View Full Version : Scared I have ALS

22-12-18, 06:48
Hello guys I’m 25 male. I suffer from anxiety really bad and lately I been convincing myself that I have als. It’s al started one day out of the blue back in June I had to take a extra breath because I felt like I was going to suffocate. I thought I had lung cancer so I went to my doctor and he told me it was my anxiety so I told him if he could send me for a cat scan to rule it out after having so many xrays and ER visits I was told everything is good. Great right but no after that maybe last month I noticed a tremor in my hands so of course I consulted dr google and the first thing that came up was ALS. So then after I had tremors maybe a week later I started to twitch all over the body so that really sent me to a panic mode. So I been like this for a month and I also been drooling so much lately. I have a appointment with a nuro next week but I’m so scared any advice thanks guys .

22-12-18, 07:35
Read this thread that Fishmanpa helpfully posted for us:

You don't have ALS.

22-12-18, 07:36
Yeah I read it but it’s so hard to not think “what if” but thank you so much for the reply.

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22-12-18, 07:36
Oh good Iris - you posted it. I couldn’t work out how!!
Hi Carlosm...... hope you feel better soon...

22-12-18, 07:36
Thank you jojo (:

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22-12-18, 07:37
Have you looked at TwistidTragedy’s thread? He doesn’t have ALS either!

22-12-18, 07:37
Can I have the link?

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22-12-18, 07:41
Ive been twitching for 3 months and am in the rabbit hole of fear of Als myself. It is the hardest fear you will ever fight. I have 24 7 twitching in both calves for 3 months and random widespread twitching all over. Its debilitating and has me in a panic. Its ripping my family apart and my sanity. All i can say is i pray that your ok and its nothing serious and that you dont do what i have done and google 24 7 and dont go to Als websites like i do and have it only fuels the fear. Prayers and postive thoughts to you and yours.

22-12-18, 07:43
Thank you so much I’m 99.999% sure we are both okay but this dang anxiety is crazy like ughh haha.

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22-12-18, 07:43
Ive been twitching for 3 months and am in the rabbit hole of fear of Als myself. It is the hardest fear you will ever fight. I have 24 7 twitching in both calves for 3 months and random widespread twitching all over. Its debilitating and has me in a panic. Its ripping my family apart and my sanity. All i can say is i pray that your ok and its nothing serious and that you dont do what i have done and google 24 7 and dont go to Als websites like i do and have it only fuels the fear. Prayers and postive thoughts to you and yours.

There you go!

22-12-18, 07:44
Yeah just read it thanks guys for the reply’s love you guys so much.

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22-12-18, 07:47
Thank you so much I’m 99.999% sure we are both okay but this dang anxiety is crazy like ughh haha.

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Actually statistically it is probably even more than 99.999.......
But anxious brains don’t pay attention to statistics, they pay attention to freak horror stories found online! :doh:

22-12-18, 07:51
Sometimes I wonder if my juuling (e cigarette) have something to do with what I’m feeling . I do smoke like 2 pods ( one pod have the same nicotine as a pack of smokes) so maybe I’m just over doing it with the nicotine. But we will find out on Thursday for sure.

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28-12-18, 03:14
Hey guys so saw my neurologist today and he did a emg and said it looks fine so am I clear from ALS or not? Thanks.

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28-12-18, 10:07
Hey guys so saw my neurologist today and he did a emg and said it looks fine so am I clear from ALS or not? Thanks.

Seriously? You got the all clear from a medical professional and EMG (the definitive test for ALS) and you're asking us if you're all clear? :huh:

Positive thoughts