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View Full Version : 'Tis the season....for upper respiratory infections.

21-12-18, 00:59
Hi all -- I am more of a "lurker" on this forum, and I do try and chime in to help others where I can. I know that many of us will probably start coming down with these upper respiratory/bronchial type infections as here in the states, Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind. So I thought I'd share my experience over the last couple of months, not so much for reassurance for me, but for others that are going through the same issues!!

So mine started after a trip with my husband in October - we went to Kentucky and started the Bourbon Trail (which was amazing, got to spend a few days with some great friends and see some beautiful country!!). Anyway, my husband and another friend decided it was a brilliant idea to hang outside on the front porch of the house we rented, in the rain, in shorts, in 40* weather, and drink some bourbon. :lac: needless to say, within a couple days of returning home, guess who had caught a cold!! And then, lovingly passed to me.

For me, I never seem to just "catch a cold". I might spend a day or so with some head stuffiness, then it solidly takes up residence right in the old bronchial passages. Deep, hacking coughs - so much that you start gagging. Feels like you possibly may have cracked a rib. The minute your head hits the pillow at night, it gets even worse. Tight chest, not sure if you're short of breath (this gets me, especially with my HA). The whole nine yards! Add in my extreme (and I do mean extreme) dislike of doctors, and yeah. It's a mess!! Anyway. That whole thing lasted about 2 weeks, and slowly started to improve. Still had the cough, but more of that lingering tickle in the back of your throat that just never seems to go away. More of an annoyance than anything. Thought to myself, wow! I got through it again, and will be well for the holidays. Then - last Wednesday, woke up with a "thick" feeling throat. You know, the one that you get right before you get slammed with a cold. Spent most of the day feeling achy, of course my HA kicked in telling me I'd caught the flu (unreasonable, I know - but my HA is rarely reasonable). Came home from work, took NyQuil, and knocked myself out.

Woke up the next morning and it was solidly in my chest. Again. Of course, because I'd caught these viruses pretty much back to back, I was sure I probably had lung cancer - or at least pneumonia. Nevermind the fact I didn't have really any symptoms of either one, other than chest congestion. But again - when is our HA reasonable. However - somehow, I found it in me to go to the doctor. Mainly, because I didn't want to be sick over Christmas! So I go in, get through all the vitals (which is a trigger for me, because as soon as I walk in the door my heart rate increases, blood pressure goes up, the whole nine yards. Which then, in my perfectly rational mind, tells me that a stroke is inevitable and I may as well just check myself into the hospital now). Imagine my surprise when I have really good BP, at a DOCTORS appointment. Like 125 over 70. Which for me, is amazing. Heart rate was a little elevated, but not bad. I'm pretty proud of myself at this point. Doc listens to the lungs (and at this point, I'm waiting for the look of utter panic to cross her face and call the ambulance, because she can somehow "hear" the lung cancer that I've almost certainly developed overnight) - again, super surprised when she pronounces them "clear". Lo and behold - yep, just an upper respiratory virus. She goes ahead and prescribes me some antibiotics, but tells me not to start taking them for 4-5 days, and only if I don't feel that my symptoms are improving. So I go home, and go back to bed.

Fast forward a few days - it now sounds like a dog barking when I cough. Super pleasant. Chest is tight, I've done everything from steam tents to eucalyptus oil in my diffuser, to hot showers and baths. I have disgusting crap coming out of my nose and throat (we'll just leave it at that, no need for descriptions lol). Cough is semi-productive, but not near as much as I feel it should be. So - I fill the rx for the antibiotics and start taking them. 3 days later - I still have the cough, feels like there's not a lot of congestion left though. Still kind of "barky" sounding, but instead of panicking I keep telling myself that my bronchial passages are surely still inflamed and irritated from all the stress of the last 6 weeks. So this too shall pass - I hope.

Moral of this story is -- colds suck. Upper respiratory infections suck. Winter in general sucks. And all those people that come in to work coughing and snotting all over you suck. However - you will get through this and come out the other side - and take a few minutes to pat yourself on the back when you do, because you will have successfully beat your HA - again. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to everyone at NMP! This board has played a huge part in helping me to control my dragon.

21-12-18, 07:45
Great post, get well soon!

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