View Full Version : Anxiety due to hot weather

23-12-18, 11:08
I know most people on this forum are in the Northern hemisphere where you are in mid winter right now so it might be difficult for you to relate to my problem.

I live in Botswana, Southern Africa and we're having the hottest summer I've ever experienced with temperatures in the mid 40 s most days.
I've got myself into such a state about the heat that I'm spending most of my time in my bedroom with the air conditioner on and the curtains drawn.

But of course I do have to go out and when I do I just go into panic mode terrified that I'll pass out.... I never have. But the heat makes me feel physically ill, headaches, nausea, etc..

Does anyone else experience this fear of hot weather?

23-12-18, 14:15
In the U.K. we had a very hot summer this year. There were plenty of people complaining about it..on here as well.
I personally hate the heat and don't cope well at all, so I know how you feel.

23-12-18, 14:31
I had exactly the same our past summer, keep yourself out of the heat as much as possible, especially at the hottest points of the day. Drink plenty and take it easy if you need to.

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24-12-18, 08:21
Thanks for the replies.
I keep a wet towel stuffed with ice cubes around my neck and its helping. Problem is when I go outside....
I think my neck's going to start growing mushrooms by the end of this summer 😀

24-12-18, 08:44
I'm in central queensland and know how you feel.
This summer and last year have been terrible.
Bring on winter.

24-12-18, 16:26
Yep, I once had to cancel a conference talk due to the heat making me swoon. Are you due a break in the weather soon?