milk!!

31-08-07, 14:32
You get personal letters/Christmas cards from the take-away curry house!!!!

(I really do have a carton of UHT in my cupboards at all times....LOLOLOLOL)

31-08-07, 17:19
When you would love to be 'normal' again but the panic monster always rears its ugly head:lac:

31-08-07, 17:25
When you make the same excuse about waiting in for an important delivery when a friends asks you to go out shopping. :lac:

31-08-07, 18:50
When people visit , you keep popping to the loo :blush: .

When you plan short cuts to the local shop.

when you have the right money in your hand to throw at the shop keeper.


31-08-07, 19:58
When you carry a spare top to places you find stressful in case the first one becomes drenched in sweat! (TMI!!)
(I do this every day I go to work)

When you make excuses not to go to your little uns nursery outing and actually manage to almost convince yourself it is for any reason other than the fact you can't face being with all those mums and kids at once (I did this today:weep: )


31-08-07, 20:02
When you are A1 at making up excuses for avoiding any situation

31-08-07, 20:57
[quote=JulieAs45;252520]When the doctors receptionist recognises your voice!

All the people seem to know me at the doctors sergery..Although my mum use to work with one receptioest and the doctors consists of about 8 staff members, so maybe its not so bad

31-08-07, 21:21
When you see a long queue at the checkout and so go around the shop again


31-08-07, 23:18
I have seen this on another forum and thought what a good idea, so here goes ........................

when you cant bear anyone to join the que you are in .

when you cut your own hair.

When you pack your handbag with paper bags and rescue rememdy.

When the Tesco driver knows your full name with out reading the paperwork.

When your Gp puts everything down to panic disorder.

When you stock up with long life milk.

when people ask "whens the best time to phone you?" , you reply "anytime" .


LOL I can realte to all of them :hugs:

01-09-07, 11:48
I definitely do that one prism.
When you pinch the brown mushroom bags from the supermarket! just in case you have a panic attack driving home.


02-09-07, 00:27
....when you see miles of traffic at a standstill ahead of you on the M1 and have to convince your hubby to get off at the next junction and find another route (happened to me yesterday).

....when you're stuck in a queue in the bank and get your phone out of your bag and pretend to get a call which needs a bit of privacy just so you can leave without looking stupid after having stood there for 20mins and there's only 1 person left in front of you but about 20 people behind!

02-09-07, 00:30
.... when you have a full trolly of shopping in asda but you have to ditch it and run like wind to the nearest exit.

You gotta laugh :D

02-09-07, 10:52
Great thread so true!

The door bell goes and you hide away:sofa:

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X

02-09-07, 11:00
when go to the Pictures and choose the seat right next to the exit door .

02-09-07, 19:18
when go to the Pictures and choose the seat right next to the exit door .

...even though i am blind as a bat and can't see beyond my nose, i do that....lol!!!!

02-09-07, 20:21
When you get a headache and start searching "Brain tumours" on the internet.

When you stay awake each night because you're to afraid to go to sleep because you think you'll have another panic attack.

Why is it I always get them when I fall asleep? And then wake up with a start heart pounding, toilet calling feeling sick then 1 hr of searching the internet for re-assurance.


02-09-07, 20:51
When someone mentions an illness - and then you panic that you might have the illness tooo

02-09-07, 21:40
when you go for a walk you take your phone.
Just in case you need a taxi home.

14-10-07, 03:16
Re: You know you have Panic disorder when ....

Your handbags like a mobile chemists.

Your always complaining of "How warm it is"

Dread any planned event...even months away.

Always worrying about a new symptom.....Thinking this is whats really wrong with me

Are absolutley convinced the doctors missed something!!!

14-10-07, 04:04
Lol I agree with the above!

Re: You know you have Panic disorder when ....

You've had everything (quite possibly at the same time) including a heart attack and cardiac arrest, a stroke, every kind of cancer, various tumors and cysts, appendicitis, rabies, lime disease, AIDS, ebola, the black plague, scarlet fever, anthrax, whooping cough, smallpox, and not to mention any alien diseases you've seen on Star Trek.

(I was five or six and it scared me to death. Don't watch things like that when you're that young. Though I love Trek now. :D I still hate those episodes though.)

And what's really bad? I still shiver after I wrote this post and reading all those diseases.

14-10-07, 05:54
when you plan youre excuses in advance when visitin people so you can make a sharp exit if "one comes on"

14-10-07, 09:00
When you have to allow yourself an extra hour to get ready when going out as it takes you that long to check the cooker is turned off, the hair straighteners are off and the door is locked :blush:

Also, having to return to your car to check, several times, that the handbrake is on :winks:


14-10-07, 11:07
When you convince yourself that the 1 in a million incidents that vey rarely happen WILL happen to just because of sods law....<sighs>

14-10-07, 13:52
when everyone tells you you just need to pull yourself together...

when youre convinced that that pain in your finger is terminal...

when you can diagnose anything you have, despite not knowing the names of any medical school...

when you know that going to the shop just round the corner is so hard it should be part of the SAS selection...

when people ask 'alright?' and you actually have to tell them...

when everyone you talk to no matter what the problem begins their advice with 'okay relax the shoulders and BREATHE...'

when your therapist quits cos of stress and anxiety...

when noone else understands what youre going through...

when you can actually post on this threadd with something noone else has said yet:D :D :D

14-10-07, 15:36
While Driving Have The Cell Phone And Water Right Next To You And If Your Almost There And Realize No Phone You Would Turn Around To Get It.....and Have All Sorts Of Things To Distract You In The Car Of Course Not Anything That You Cant See To Drive..................

14-10-07, 16:03
Every friend and family member becomes your full time therapist. :D


15-10-07, 07:33
nhs direct is on the speed dial above the hospital, the doc, 999, and michellemumof4 ;)

16-10-07, 01:26
You know you are agoraphobic when...

you open your front door and there is a giant cobweb across it... and it doesn't look like the spider spun it yesterday, lol!!! :blush:

This really happened to me! :D

Love shoegal xxx

16-10-07, 03:03
Re: You know you have Panic disorder when ....

If someone tells you about their sick friend or a uncle that passed away, you quiz them on the symptoms they had before they died.

Sad but true