View Full Version : Worried about pain in back passage area

21-12-18, 15:52
Please help.

For the past two weeks I’ve had a lot of aches in my butt.
The best way to describe it is that it feels tight around the entrance and that it feels as if I’ve got to go but don’t and it pulses and pushes whenever I cough.

This last week I’ve also started to get aches and discomfort in the tailbone, which is proving it tough to find a place to sit comfortably.

Had a digital rectal exam on Monday where the doctor found nothing, but it hasn’t improved since then.

Are these signs of something serious?

21-12-18, 16:32
What did the doctor suggest it could be?

21-12-18, 22:54

It's good nothing was felt on the rectal exam.

Haemorrhoids *can* cause pain, especially when sitting. Internal haemorrhoids are not palpable on rectal exams, so you could have them inside causing the pain.

Did your doctor not suggest any sort of treatment plan? Or indicate what it could be?

As nothing has been felt on examination, I definitely think you should call into your local pharmacy and have a consultation with the pharmacist. You can get treatment for it on the minor ailments scheme...

Good luck

21-12-18, 23:14
Hey everyone, thanks for replying :)

Doctor didn't really say anything. When performing the exam he said there was some red soreness on the entrance and that it 'could' be that if it's got inside - so I'm on cannesten. But that was it. When I pushed him on the aches in the bottom of the spine/buttocks he said it could be me overcompensating for the discomfort in the bum, but just try the cream.

He did say I could try Anusol HC, but didn't give me a plan or anything like that. With it now being Christmas I'm not going to be able to get in and see anyone until next year now

22-12-18, 03:35
I, unfortunately had exactly, to the T, the very symptoms you describe starting last January! You can check my previous posts to see what came of it which was nothing. It has since gone away, but it took quite awhile, like a few months. I had the tailbone pain as well. I had 3 rectal exams, an x ray, blood tests, fecal blood test. All were negative. I don't know what it was, but it was definitely exacerbated by my anxiety and hyperfocus. I have since had treatment for my anxiety, and continue to do so. I wish you the best of luck, and all I can say is don T get too worked up about it, I'm certain it will go away soon. I did find that a chiropractor did seem to help with the tailbone pain, as well as yoga.

22-12-18, 23:23
Hi Amy, thank you for your kind words. I hope you're right. It keeps changing from tailbone to bones in the underside of the butt, making it hard to sit down.

I'll try and book in a session with a physio in the new year and see if it helps.

28-12-18, 00:28
And I"m back. Tried to keep my mind active over Christmas and focus on family, which helped a little, but the discomfort feeling has continued.

I ran myself a bath tonight in an effort to try and relax (I thought I was coming down with something as my hips and knees were aching) and after a few minutes I found that I was getting discomfort/pressure in the cheeks. It’s hard to explain, but it feels like there’s two mini eggs in either cheek that are filled with air when in the tub. It's really freaking me out now as my mind is going to worst places. Is it colon cancer? Has it spread to my bones etc.


28-12-18, 00:34
doesn't sound like cancer at all.

30-12-18, 00:59
doesn't sound like cancer at all.

Hey NMP, thank you for replying. I really wish I could keep calm. My friend suggested that it sounded like sciatica.

Had a google to see how to relieve the discomfort of sciatica and freaked out when I read at the bottom of the NHS website about when to consult the emergency services:

Inability to pass urine when you feel the need to go
Inability to stop a bowel motion or leaking
Numbness in or around your back passage, buttocks or between your inner thighs
A change in ability to get an erection
If you have pain in both legs and/or worsening weakness in the legs

I've had the aching in both legs, and round the back passage, buttocks and inner thighs and did have a bathroom accident a few weeks back. Wondering if I should go to the ER now :unsure:

30-12-18, 02:05
Doctor didn't really say anything. When performing the exam he said there was some red soreness on the entrance and that it 'could' be that if it's got inside - so I'm on cannesten. But that was it. When I pushed him on the aches in the bottom of the spine/buttocks he said it could be me overcompensating for the discomfort in the bum, but just try the cream.

