View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer - Please help I'm so scared

20-12-18, 18:02
3 months ago I started with sharp twinges in my ovary area that last for a few seconds at a time. I am still getting the sharp twinges in my ovaries, mainly right side. I started with the sharp twinges in October when I was ovulating, and they lasted the full two weeks. I got them in November and December. I am so frightened that it is ovarian cancer. I get these sharp twinges in my ovary that last a few seconds every week. I have been to the Doctors twice, and all she did was press on my stomach to feel the ovaries. She has ordered an Ultra sound she said to reassure me. She said it is Ovulation, and I do not have any cancer symptoms. The appointment for the ultra sound will take months. She said she is not concerned, and thinks it would be good idea for me to start taking Venlafaxine for my anxiety. I did see another Doctor, he did not examine me. He listened to my symptom description and also said it is ovulation, and I did not have any ovarian cancer symptoms. I am really freaking out. I keep going on google. I am convinced I have ovarian cancer. I am 44 years old with 2 children. I am so scared I am going to die. I can't stop thinking about it, all of the time. I wake up in the morning waiting for the sharp twinges to start. When will these sharp twinges in my ovary stop?

20-12-18, 18:08

So do you always get them around ovulation? In which case your doctors are right and it is ovulation pains. I get them regularly.

Do you have any other symptoms at all?

For example, I was sent for an ultrasound because of irregular bleeding and a cyst was found on my ovary. For days afterward I had a pain around my ovaries, but once I stopped panicking the pain went.

It’s very unlikely that you have ovarian cancer, and 2 doctors clearly think that too.

I know it’s difficult to put it out of your mind, but you really need to try.

I only waited about 3-4 weeks for my ultrasound, so maybe yours will be quicker than 3 months.

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20-12-18, 18:14
I get them around ovulation and a week after my period has ended. I just want to know if I am going to be okay. It feels like I get them every week.

20-12-18, 18:29
Of course you’re going to be ok, so many women get ovarian pain around ovulation. People with health anxiety who are more in tune with their bodies often pay more attention to it than most.

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20-12-18, 18:31
I am shaking and crying. I get the sharp twinges every week.

20-12-18, 18:45
Probably because you are so tense that your muscles are tensing.

Please don’t cry!
I had a look at your post history and I can see that your anxiety gets very bad when you are worried about something.

What do you think you need to do to get on top of this fear?

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20-12-18, 18:55
Thank you for your replies. I want an ultra sound today, and to be told that I do not have ovarian cancer. But the ultra sound wont probably be for about 3 months. Its Christmas soon, and I don't want to be like this over Christmas. I have kids. Also I keep on picturing myself dying in a hospital bed from cancer. Am i going crazy? I wish I was normal. I keep on thinking what if this time, I really do have something wrong with myself. This could be it?

20-12-18, 19:28
You’re not crazy, you’re panicking.
You don’t have the symptoms, and your doctors aren’t concerned.

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20-12-18, 19:41
Thank you for taking the time to listen. I am sorry but I have to go to work now. Thank you again. Hopefully I will be able to calm down soon.

20-12-18, 20:37
It really really doesn’t sound like ovarian cancer, and your doctor clearly doesn’t think so either, which is why it is safe to wait for the ultrasound. If there was any suspicion at all you would be scanned much sooner.

20-12-18, 23:17
I finished my period 7 days ago, and today I have had a sharp twinge in my right ovary off and on all day. The twinge of pain lasts for a few seconds. But I'm freaking out because I'm not even ovulating, I think it's too early to ovulate. I normal ovulate around 12-14 day of cycle.
I have been thinking all day that I have got ovarian cancer. And I have been thinking about the pain. Do you think I am causing the pain because I am thinking about it and constantly worrying about it. I am constantly worrying about it all day, every day. I can't get it out of my head, and as soon as I get a sharp twinge in my ovary area, that's it, I freak out. I just can't stop thinking about I have the dreaded ovary cancer. How am I going to cope, what if the pain gets worse or happens more often?

20-12-18, 23:28
I get it, I really and truly do. There are a couple of things that could be happening here, none of which are ovarian cancer.

First, this sounds a lot like ovulation pain. It may be a week before ovulation but your body does things leading up to ovulation and this is likely part of the process. The fact that it happens with regularity (at the same times each month is huge).

Second, you are 44 years old. You are likely in a bit of perimenopause which will cause crazy, different things to happen to your body. Your body may have been like clockwork before, but now it is going to run a bit differently all the way up to menopause. Additionally, these are also the years where women can really experience heightened anxiety.

Third, your anxiety is making you hyper focus on what is happening with your body. This has been going on for a few months, at seemingly regular times, with no other symptoms. You are focusing on the twinges and waiting for them to occur. Likely you are doing this to the point where any little thing makes you think it is a twinge or something nefarious. You are focusing so much on this and feeling every little thing.

I also had an ovarian cancer freak out years ago. When I went to my ultrasound the tech could not find one of ovaries and left the room. She left me for a long time and I was shaking and crying by the time she and the doctor came in. Everything was fine, just fine. I had been having twinge type pain and intermittent constipation which I read could be a SIGN. I had never been constipated before so I figured this was it, this was the end.

Our bodies are magnificent, but weird. I am certain that all is well, really and truly.

20-12-18, 23:42
Thank you for your help. It's always Cancer that I think about, and always the ones that kill you and cannot be cured. I just wish the twinges would go. My moods/anxiety has gotten a lot worse this year.

21-12-18, 00:14
I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. I think the worst would probably be a cyst or something!