View Full Version : Older ladies only.over 35????

31-08-07, 15:18
Hi all.

I am totally fed up! and need advice or reassurance from those ladies going or gone through the dreaded menopause:lac:

I am 48 now and started the monpause at 39, that changed me in a big way.
made my anxiety a lot worse suffered my first panic attacks big time.
Mood swings like you wouldn't believe, temper tantrums which i'd never had before etc etc etc you all know what it's like.
Now i haven't bled for 10 1/2 months and wondered if i should expect never to bleed again or what?
Also these B****y sweats are driving me mad.

I don't take HRT as i have tried 4 different lots and nothing worked, infact they all made me feel worse. I think anyway that whilst your body is trying to get rid of something like a certain hormone when you are going through the menopause why the heck should you try and shove it back in??

I take so many meds for anxiety, high blood pressure and cholestrol (just shoot me) that i don't know what to take that is safe to do so for these sweats any ideas anyone please.
i have just about had enough:weep:

As i say time and time again "what it is to be a woman":wacko:

31-08-07, 18:26
Hi Me again
Has anyone got any answers ..........please:shrug: :blush:

31-08-07, 18:52
Hi Nanny

I am over 35 (probably guessed that from my name) and fortunately not going through the menopause at the moment (or not that I am aware of).

Cannot say that I am looking forward to it either. The things us women have to go through - men have it soooooo easy.

I am sure someone will be along soon with some advice for you.

Take care x

31-08-07, 23:43
Oh nanny

- you have such a fine quality my friend of still being able to raise a laugh even when you're really goin' through it!!

At 52 I've been ruddy peri-menopausal since my late thirties!!

Periods still like clockwork - apart from a couple of months ago when I missed a whole month and thought I was pregnant (thankfully was not lol!!) :ohmy::blush: don't know how I would have handled being a GroovyGrannyMummy !

I think 12 months is the 'cut off' point when you can safely assume that you won't get any more periods - or is it that you won't get pregnant? Maybe even both.

I agree with you on the hormone issue - although it is said that the longer you have your periods the better it is for your body, hair , skin etc.

My sweats tend to increase in intensity when I've eaten spicy foods - especially at night. Also, I always try and sleep with the bedroom window open even in winter just slightly. Carrying one of those fresh water sprays in my handbag has become an option lately too! And I always, always have a fan !! The total bliss of spraying your face, neck and chest with water and then fanning it has got to be experienced to be believed!

I think the way forward for us is to try and relieve and alleviate the symptoms rather than find a cure - because I don't think there is a complete cure as such.

How about going to somewhere like Holland & Barrett and asking advice? I'm sure I saw some kind of supplement for 'Women on or approaching the Menopause' in there one day ?

After all this I don't think I'd really like to be a bloke, I mean - having to shave your face every day as well as your legs?? I really don't think I could cope with that! :lac:

I'll be surely thinking of you my friend next time I wake with a 'night sweat' !

big hugs for you love



31-08-07, 23:51
Hi Nanny

I have been through the menapause, I've only just turned 50. Sorry that you're having so many problems. I'm quite lucky in that I don't have hot flushes, my anxiety didn't get any worse, but I get more depressed. I started the menapause at 42, I haven't had a period now for 4 years.

I asked my doctor a few years ago about when will I know if periods have stopped completely & apparently if ure under 50 you could go about 2 years and have another 'bleed'. I went nearly 2 years, thought that was it then had one, but none since.

I refused to take HRT, like you said, it's a natural thing for a woman to go through. Trouble with losing the female hormone is you start growing hair where there wasn't any b4:mad: LOL.

Men don't know how easy they have it, do they?:shades:

I know I haven't been much help, but answer to ure question is that yes you could still have some more 'bleeds':mad:
Take care

01-09-07, 00:59
Hi Nanny,

I am 39 hun and don't think I've started the menopause yet BUT if you ask my hubby he thinks I started it 17 years ago when we met the brute lol. xxx

01-09-07, 01:32
Just starting the menopause stage of life - woohooo let's all have a party - NOT

I sweat like a streetwalker in church - insomnia from hell - I could pull a hannibal and have some liver with fava beans one minute and crying like an idiot the next!!!

