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View Full Version : Worried I could have high blood pressure

21-12-18, 10:52
I知 19f and have been freaking out the last day about my blood pressure. It all started because my gran was talking about her blood clots she has and it turns at we all might have a genetic disease that makes our blood clot too much.

Then I was thinking about blood pressure and how I知 always stressed and now I知 scared the stress is going to kill me. I was up half the night convinced I was going to have a stroke, I知 super tired now which is making it worse. I知 so scared.

I have never drank alcohol and don稚 smoke but I eat unhealthy and hardly exercise and I知 costanstly stressed. Also recently I have started feeling dizzy when standing up because I知 worried I brain tumour but now I知 just thinking its high blood pressure. My eyes are also messed up and I also get tension type headaches but they come on with exercise. They went away for years but came back when I was worried about having a brain tumour again. Also I have bad tinnitus. I don稚 know what to do I just want to relax and have a nice Christmas.

21-12-18, 12:46
Dizziness upon standing would be caused by low blood pressure not high

It would be uncommon - but not impossible to have HTN at your age. This can easily be diagnosed and treated. See your doctor in the new year to get your blood pressure taken

Tinnitus is common, I get it quite a lot. Not a brain tumour. Anxiety can make it worse.

I don't think you have anything at all to worry about

Good luck

21-12-18, 13:50
I知 19f and have been freaking out the last day about my blood pressure. It all started because my gran was talking about her blood clots she has and it turns at we all might have a genetic disease that makes our blood clot too much.

Then I was thinking about blood pressure and how I知 always stressed and now I知 scared the stress is going to kill me. I was up half the night convinced I was going to have a stroke, I知 super tired now which is making it worse. I知 so scared.

I have never drank alcohol and don稚 smoke but I eat unhealthy and hardly exercise and I知 costanstly stressed. Also recently I have started feeling dizzy when standing up because I知 worried I brain tumour but now I知 just thinking its high blood pressure. My eyes are also messed up and I also get tension type headaches but they come on with exercise. They went away for years but came back when I was worried about having a brain tumour again. Also I have bad tinnitus. I don稚 know what to do I just want to relax and have a nice Christmas.
All the things you describe are anxiety related. I have all of them when I am in the anxiety mode and more. My blood pressure normally is 110/70, but when I am anxious it can run 150/95, JUST from anxiety - I am not kidding. I was almost put on the blood pressure meds once by a quack doc who didn't do a proper medical history assessment. Luckily I knew what was going on and declined. Bottom line, in order to feel better you need to control your anxiety. I know it isn't easy but it's possible. Ask your doc about the options for anxiety control next time you see him/her.

21-12-18, 13:54
Get it checked if you're worried about it.

Staying up half the night worrying about something you 'might' have is one of the most counter productive things you can do. Trying to connect symptoms with something you 'might' have, and then worrying about it is equally counter productive.

If you think you don't do enough exercise and it's not good for you, then do some exercise.

The thing to take from this is that behaviours that are causing you mental grief are a choice, and you can choose to do and think things differently.

21-12-18, 14:00
I have started feeling dizzy when standing up

It's called orthostatic hypotension. When you've been sitting and stand up, your BP can drop for a moment while your heart catches up with circulation. Unpleasant yes, but harmless.

Positive thoughts

21-12-18, 14:04
All the things you describe are anxiety related. I have all of them when I am in the anxiety mode and more. My blood pressure normally is 110/70, but when I am anxious it can run 150/95, JUST from anxiety - I am not kidding. I was almost put on the blood pressure meds once by a quack doc who didn't do a proper medical history assessment. Luckily I knew what was going on and declined. Bottom line, in order to feel better you need to control your anxiety. I know it isn't easy but it's possible. Ask your doc about the options for anxiety control next time you see him/her.

What I知 worried about the most is my eyes are messed up. I get rainbow rings around bright likes and weird vision snow and all sorts of stuff and I知 worried this could mean their is too much pressure behind my eyes caused by high blood pressure. I have had most these things since I was 14/15 tho.

