View Full Version : Help needed with HIV testing

22-12-18, 19:37
I saw a documentary on HIV in the 80s, and scared myself senseless. Although I am NOT sexually active , I could not stop worrying and went to a reputable U.S. pharmacy clinic, where a skilled technician did a rapid antibody test ( I needed no time window, since I am not sexually active). I was present while she opened a lancet, and did the test on the spot. I was inside the room with her while we waited for the results. It was negative, and she was very kind, and said she understands sometimes people just need the peace of mind, even if not at risk. I left happy.

Now, I cannot stop thinking about whether those test kits are disposable?! WTF? She opened the lancet from a sealed pouch in front of my eyes! But, I do not remember ( it is just a blur), where the plastic white lancet holder came from. I presume, googling test kits, that absolutely everything is disposable, and trashed immediately into the bio-hazard bin ( which was under the table). AND I WAS THERE WITH HER ALL THE F...ING TIME! I was so restless, that I went again the next day, and asked to talk to her. She was patient, kind and said to me: Don't you remember, I opened everything in front of you. There is nothing in the kits that can be used more than one time.

Believe it or not, I am still ruminating about it. It was Wednesday, and today is Saturday. My holidays are sort of ruined because my brain has no peace. I do not know what technique to use to stop intrusive senseless thoughts. Since I know how crazy this is, I am asking fellow sufferers to help me with the advice on how to get rid of these intrusive thoughts, how to put this behind me. Please, someone help! Any kind of advice, or a story that may help me. I live in the US, urban area, and this was a reputable place. Thank you, and please help

22-12-18, 19:45

This is WAY out of proportion. You state you're not sexually active - so how would you have contracted HIV in the first place?

I've never used a rapid HIV test kit myself professionally - but I wouldn't need to to know this - but all these types of rapid test kits are single use. That is, once they're used for one patient, they're disposed of.

Now, move on from this incident and don't harass that poor member of staff again lol.

Good luck.

22-12-18, 19:45
You know the reality but I understand how intrusive thoughts can skew it.

This is a post I made. Check out the link.

There are a lot of great resources here. The ARTICLES (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles) section is a great place to start. There's a lot of great information, links etc.

Also, utilize the "SEARCH" feature. If your issue is about an illness, a feeling etc. A simple search can yield literally pages and pages of similar posts and threads along with the advice given to the member that posted it.

Just a reminder to take advantage of these resources and perhaps save yourself a lot of angst waiting for replies on a thread.

Positive thoughts

22-12-18, 20:57
Both RadioGaGA, and Fishmanpa,

This is literally all i needed: a harsh slap on the face ( By RadioGaGa, medical professional to boot)) to get my self composed; and great resource to simply sit down, take a deep breath, and get my normal , reasonable part of the brain start functioning!

I needed you to be harsh with me, I swear, that helps tremendously! Thank you both so, so much, and Marry Christmas and Happy New Year, to you two, and all the other sufferers. Thank God for this precious place of support!:flowers::flowers::flowers:

22-12-18, 23:17

I'm DELIGHTED I was able to help you - there is no better feeling than being able to help someone.

I want to clarify though, I NEVER intend to come across as rude or cheeky on ANY of my posts on here. Usually, if its interpreted as this, it's me being very clear that the person has nothing wrong with them! :)

But anyway, once again I'm glad I was able to calm you down.

Merry Christma s

23-12-18, 05:13
Dear RadioGaga,

I was serious, not sarcastic: your way of talking to me is EXACTLY what I needed. You helped me stop ruminating, and then I also read what Fishmanpa recommended. Guys, I needed it, and you made me feel so good, and normal, after being a complete nut job for several days.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


16-01-19, 14:44
i saw a documentary on hiv in the 80s, and scared myself senseless. Although i am not sexually active , i could not stop worrying and went to a reputable u.s. Pharmacy clinic, where a skilled technician did a rapid antibody test ( i needed no time window, since i am not sexually active). I was present while she opened a lancet, and did the test on the spot. I was inside the room with her while we waited for the results. It was negative, and she was very kind, and said she understands sometimes people just need the peace of mind, even if not at risk. I left happy.

Now, i cannot stop thinking about whether those test kits are disposable?! Wtf? She opened the lancet from a sealed pouch in front of my eyes! But, i do not remember ( it is just a blur), where the plastic white lancet holder came from. I presume, googling test kits, that absolutely everything is disposable, and trashed immediately into the bio-hazard bin ( which was under the table). And i was there with her all the f...ing time! I was so restless, that i went again the next day, and asked to talk to her. She was patient, kind and said to me: Don't you remember, i opened everything in front of you. There is nothing in the kits that can be used more than one time.

Believe it or not, i am still ruminating about it. It was wednesday, and today is saturday. My holidays are sort of ruined because my brain has no peace. I do not know what technique to use to stop intrusive senseless thoughts. Since i know how crazy this is, i am asking fellow sufferers to help me with the advice on how to get rid of these intrusive thoughts, how to put this behind me. Please, someone help! Any kind of advice, or a story that may help me. I live in the us, urban area, and this was a reputable place. Thank you, and please help

all medical instruments, needles for drawing blood included, are brand new and unopened. When they take your blood for any kind of test, hiv included, they show it to you so they put your mind at ease. Hiv negative result = you don t have hiv.