Doesn't make my anxiety any worse (yet) but my Mom says that she started that soy hormone stuff and it worked really well for her so I'm going to check it out!!

01-09-07, 07:30
I'm now 52 and started the menopause at 47 when my periods just stopped out of the blue. I think if you don't have a period at all for one year then you are considered to be 'post menopausal', but I know of many women who have gone nearly a whole year and then suddenly had a period. Contraception wise you should still use something for 2yrs if your periods stop and you are under 50 and for 1yr if they stop after you are 50.

I am still having hot flushes although the daytime ones have gone thank goodness. I lost count of the amount of times someone would comment on my face when I was having a flush and it's really embarrassing. When you already suffer with anxiety it's awful when people start to comment on things like that too.

I have also found my anxiety has increased quite a lot although I haven't noticed any mood swings. I will ask my other half, I'm sure he will disagree with that :ohmy:

01-09-07, 08:13
Thanks for replies ladies
Now, i don't know if you've cheered me up or blinking depressed me:winks:
There was i thinking goody no more bleeding and now i will watching and waiting for another B*****Y year:blush: As for those sweats thats it i'm off out buying me one of those cold spray things, all day and all night i get those sweats. They are not what i would call hot flushes coz they don't start from the chest and work up they just come on out of the blue and i'm drenched all over, i've woken up many a night with something trickling down me legs and thought "oh christ now i've wet meself" :ohmy: but no it's those damn sweats, they also happen in the day:mad:
I do sleep with a window open, always have done also shove the covers off and it's hubby who moans coz I'M cold !!! i tell him i'm boiling and he says well you don't feel it oooohhhhh men!

As for taking precautions no worries there as i have been sterilized since i was 27, b****y good job too coz i'd be out there buying pregnancy tests like theres no tomorrow i can tell you:wacko:

Been to the health shop and the assistant was going to give me sage capsules for those sweats but once she heard all the other pills i was taking she advised me to go docs, which i damn well won't coz they'll try and shove those HRT things in me:lac: which i will not have. I mean come on, our granny's never had em did they? they had to cope without.

As for growing more hair !!! i agree with you there, before i started this i only used to have shave under my arms about every 6 weeks and still hubby used to say theres nothing there, even daughter in law used to moan coz she'd do it every couple of days, NOW well if i left it a week there wouldn't only be a bush there there would be a blimming great shrub i should think. And if my boys say to me one more time "mum you need a shave for that tash" i'll get a chair, stand on it and smack em round the ear:mad:

I always say to hubby you men don't know your born, you don't have to put up with this to which the reply is " huh we suffer more than you woman, we have to PUT UP WITH YOU" thats it then off i go on one and out comes all the "if you men had to have kids there'd be only one in each family" i give the poor b**** r earache :)

Oh well ladies i suppose i better give in gracefully, play the martyr and suffer:wacko:

thanks friends :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

01-09-07, 08:56
what about some progesterone cream nanny ?

I purchased some from the states last year for my tender breaasts :blush:
It worked but it can be expensive. Its all natural no chemicals and can help people going thru the change. Its a natural HRT. :yesyes:

heres the site ........

01-09-07, 08:59
It certainly isn't fun nanny :weep:

Do you find that you are feeling more tired too? I can't believe I forgot to mention tiredness as I have found that to be such a major part of this horrible menopause.

I used to sleep pretty well but I can honestly say I haven't had a proper nights sleep for 5yrs and it's doing my head in. I go to bed around 10pm and within a few minutes the first flush starts and off goes the duvet.

I will probably wake up around 2 or 3 times a night and then find it really hard to get back to sleep. Getting out of bed in the morning is just sooooo hard as all I want to do is go back to sleep :ohmy:

I also find the lack of sleep with the meno has an impact on my anxiety and I end up with the awful combination of feeling exhausted all the time due to lack of sleep and anxiety too ugh.