21-12-18, 14:43
What I知 worried about the most is my eyes are messed up. I get rainbow rings around bright likes and weird vision snow and all sorts of stuff and I知 worried this could mean their is too much pressure behind my eyes caused by high blood pressure. I have had most these things since I was 14/15 tho.

Maybe you need glasses? When was your last eye exam?

---------- Post added at 09:43 ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 ----------

It's called orthostatic hypotension. When you've been sitting and stand up, your BP can drop for a moment while your heart catches up with circulation. Unpleasant yes, but harmless.

Positive thoughts
I have had orthostatic hypotension since I was a child. When I stand up sometimes (not always), I get grey-blue in my eyes, so I can't see pretty much, and I get revving/hissing sound in my ears, and I feel lite headed as if I was going to fall down. This only lasts for a second or two though and goes away. For some reason I suspect what the OP described is simply anxiety, not even orthostatic hypotension.

21-12-18, 15:04
Maybe you need glasses? When was your last eye exam?

---------- Post added at 09:43 ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 ----------

I have had orthostatic hypotension since I was a child. When I stand up sometimes (not always), I get grey-blue in my eyes, so I can't see pretty much, and I get revving/hissing sound in my ears, and I feel lite headed as if I was going to fall down. This only lasts for a second or two though and goes away. For some reason I suspect what the OP described is simply anxiety, not even orthostatic hypotension.

I have never had an eye exam and now I知 too scared to get one because I have been convinced since I was 13 they will find a brain tumour. However I do get ghosting with lights as well as white on black and it is fixed with the pin hole test so I think this means I could need them. My mum is also short sighted and I think I could be mildly too.

21-12-18, 16:49
In the uk many drs surgeries have machines you can go in and use yourself or you can get an appointment with a nurse to take you bp. What you need to remember is 1, at your age its unlikely and 2, if you do have a slightly higher than average bp it can be lowered with diet, lower your salt intake and exercise and if it’s that bad (which I highly doubt) tablets will do the trick

bin tenn
21-12-18, 17:09
I have never had an eye exam and now I知 too scared to get one because I have been convinced since I was 13 they will find a brain tumour. However I do get ghosting with lights as well as white on black and it is fixed with the pin hole test so I think this means I could need them. My mum is also short sighted and I think I could be mildly too.

19 and never had an eye exam? Your mum is short sighted? It'd be a good idea to get in for an exam, that way you can take corrective action now rather than waiting.

21-12-18, 17:12
I have had orthostatic hypotension since I was a child. When I stand up sometimes (not always), I get grey-blue in my eyes, so I can't see pretty much, and I get revving/hissing sound in my ears, and I feel lite headed as if I was going to fall down. This only lasts for a second or two though and goes away. For some reason I suspect what the OP described is simply anxiety, not even orthostatic hypotension.

It's her reaction to it that's anxiety IMO. Stand up too quickly, get a bit dizzy, turns into a brain tumor :doh: I get it too especially since I'm on BP meds and beta blockers. Ehhh...It is what it is and not serious.

Positive thoughts

bin tenn
21-12-18, 19:14
I asked my doc about occasionally severe/strong dizzy spells and the like after standing up. She suggested POTS/orthostatic hypotension. She said the only test for it is testing orthostatics (e.g. checking BP while lying, sitting then standing). But frankly, it's pointless. There's no guarantee it would happen during the test because it isn't every time. And it's entirely harmless.

21-12-18, 19:34
It痴 not even really dizzyness anyway it痴 more likely a feeling of throbbing pressure around my face and temples. The reason I said it was dizzyness is I would occasionally get it as a kid where my whole head would throb but at the same time I would see dots and my whole vision would go dark. I also noticed sometimes my heart rate goes up when I stand up because I feel it in my chest.

bin tenn
21-12-18, 22:47
I get the pressure, too, as well as the increased heart rate.