View Full Version : Bronchitis?

24-12-18, 03:21
Last Monday I had gotten a sore throat. It probably Lasted 5 days, I began to get the stuffy/runny nose and the blocked feeling in my ears. I had been feeling better besides I think I’m still having post nasal drip. Today I have been coughing nonstop. It’s lkke I’m wheezing when I breathe in and isa dry, hoarse cough. Sometimes when I cough hard enough stuff is coming up. I was at work all day miserable, my throat hurts as if it’s raw from all of the coughing, not really a sore throat. My brother and sister are also sick with coughs, I had the cold first and passed it to them I assume. My sister went to the doctor today and they told her It was viral. It’s horrile, my throat is so raw that it hurts to talk and I had begun feeling hot like I had a fever. My nose is still a bit stuffy and runny, now I’m terrified that it has tuned into bronchitis cjitts or pneumonia. I’m terrified because the doctors are not open the next two days, I’m worried this is serious and I’m goin. To die or something. I’m tying to reemakn logical and not jump to a cancer conclusion.

24-12-18, 03:36
Did you take your temperature? Sometimes I feel feverish when I'm anxious but I don't actually have a temperature. Anyway, a lot of coughing and sore throat is really common at the end of a cold or other bug in my experience. I understand how you feel.