I'm trying hard right now to be supportive to my son and daughter in law with their 6 day old new baby and I'm not sure which of us is more tired :wacko:

As for being more hairy with the meno, I've gone over to waxing and find that to be more effective and longer lasting :)

01-09-07, 09:13
Hi Lyn

Your not kidding as far as sleeping is concerned, i haven't had a decent nights sleep either in about 7 years or so and it does MY HEAD in too i can tell you.

I wake between 3 and 4.30 a.m each morning thats after waking 2 or 3 times before that as well so i'm tired all day i can't go back to sleep for love nor money and if i lie there and try i just get more and more stressed so up i get. By lunchtime i feel like i have been up 2 days!!:lac:

Goodness me Lyn, WAXING! if you think i'm putting myself through anymore pain you must be joking:D

Congratulations on the birth of your grandchild:winks: my first grandchild is due in 5 weeks, im sooooo excited. At least thats something NICE to look forward too :yesyes:

MIRRY, where am i meant to put that cream love:huh: i don't have tender breasts.......... please don't tell me to stick it anywhere else:wacko:

01-09-07, 09:21
Congratulations on the birth of your grandchild:winks: my first grandchild is due in 5 weeks, im sooooo excited. At least thats something NICE to look forward too :yesyes:

Oh I bet you are so excited nanny. For some reason I found myself being more anxious about the arrival of my first grandchild than I was for my own child 29yrs ago :ohmy:

My lovely grandaughter was born 9 days late and those 9 days were a nightmare to get through. I am sure having anxiety made the worry worse and I kept reading all the time about the awful maternity services and I was getting soooo stressed out.

I am so pleased to have a grandaughter too as I only have one son so it's nice to have the opportunity to spoil a little girl and buy her all the pretty girly things I didn't buy my son :)

01-09-07, 09:26
I have 2 sons Lyn ( 30 and 27 ), so want a grandaughter too:) we don't know what it will be yet coz my son and daughter in law didn't want to know. ME i'm impatient :)

watch this space:D :D i'll soon let you know what it is:yesyes:

01-09-07, 09:50
I have 2 sons Lyn ( 30 and 27 ), so want a grandaughter too:) we don't know what it will be yet coz my son and daughter in law didn't want to know. ME i'm impatient :)

watch this space:D :D i'll soon let you know what it is:yesyes:

I am a very impatient person too and was hoping my daughter in law would have a gender scan so that I could go out and buy everything in the right colours. I had spent months knitting things and I actually did knit a few bits in pink hoping it would be a girl.

My ex husbands family have always been inundated with boys so for that reason I though perhaps the baby would be a boy. Then I found an 'Ancient Chinese Gender' site and that predicted the baby would be a girl :D I'm not really sure if those kinds of sites are really very accurate as obviously there is a 50% chance they are going to get it right :blush:

Looking forward to hearing news of your new grandchild :hugs:

01-09-07, 10:20
Hi Nanny,

I think that I am going through the menopause at the moment, but luckily dont seem to be having the problems that you are. I have periods about 3 times a year at the moment, but doc says that if you havent had a period for a year or more you are probably through it! It was a man!!!!! Think I have so many other probs dont notice the hormonal nes LOL.
Hope you start to feel better soon :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

01-09-07, 10:22
Thanks bear crazy, you have given me back a little bit of hope:)

01-09-07, 13:37

Hi nanny - thought we could all hang one of these in our wall !!

I pinched it from this website:


some of the articles are absolutely hilarious so thought it might help lighten the moment a bit for you. And god knows we need a bit of lightness in the pitch black of Menopause don't we ?!!!

Perhaps we could use your thread as a 'Musings on the Menopause' thread? - may make us all feel a little better for having shared our experiences !!!

And if any blokes post here we could go get 'em with our water sprays lol !!

Anyways, I'll leave you with a few little 'gems' from that website!!:

Mid-life is when the growth of hair on our legs slows down. This gives us plenty of time to care for our newly acquired mustache.

In mid-life women no longer have upper arms, we have wing spans. We are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag.

Mid-life is when you can stand naked in front of a mirror and you can see your rear without turning around.