He did say I could try Anusol HC, but didn't give me a plan or anything like that. With it now being Christmas I'm not going to be able to get in and see anyone until next year now

Actually, it sounds like he said a lot and gave you a reasonable explanation and remedy.

Positive thoughts

30-12-18, 02:18
Hey everyone, thanks for replying :)

Doctor didn't really say anything. When performing the exam he said there was some red soreness on the entrance and that it 'could' be that if it's got inside - so I'm on cannesten. But that was it. When I pushed him on the aches in the bottom of the spine/buttocks he said it could be me overcompensating for the discomfort in the bum, but just try the cream.

He did say I could try Anusol HC, but didn't give me a plan or anything like that. With it now being Christmas I'm not going to be able to get in and see anyone until next year now

The redness just inside is anusitis, which is often mistaken for piles, so your Dr was very observant. It is very common but often mistaken for piles. Some people get a bit of bleeding with this. I get flares of anusitis every few years and it can hang around for a month or two. It can be very painful when it's bad, it can feel like you have a rock up there with aching and sometimes there's a 'crawling' feeling up there. Sometimes ointments eg proctosedyl or ultraproct can make it feel better, sometimes not. Suppositories don't really work for this condition.

There is a product you can buy called Anurex which works by reducing inflammation by using cryothermy https://bodyandhealth.canada.com/news/chealth/131?newssource=0 This sounds like a really great treatment and I've ordered one of these as they're not available in NZ.

I wonder why your Dr has prescribed Canestin as it's an antifungal used for thrush?

It can be diet related too. Coffee, beer and acidic fruit make it worse.
Slippery Elm powder dissolved in hot water helps, you can drink a glass of this before meals, also drink plenty of water.
Stress can also make it worse!

Hope you find a solution.

30-12-18, 11:34
Actually, it sounds like he said a lot and gave you a reasonable explanation and remedy.

Positive thoughts

It certainly sounded like a reasonable explanation at the time. But with the redness now being gone and the aches still being present, it makes you worried, you know?

01-01-19, 01:10
Eurgh I hate this. Although the pain isn't constant, it comes and goes, I've now started getting aches down the backs of the thighs.


04-01-19, 14:44
And the anxiety is at an all time high.

As mentioned in another thread, with someone having the same sort of issues, I went to the doctors yesterday complaining about the same symptoms. Wouldn't perform another DRE, and said that the rash is still present and put me on steroid cream for two weeks. When I asked how this rash could cause my symptoms, they were not very forthcoming - explaining there are endless nerves in the back passage area.

Thinking it could then be a muscle or bone issue, I booked in to see my physiotherapist. They did some examinations, trying to find focus points etc. but couldn't find anything that's triggering the aches in my bones. This has now sent my anxiety through the roof, as if they haven't found anything, then it's not just a strain issue etc. and that is must be to do with someone internal.

I've got my 4th CBT meeting this afternoon, I feel like a failure going back to him worse than when I started.

04-01-19, 16:43
Progress in mental illnesses are not linear and not likely to be smooth sailing, you’re not a failure.

Have you been adjusting your posture/ the way you lie and sit with your discomfort that you’ve been experiencing? This can cause aches of all sorts, recently both my hips, felt like from the bone, and my buttocks and thighs were so tender! All because I changed my bed and sofa and was led and sat differently with out even noticing.

Positive vibes,


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04-01-19, 23:15
Progress in mental illnesses are not linear and not likely to be smooth sailing, you’re not a failure.

Well I certainly feel like it. I've been given some more practices to try out this week. Hopefully they help a little as I'm feeling really low :(

Have you been adjusting your posture/ the way you lie and sit with your discomfort that you’ve been experiencing? This can cause aches of all sorts, recently both my hips, felt like from the bone, and my buttocks and thighs were so tender! All because I changed my bed and sofa and was led and sat differently with out even noticing.

