View Full Version : Armpit pain and redness, scared?

20-12-18, 19:49
So I’ve been dealing with breast cancer anxiety for a very long time now but I’ve never had any true symptoms.

Yesterday I had a sharp pain in my arm, today my left armpit was very sore for some reason, I lifted it up to see if there was anything and I found a tiny red patch on the skin that looked bumpy and two red lines below it. I haven’t shaved in a few days so I don’t know think it has to do with this problem? I am PMSing right now and last I checked I felt no lumps on or near my breast (I am 20 if my age helps at all..)

Should I be worried?? I was reading an article of a girl who had bad armpit pain before discovering her breast cancer so it’s kind of scaring me.

UPDATE: I just realized I started my period. But it still concerns me one armpit and swollen and the other is not..

UPDATE 2: last thing, I’ve noticed I’ve also had a lot of pain in the area where I have had this lump, I shaved wrong last year and grew a painful lump at the bottom of my armpit. That’s not where all of the pain is but it’s sore and I’ve never had pain there after it swelled down??

24-12-18, 04:14
I'm not an expert, but I think armpit pain related to breast cancer has more to do with the lymph nodes and internally. Since you're seeing a patch on your skin, I'd chalk it up to chafing or some other type of irritation. Take care!