Mid-life is when you go for a mammogram and you realize that this is the only time someone will ask you to appear topless.

Mid-life is when you want to grab every firm young lovely in a tube top and scream, "Listen honey, even the Roman empire fell and those will too."

Mid-life brings wisdom to know that life throws us curves and we're sitting on our biggest ones.

Mid-life is when you look at your-know- it-all, beeper-wearing teenager and think: "For this I have stretch marks?"

In mid-life your memory starts to go. In fact the only thing we can retain is water.
Mid-life means that you become more reflective...You start pondering the "big" questions. What is life? Why am I here? How much Healthy choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice?

But mid-life also brings with it an appreciation for what is important. We realize that breasts sag, hips expand, and chins double but our loved ones make the journey worthwhile.

Would any of you trade the knowledge that you have now, for the body you had way back when? Maybe our bodies simply have to expand to hold all the wisdom and love we've acquired.

Another thing to giggle about... My husband, not happy with my
mood swings, bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be able
to monitor my moods. When I'm in a good mood, it turns green. When I'm
in a bad mood, it leaves a big red mark on his forehead. Maybe next time
he'll buy me diamonds. Here, have some chocolate!

Huge Huggies for you my friend!

Happy Daze! XXX



01-09-07, 15:12
At 45 I better put my hand up and be part of the group too - I've certainly been something 'pausal' for years!!! :blush:

Piglet :flowers:

01-09-07, 15:26
Hi I'm 45 and have been pre/menopausal on and off for couple of years now. Started by having long periods (up to 14 days - horrid!) then last year I went 6 months without a period then had 6 and not had a proper one - just occasional little bit of bleeding - since January this year. Love not having periods but never know if and when I might have another which is a bit of a pain.

I did have some hot sweats earlier this year but they eased off and don't really have any at moment. Sleeping can be bit erratic - go through phases of waking up and 4-4.30 and not getting back to sleep. Concentration has gone a bit, anxiety - well to be honest not sure - sometimes difficult for me to distinguish between what might be anxiety/depression and menopause - not at all helpful - though think I have more mood swings! I have gained weight in last 12 months too - was already overweight - now worse.

I keep thinking I'm too young to be going through the menopause - but keep being assured I'm not - maybe now I have to accept I'm getting a bit older and grow up at last :D


01-09-07, 16:39

Hi nanny - thought we could all hang one of these in our wall !!

I pinched it from this website:


some of the articles are absolutely hilarious so thought it might help lighten the moment a bit for you. And god knows we need a bit of lightness in the pitch black of Menopause don't we ?!!!

Perhaps we could use your thread as a 'Musings on the Menopause' thread? - may make us all feel a little better for having shared our experiences !!!



Oh that's just hilarious :D

So far I have been lucky in that things are not going south too much, but it's a lot of hard work keeping things in the right place :ohmy:

01-09-07, 17:21
Hi everyone had to add my experience. I'm 49 and post menopausal. I started at the age of 35 and quit around 44 to 45, can't remember! It took me around 10 years from the very beginning to end. I also did not take HRT. I had nightsweats but not one hot flash. I think the only difference between the two is day or night!

I used to lay out pj's in a row with a towel underneath. I would also sleep on a towel on top of my sheets. I would wake up drenched during the worst of it and get up dry off and change clothes. This would happen about 3 times a night. I never once woke hubby up as he sleeps like the dead. :cloud9: In the day I was okay though which I thought very odd. You do indeed have to go an entire year without a cycle to be determined post menopausal and some years I would go 11 months and them whamo back to square one. :mad:

I was tired, mainly due to the sleep interruptions. I had horrendous migraines which now are so much better. I honestly don't recall one mood change but perhaps my family might differ on that one. :shrug:

Now that it is over and has been for awhile it is soooo nice. Except for the game of let's count the hairs on Laura's chinny chin chin, :w00t2: ! Lord I hope no-one reads this! :blush: God bless tweezers. :yesyes:

Anywhooo, you will all get through it and yes we women get the raw end of the deal in this one, except as we get old we don't look like frogs like most men do. Ever take a good look at an elderly man's physique - they look like frogs, I swear! :shades:



01-09-07, 20:04
oh Laura you did make me laugh !!!