Yeah, I've tried sitting differently. I showed my PT the way I sit and he said the way I do wouldn't be causing pressure in the areas I am feeling the pain. So I don't know :shrug:

06-01-19, 20:20
Sorry to keep bothering you all. Freaking out right now and nobody to talk to :(

I went to a yoga class on Wednesday to try and stretch it all out, but the days following I was aching all across my lower body (kinda like DOMS, which is weird because I go to the gym frequently)

However, yesterday I went down to visit my family and for the whole day I was having pain in both my bum cheeks, inner and outer thighs and my hips – it doesn’t help that I spent most of the day sitting (in the car for 4 hours and then at a restaurant)

Today I went to the gym where I couldn’t do a full set (4/5 mostly) as I felt too tired. Walking back home my thighs were killing me and my lower back and buttocks were aching too – making me feel incredibly weak.

After about an hour I went into town for some lunch, where I started to notice the little fingers and ring fingers on my hands were tingling a little bit. My body now aches all over and feels like I’ve been hit by a truck – it’s horrible.

I’m now worried that because it’s gone from a mild ache to this, that I’ve got something serious wrong with me. MS, ALS, or some sort of cancer?

06-01-19, 20:35
No, it's not cancer, you haven't had any bleeding and even this doesn't mean cancer!
Not ALS as this doesn't begin with pain or twitching, MS extremely unlikely.

Could be a fatigue syndrome though but more likely it started with the initial symptom and then your HA stress had caused heaps of muscle tension.

06-01-19, 20:38
I’ve been having the similar issue my legs have been really achy lately I haven’t worked out or strained them and this pain doesn’t feel muscular my knees under my and above my knees and thighs and sometimes buttocks feel sore I don’t know where all my symptoms are coming from had clear blood CT and US sound within the last month pain comes and goes and could be left leg or right it’s scary and wierd I’m I’m jus so tired

06-01-19, 21:03
I have had the pins and needles thing before, it could be a virus or stress/anxiety. I had pins and needles in my legs and arms before and it lasted about a month...constant tingling. I was worried it was MS and after going to A&E they diagnosed a stress response probably linked to a virus.

The muscles do tend to hurt if you don’t regularly do yoga, especially if they have been tight. I have noticed that I sat on the floor the other day and the next day my whole buttocks, thighs and hips ached rotten! Try to notice if you are clenching without realising. I noticed that I tend to clench my buttocks more often than I realised!! Even clenching when I brush my teeth. I am trying to stop myself and take deep breaths and relax the muscle. It is hard but things are getting better.

I think that the time of year may have something to do with it also. I feel so down at the moment, like I am surrounded by a grey cloud. I can’t focus and all I seem to do is worry. I feel like I am ill and am constantly focused on what is going on with me. I work and have a family and try to distract myself from focusing on me all the time, but I am struggling.

Keep trying the CBT homework, have a look at progressive muscle relaxation online and try not to stress, which is easier said than done and I am not doing well with that either!!

07-01-19, 08:57
No, it's not cancer, you haven't had any bleeding and even this doesn't mean cancer!
Not ALS as this doesn't begin with pain or twitching, MS extremely unlikely.

Could be a fatigue syndrome though but more likely it started with the initial symptom and then your HA stress had caused heaps of muscle tension.

I know ownit sounds crazy, but my logical side of my brain is constantly being shouted down by my anxious side. I've been doing stretches and meditation to stay calm but with the pain still present so it's scary.

The itchy bum doesn't help things. I looked on the NHS website to see what I can do to relieve the symptoms and right at the bottom of the page, it said it can be sometimes early symptoms of bowel or anal cancer, which doesn't help :(

07-01-19, 09:11
You had manual check for anal lumps and polyps and you didn't have any. Bleeding is an early sign of both AC and BC, also which you don't have. Itchiness can be pruritis ani, due to sensitive skin.

07-01-19, 16:04
You had manual check for anal lumps and polyps and you didn't have any. Bleeding is an early sign of both AC and BC, also which you don't have. Itchiness can be pruritis ani, due to sensitive skin.

