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View Full Version : Panic induced by flaky friends

24-12-18, 00:10
I am currently having a dilemma where my friends are creating an anxiety fueled situation for me. But I understand it and don’t want to bring it up to them for fear they will think I’m a big baby.

So my two friends never make solid plans. It’s always like a last minute “yeah see you in twenty minutes” but, there’s also a lot of cancellations and that leaves me on edge. Of course I miss my friends and get excited about hanging out with them so my brain finds the lack of plans anxiety inducing in the worst way. I get upset that I am so clingy and anxious about needing human interaction with people I am comfortable with, when that doesn’t seem the same for most of my friends. They seem more to with the flow and I can’t do that.

I don’t want to bring this up to them. I’d like to know how to calm the anxiety. Also is a branch of social anxiety? I was often neglected by my friends all through my life, left out of things and also made fun of and gossiped about. This sort of anxiety didn’t start with my other friends until after that. I just feel broken and terrible. Do I bring it up to my friends? I’ve brung it up before only to be sort of blamed for it.

29-12-18, 22:18
Maybe you make the plans next time, suggest a time and place yourself. That way you can get used to being out and about with them again.

Also, maybe tell your friends about your anxiety. You might be surprised at how receptive at least some of them are.

30-12-18, 15:27
Do your friends know about your anxiety? Would it help to explain it to them?