Im 39 years old and my cycles changed about 5 years ago, they are only every 20 days, somethings going on but im not sure its the peri menopause.
Having said that my mother had hers at aged 46, should we go on the age of our mothers ?

As for the chin hair, My husband got me a laser hair removal for my birthday , its early days yet but it is helping.

oh also , I get hot flushed sometimes in the day usually at the shops but i think its anxiety ? It goes from my chest all over my face then head , in such a rush.

02-09-07, 10:34
Oh these posts have cheered me up, although it's down right horrible to be going through it it's good we can also have a laugh, either that or cry:weep:

To answer one question, they DO say if your mother started menopause early then you are more than likely to follow........True in my case my mum was 39 and thats the exact age i started, BUT saying that my sister who's 2 1/2 years older than me started about 5 years later!!!! strange:winks: :flowers:

02-09-07, 11:06
Oh nanny, that's me totally bu****ed then!

My mother was 54 before she started the menopause :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:!!

Ah, well it should all be over and done with by the time I'm 70 at least!!

Don't think I'll be singing and dancing over that fact somehow lol !!




02-09-07, 13:38
Oh these posts have cheered me up, although it's down right horrible to be going through it it's good we can also have a laugh, either that or cry:weep:

To answer one question, they DO say if your mother started menopause early then you are more than likely to follow........True in my case my mum was 39 and thats the exact age i started, BUT saying that my sister who's 2 1/2 years older than me started about 5 years later!!!! strange:winks: :flowers:

My mum was about 55 when she started the menopause, so she was 8yrs older than when mine started. My older sister, who is 53, still hasn't shown any signs of hers starting :ohmy:

02-09-07, 15:32
Yes my mum was in her middle fifties too - so 10 more years of squelchy heavy periods and wearing alot of dark trews - oh joy!!!:lac:

Piglet :flowers:

02-09-07, 15:49
just to throw a spanner in the works - I was on HRT for 10 years ( I was a mature student at University) hot sweats etc. were embarrassing.
HRT was fantastic.
BUT BUT when I came off HRT I had to go through the menapause symptoms. HRT only postpones the issue!!!!! Sorry ladies, - it will be over soon. Just add it to your list and do the best you can.
I ended up saying " this is menapause - this is panic - this is anxiety - "I am feeling rotten - which 'box' does this fit into????
Not much help i'm afraid
best wishes

02-09-07, 18:54
Hi June seems us ladies just can't win hey :shrug:

GG Don't you be counting the years away umtil your 70 :D

Piglett 10 more years, oh i feel for you :flowers: :flowers:

Alabasterlyn it's just not fair is it:lac: what did we do to have to go through this first:shrug:

Thanks everyone for your replies :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

03-09-07, 07:55
When I started searching my family tree , I discovered one of my ancestors had her last child aged 54 :ohmy: , that was over 150 years ago.

So be carefull , lol :blush: .

03-09-07, 08:03
Hi Mirry

B****y hell, thats enough to give you nightmares:wacko: i had my boys very young through choice i.m 48 and my sons are 30 and 27 so i felt like i grew up with them in a way.
i would never have the patience to deal with littee ones now 24/7 thats why i am all excited about my forthcoming grandbaby, i'll be able to give it back lol:yesyes: :flowers:

03-09-07, 11:04
Flippin eck Mirry!!! :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-09-07, 12:31
i had a hysto 3 yrs back i started with the night sweats day sweats what ever ya call them flashes like laura said night and day whats the difference........but they have stopped just once inawile i go thru it......but now reading all your lovely post got me thinking the sleepless nights the hair growth on the chin and upper lip omg ...lol......nanny i use to take blackosh natural thing for the sweats.worked well for me.......when the time comes if i go full blown i will not take hrt"s.......let me add this when i was 25 and got this agraphobia panic ect,,,,,the shrink told me you will have this to menapause of course at that age thats 1 thing i didnt wanna hear since i had no idea what was wrong with me and was freaking everyday with my new baby son.......18 yrs later im waiting.......i have come a long way since but he told me when i went thru menapause i shouldnt go thru what women go thru since i was getting all the anxiety ect then...what a quack he was but i was hoping anyways...........us women are so lucky we get everything ................................. NOT......tc all...........Linda

03-09-07, 14:47
Hi linda:)

well that quack as you called him didn't know WHAT he was on about did he:lac: .