I get what you're saying. I do. But the fact it hasn't got any better is really worrying. Especially since I was prescribed some new cream last week and this afternoon I went to the loo and upon wiping, had small specks of blood on the tissue :(

08-01-19, 16:18
Really worrying now

Back at work yesterday. Found myself in a lot of pain in back passage area, went to loo and looked in mirror to find all the inside of my bum is bright red and sore. Really, really sore.

Can't help but think since I've been using the stuff the doctor provided and it's not working, that it must be something bad like colrectal or anal cancer :(

08-01-19, 16:24
Honestly, it's a really sensitive area, if you're managing to look at it in the mirror you're probably irritating the skin just by touching it.

08-01-19, 23:03
Really worrying now

Back at work yesterday. Found myself in a lot of pain in back passage area, went to loo and looked in mirror to find all the inside of my bum is bright red and sore. Really, really sore.

Can't help but think since I've been using the stuff the doctor provided and it's not working, that it must be something bad like colrectal or anal cancer :(

Re-read some of my posts it's likely to be anusitis... get some proctosedyl ointment or suppositories (off prescription) or go back to your Dr and get some Ultraproct or to be referred on.

Redness is inflammation not cancer (lord knows how you got to look up there)! Anal cancers begin with a polyp and bleeding and you haven't got either!
Why do I feel like I'm repeating myself? Must be because I'm a silly older person who's had this and know it's nothing serious...I guess experience counts for nothing!!

09-01-19, 02:01
You seriously sound exactly like I was last year. Right down to looking at it in the mirror. Re read the reply I provided when you started this thread. Mine turned into some serious OCD behavior patterns, with hyper focusing and looking at it in the mirror. I was at the doctor so many times. You don’t have any kind of cancer down there. You should try and stop focusing on it and let it heal! It took several CBT sessions and psychiatry treatment for me to break the unhealthy cycles I got into. By all means, seek out some CBT, but don’t go poking around down there too much, or you’ll really irritate it further by just trying to look at it. All the best to you, it’s a terrible thing to be worried about and I hope you find peace with it very soon.

09-01-19, 08:07
Redness is inflammation not cancer (lord knows how you got to look up there)! Anal cancers begin with a polyp and bleeding and you haven't got either!
Why do I feel like I'm repeating myself? Must be because I'm a silly older person who's had this and know it's nothing serious...I guess experience counts for nothing!!

Hi WiseMonkey, I really do feel silly being in this situation and I really do thank you for taking your time to reply.

I was trying to stay calm (honest!) and was merely looking on the NHS website for tips on treating an itchy anus. The page was giving advice, but then right at the bottom is suggested that itchiness and redness on the bottom cheeks (which I currently have pretty bad) could be early signs of AC. Which obviously has thrown me massively.

10-01-19, 23:29
A little bit of an update.

Over the past few days I've been trying to stay calm and deal with the discomfort in the back passage with sudacreme. It's seem to have been working - which is great. However.... at the same time I've been feeling incredibly weak. Like, ridiculously weak. I'm quite strong due to the amount of times I go to the gym a week, but I haven't been this week as I've just felt wiped out. These past 36 hours, it's freaked me out as my legs and arms feel as if they're ten times as heavy as they should be, making it really hard to move about and go about my daily life. I've also felt incredibly light headed and discombobulated.

11-01-19, 21:31
Sorry you are still feeling off. I am still going round in circles with mine and have had a major anxiety episode this week. I am worrying more and more to the point that I am struggling to think of anything else. I have had 4 GP appointments this week. They suggest that I have sacroiliac joint pain and suggest exercise. It can affect the buttocks and along the tail bone. The back passage pain seems to have improved a little. I am struggling to believe the GPs, to take notice of the fact that I don’t have any red flag symptoms and my symptoms match what I have been diagnosed with. I have started anxiety meds and am seeking CBT.

Anxiety is exhausting and I have had episodes where my anxiety has caused me to feel out of it, floaty and all sorts. I once was convinced I had MS cos of tingling in arms and legs and then feeling like my legs were floating. All anxiety.

11-01-19, 21:53
Hey FlapperGirl, I hope you get the answers you need soon. It's just all so scary.

