View Full Version : Had a werid dream?

20-12-18, 13:30
So I woke up at 1am couldn't go back to sleep till 3am and when I did I had this werid experience
I was in my bed on my back I couldn't move execpt for my legs I was also getting this wind rushing in my ears I was half aware I could think but no not really. I don't know how long it was which gives me the intention I was having a bizzare nightmare i didn't see anything except this box in my bed what makes me think it's SP is the fact that everything was the same as in real life so I'm kinda confused and also scared. Any body have anything to say or think what it was

20-12-18, 14:31
This sounds exactly like a parasomnia. This is harmless and normal, but you can Google it and see some of the strange experiences people have with them

I had one where I was half awake and paralysed. I couldn't move when suddenly I felt my body convulse all over, like a seizure. This was 4 years ago now, and I've never had anything like it since, thankfully.