I honestly do believe that the menopause REALLY CAN make your anxiety worse. I have suffered with it years but didn't have my actual first panic attack until this rubbish started:blush: and honestly haven't felt right since. Been 9 years now and i want to know how long it's going to go on for for goodness sake. I always heard that it took 7 years from start to finish well thats a load of ***** **** if ever i heard any:blush: .

never heard of this blackosh linda, what is it exactly?? and can you take it with other prescribed meds? i'd love to try some of the natural things i have been told about but i'm always worried it may interact with my meds and i could be doing myself more harm than good.

How can you be sure when you have gone through the menopause completely, coz some ladies i know who's monthly's stopped just like that STILL get sweats.
Another question, are these sweats all down to the menopause or our anxiety :shrug: :shrug:

" infact why can't us women be normal" whatever that is:winks: :flowers:

03-09-07, 15:37
ive heard from my doctor some women go thru it for 20 yrs not all...its gets lesser as the yrs go on and for the blackosh it was a natural pill that just stopped those horrid night sweats...pretty sure thats the name you can look at your natural food store since im in america maybe they dont have it there but you should check it out and ask questions regarding your other meds......hang in there nanny, it will pass or get easier...linda xx

03-09-07, 15:43
Oh linda

20 years................... oh you've given me a bleeding headache now, thats it i'm off to take a pill.:D :D :D

gotta laugh aint ya:wacko:

Janice Booth
03-09-07, 16:11

So sorry to hear what you are going through. I had to have a total abdominal hysterectomy 2 years ago aged 36 so HRT was essential for me. I was on a low dose for the first 6 months, but had such severe hot flushes I kept passing out! After seeing a consultant and having blood tests, my HRT levels were corrected (I take pills and have patches) and I have no symptoms at all. Even though I had a DVT when I was 18, the positives of being on HRT outweighted the negatives for me. My anx, pa's etc started after the op, but that was more to do with how ill I was. HRT is not for everyone, but for me it has been great! I will stay on it until I am 50 and can then reduce the HRT gradually so I can adjust to the lack of hormones. Also at my age, if I did not take HRT I would be at a great risk of osteoporosis.

Do speak to your GP and ask for a referal to a consultant who can advise you on alternatives if HRT really is not right for you.

Good luck!


Janice Booth
03-09-07, 16:21
To all those suffering the menopause - I did a lot of research into it both before and after my op and would recommend the following:

Woman's Nutritional Advisory Service www.wnas.org.uk (http://www.wnas.org.uk)
Natures Best www.naturesbest.co.uk (http://www.naturesbest.co.uk)
The Menopause Exchange email norma@menopause-exchange.co.uk (norma@menopause-exchange.co.uk)
Women's Health www.womenshealthlondon.org.uk (http://www.womenshealthlondon.org.uk)

They can advise on natural HRT alternatives/diet to help you through the menopause. I hope these help.


03-09-07, 16:23
Hi janice thanks for post.
Sorry to hear you have gone through a lot so young.
I have tried HRT 4 different lots in fact and none worked, they seemed to make me worse for some reason. The doctor has said to me that when i haven't had a period for a year i really should take them because of brittle bones and heart disease etc but because i felt so ill on them i'm afraid to try again. I try to laugh about it as you can see by the posts but it really does get me down.
I have a new doctor now as my old one retired, he's lovely and quite understanding so maybe i'll have a word with him and see if he can come up with a solution but these sweats i just can not cope with anymore.:hugs:

Thanks for post once again:flowers:

27-09-07, 08:31
Hi Ladies
I'm back here again with another question:lac:

In my last post i mentioned that i was told that when i hadn't had a period for a year i should go on HRT for protection against things......
Well !!!! that time is now here and i don't want to go on em:mad: after trying 4 different lots and feeling worse i'm a bit anxious as you can imagine about staring that all over again.