It’s felt like my arms and legs are stupidly heavy and if my whole body is moving through treacle. For example, when I stretch my fingers it feels like they’re really tight and tired.

Also been getting aches in my neck and armpits and occasionally I’ve also been feeling light headed and fuzzy - finding it hard to concentrate on things.

I really don't want to start worrying about something like MS, ALS, lymphoma or something else. I've already spent so long worrying, I just want to be better.

My CBT has been going ok, but these past few weeks have been horrible.

22-01-19, 22:22
So back to the doctors this week since the sensation in the back passage was continuing and the cream they'd given me caused me to break out in a rash.

They've decided to send me for a colonoscopy, which is freaking me out. I'm terrified what they're going to find up there now :(

22-01-19, 23:00
So back to the doctors this week since the sensation in the back passage was continuing and the cream they'd given me caused me to break out in a rash.

They've decided to send me for a colonoscopy, which is freaking me out. I'm terrified what they're going to find up there now :(

They may find some inflammation, due to proctitis or anusitis or even hemorrhoids.

The prep is the worse part, the actual colonoscopy is a breeze, I recommend sedation.

22-01-19, 23:06
How do they sedate you? Via a needle?

I've been having stomach ache all week too. Gah, I hate this.

22-01-19, 23:39
You don't have to have sedation. I do a colonoscopy with no pain relief and no sedation.

27-01-19, 00:44
Does proctitis cause sharp throbbing pain down there? Spent the evening freaking out as for the second half of the day, on top of the discomfort, I've been getting intense throbbing pains occasionally

Really trying to stay as calm as possible and not worry about colon or rectal cancer


28-01-19, 22:10
No word of when my colonoscopy is taking place, but the pain in the butt continues.

Wasn't too bad for most of the day, but from around mid afternoon I've had really bad pain back there. Feels like I've got something lodged in there and I've got a bad feeling that somethings wrong :(

We're supposed to be moving house in a few weeks and I'm terrified they're going to find something serious, which is just going to make it all fall apart.

28-01-19, 22:32
Does proctitis cause sharp throbbing pain down there? Spent the evening freaking out as for the second half of the day, on top of the discomfort, I've been getting intense throbbing pains occasionally

Really trying to stay as calm as possible and not worry about colon or rectal cancer


Yes, proctitis can do this, I'm just getting over a flare of it (lasting for nearly 2 months), mine is the autoimmune type.

13-02-19, 23:13
Evening everyone. I hope you're all ok :)

I've kept off the boards and been trying to stay calm - I can't recommend yoga and meditation enough - and for the most part I've been ok.

Still yet to get a date for my colonoscopy, but since I last posted the feeling inside the bottom has gone (yay) and left with some slight redness and soreness just inside the bum cheeks. For the most part, I've not been fretting about it all.

However, what's freaking me out the most is that for the past few days I've had pain at the top of the bum cheeks, that when spread causes a sharp pain.

My partner has had a look at it and said it appears quite red and close to bleeding - which I've found to have a bit of spotting when wiping after a bowel movement.

Scared it could be something bad :(

17-02-19, 21:50
Got a date for my hospital appointment - not until first week of April :(

Annoyingly my bottom has been in discomfort again. Not the same feeling as before, but still weird back there.

Scared now that they're going to find something, but will be too far gone because it's so long away.

17-02-19, 23:28
If they were concerned, you’d have been referred under the 2-week referral scheme. I would take it as a positive.

Positive thoughts :-)

06-03-19, 23:47
The soreness has cleared up but I'm still getting discomfort down there. I've also been getting some annoying stomach and back ache.

It doesn't help that earlier this evening I read the news about Alex Trebek and his battle with pancreatic cancer :( I found out on reddit and reading the comments about people's experience with the disease has thrown me into an almost panic attack as most say their loved ones were diagnosed with it after having no symptoms until it was too late. Freaking out that these symptoms could be the same thing

07-03-19, 00:31
Glad to hear you're feeling better physically. Sorry to hear you're not mentally :(

Positive thoughts