Is there any ladies out there who have never taken HRT through or after menopause?

As for all the other ladies, whats your opinion on what i ought to do for the best:shrug:

27-09-07, 13:28
:yesyes: my mum told me , that she didnt use hrt because her mother didnt use it or her grandmother ! And she got thru it ok

27-09-07, 13:38
My panic attacks started when I was 35 , and I often wondered was it hormonal because at the same time my monthly cycle changed.

I have some questions on this subject of menopause .

1) how long before the menopause did you suffer with symptoms ?
and what were those symptoms/clues ?

2) Is there any relation to what age you start your period to what age you
stop ?

3) If you suffer with bad PMT all your menstrual life, does this mean you will suffer more when you start the menopause ?

4) has anyone foudn that their anxiety and panic got better once they got thru menopause ?

27-09-07, 14:50
Hi, Nanny,

I am sure not looking forward to this time in my life. I am 41 and sometimes I wonder if I to am not going through the change. I have night sweets and terrible cramps that I never use to have. If this is the change then I wish it would go away.

I do know that all my doctors have told me that this can and will effect panic and anxiety attacks. My first thought was oh wonderful. I have notice that during my periods(recently) my panic seems to be worse than ever. I dread that time of the month now.

I am not currently taking anything for these issues, doctors don't think that my systoms are bad enough yet. Which is ok with me because I don't like taking meds. will if I have too.

Just wanted to wish us all good luck through the journey.

Take care of yourself.


27-09-07, 15:50
Hi all, can i just say if I wasnt depressed before I am now having read this thread lol:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: !!

I am not yet menopausal (I dont think...mind you...those hairs...?), but I am 39 yrs and 358 days old and have just decided that I'm not having a menopause....I dont think I need or want one so will just continue to live happily in denial until I'm about 80...:lac:

thanks for making my mind up guys (and for making me smile...)

luv Coni XX

27-09-07, 16:22
Hi Ladies:)

Thanks for replies........ oh Coni you made me laugh:yesyes:

i first started off with night sweats, horrible blimming things, they took a blood test at that stage and said i was peri-menopausal (just starting) so you very well could be, i was only 39 when it all kicked off :mad: you don't have to take meds they tried 4 lots of HRT with me then i refused to take anymore coz they made me worse:lac:

about 6 months later i was having tantrums like nobodies business, panic attacks, sweating like a pig all over from head to toe even in the middle of winter and started having my funny heads:wacko:
I started my periods when i was 11, i asked the doctor if thats why i started all the rubbish early " no" she said "it just means you'll go through it longer" don't they just love CHEERING you up:mad: whether i'll feel better when i get through it i don't know, like i said i haven't had a period for a year now and still feel the same..............

Oh B****R it i just wish it was all over and done with.

oh to be a man:winks: a life of riley:D

27-09-07, 16:54
Hiya girlies,

What a ruddy state of affairs eh?

Reading all these posts has made me come to the conclusion that God was a first class comedian - he must have had a right laff when he invented 'hormones' !!:mad:

I mean, what else can turn a sweet, gentle quiet and composed young lady into a raving, hairy-chinned, sweat-encrusted crazy woman almost overnight in some cases?:shrug:

However, I have also come to the conclusion that I must have been 'peri-menopausal' since the age of about 5 because when I look back I have been having 'GG' moments since about that time!!

So, blood tests and a lot of 'poking and prodding' :blush::ohmy:have determined that I am labelled 'peri-menopausal' since the age of about 38 (think I've posted that before! must be the memory loss:wacko:symptoms!)

That was nearly 15 yrs:wacko: ago now, so what the fliipin' 'eck is going on eh?!!!

I'm with Coni - let's just all ignore it and remain nubile young nymphs forever....if only in our heads!!

Hm, points for being a bloke:

1. You can scratch your bum in public and nobody takes any notice
2. You can be ready for a night out on the town in exactly 9.5mins
3. You can carry only your hankerchief in your pocket because your car keys, mobile phone and wallet have all been dumped in your wife's handbag
4. You can pee discreetly in the woods (think about it!)
5. You can belch after a meal and it is considered an appreciation of good food
6. You don't have PMT or the Menopause

Points against being a bloke:

<pregnant pause>..........er, hello?...... anybody there:shrug:??

Right, form a queue right here for the next bus to the sex-change clinic!!!:blush:



27-09-07, 17:55
:sign20: :sign20: :sign20:

GG for Christ sake woman, my sides are aching like hell now (on top of everything else ) after reading your post:chairfall:

But :wtf1: i thought she's ruddy well right.
And another thing i really did FORGET to mention the forgetfulness (no joke)
I should have mentioned that to coni and mirry and believe when i replied to em:wall: can't concentrate on anything, i'm halfway through a sentence when talking to someone and forget what the ruddy hell i'm talking about and if i sit down and read, which i do in the evenings if i don't read the same bit once i read it 10 times before i give in and throw the book across the room, missing hubby by inches (well, perhaps one):blush:

Then there's the hair business:curse: i used to have to shave under my arms once every 6 weeks or so, NOW WELL!!! and not to mention the tash:sofa: I'm hiding behind here so's you can't see it.

I agree with all you say about the men but would we really be without em................ on reflection :buttkick: yes:winks:

:secret: thats me whispering in my hubby's ear...not really my love:D

27-09-07, 22:22
Dont think i can really help you much either with remedies.:shrug:
But im just 50 now and have been pre-menopausal:madness: since I was about 33 (so my mother sez). I dont want to take any pills either because they just delay the inevitable. Im definetly more anxious/panicy my moods dont seem to be as up and down as they were 6 months ago (but im sure the hubby:emot-worship: would disagree). Men the know nooothing!!!
I still have periods but theyre very light now - can go o month or two with none at all. I know exactly what your going through and can only send you :hugs: But just think how you'll feel at the end of it:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Wish you luck xxxx

Granny Primark
27-09-07, 22:40
I think age and menopause can affect our lives. But I think its the way we personally feel about it that changes our lives.
If we still feel young in mind why should we behave in a manner that society excpects us to behave?
Im 53 and still have periods.
I dont put everything down to menopause.
Im an individual that still has feelings.
I put my anxiety, stress and panic attacks down to the fact that im still human.

Take care

27-09-07, 22:53
Hi everyone,

I started my cycle at 17 (late I know) and like I said earlier was peri-menopausal at 35. Lucky I had my kids! My first symptoms were heavy periods then lighter ones and then skipping them. Not to mention the night sweats.

I tried HRT for one month and got horrific migraines so never did that again. I then went natural and got through it and have been post menopausal for 4 years now at age 49.

I would say my anxiety was worse as I had the migraines more often and severely during those years and felt quite ill. I have a sister who is 48 and hasn't shown a symptom of even peri-menopause so go figure!


28-09-07, 07:31
there seems to be alot of evidence pointing towards hormones and anxiety,
I think I have always been senstitive to hormones, I remember aged 15 doubled up in pain and then crying.
I have had terrible severe PMT since 28 years old ,and lumpy breasts :blush: .

I asked my mother how old she was when she had her menopause and she said oh i cant remember (very helpfull) last year she told me she thought she was 46, then yesturday she said 48 :mad: ????

My grandmother had womb cancer so didnt get her monopause , and my other grandmother was 39 years old when she had her menopause.

I hope i get it early.

28-09-07, 08:08
Hi Mirry

And there i was thinking i was early (an exception at 39 ) well, it seems i wasn't.
Not that that makes me feel any better, i just feel sorry for the others who go through it early too.

I'm only just 48 and they say the averge age is 54, HUH so much for that hey.:mad:

Still, us woman are supposed to be tough right? so we'll do what we always do........grin and bare it:wall: :madness: :curse: :rolleyes: :frown: