View Full Version : Multiple back lumps, back mice?

24-12-18, 07:48
Hi everyone, well I finally started to calm down after my previous scare, and boom, I find more lumps. Today I ran my hands over my back whilst I was stretching and I noticed a marble sized movable lump in my lower back. I didn’t think much of it and assumed it was a lipoma or something. Later when I was in the shower I gave a good inspection of my back and noticed and additional 3 lumps in the same area. Two on my right side and two on my left, all varying in size. They are all centred around the dimples on my lower back, where my buttocks meets my back.

I had a quick google search and I kept seeing this term called “back mice”, has anyone heard of this? There doesn’t seem to be much information about them, apart from that they are a type of lipoma, they appear in your lower back and are often symmetrical to one another. My question is, does anyone else have anything like this, and have you ever heard the term “back mice”?

24-12-18, 08:35

Although movable and soft are always reassuring characteristics with any sort of lump, it would be very foolish for anyone on here to say for certain these are nothing to worry about.

As they're new, see your GP who can confirm the diagnosis.

Good luck and merry Christmas

24-12-18, 12:02
So I quickly made a doctors appointment this morning and went to go see my GP. She didn’t think they were lipomas because they were harder than that. She said they were more likely to be lymph nodes because they were symmetrical to one another. She felt over my body and found another lymph node on my elbow that I had never noticed before.

At this point I am absolutely covered in lymph nodes that I can feel. There are 12 all over my body that I can clearly feel. I’m so confused. The doctors don’t seem worried about them. But I can’t think of a reason why there would be so many that I can feel. I don’t have an infection, I don’t feel unwell, but they are everywhere!

I’m trying so so hard to keep my health anxiety from making me go completely overboard, but it’s hard. I haven’t googled anything because I know it will make me freak out. I have another blood test in 8 weeks to check my liver function and to see if there is any inflammation, but she said if they come back fine just to leave it. I Jalisco hate not having answers.

24-12-18, 12:21
I'm a survivor. I know nodes. There are 500-700 nodes in our bodies. They are your body's sewer system so to speak. Poke, prod and hyper focus on them and you're bound to find several.

If your doctors aren't concerned, nor should you be. It really is as simple as that. Keep your hands off them and don't poke and prod. Doing so can and will cause them to react. Doing so too much can and will cause them to go shotty (permanently enlarged).

Positive thoughts

26-12-18, 16:42
I have one in my lower back. My doctor looked at it and said it was just a lipoma and to leave it alone because when you remove them they usually come back.

bin tenn
26-12-18, 20:11
I have one in my lower back. My doctor looked at it and said it was just a lipoma and to leave it alone because when you remove them they usually come back.

That's why I haven't had any of my lipomas removed. They're annoying, and I don't like looking at the ones I can see, but otherwise nothing to think about. I've read a lot about lipomas (although there seems to be very little really known about them) and most people say they grow back after removal. So why bother?

Also, my doc also looked at mine and said they're fine, leave them be. He hardly even felt them, presumably because a lipoma can range in consistency with some more firm than others, while more suspicious lumps are typically "rock hard" - easy to tell the difference with a quick feel.

01-01-19, 21:06
Thank you everyone for you replies. I feel like I am fighting a losing battle with my heath anxiety at the moment. After my last post, I recieved a phone call from the receptionist at my GP. My original doctor who observed my groin lump asked me to come back and see her this Friday. They wouldn’t say why she wanted to see me, so it’s basically been a week of pure panic. I’m hoping it’s nothing serious, as I assume she would have wanted to see me ASAP rather than a week later.
I’m still terrified about these lumps on my back, I’ve felt them multiple times and I have around 10 that I have found now, all within a relatively small area on my lower back. Does anyone have any idea what would cause multiple lumps to appear on my lower back? The last doctor I saw said they were lymph nodes, but they feel softer and more moveable than any of the lymph nodes I’ve had on my body before.
I just really wanted to vent, I don’t want to bother my family by getting upset and worried in front of them (especially because they think I’m going to be fine and I’m just over exaggerating). I have moments where I calm down, but then I remember the lumps and immediately panic and think of the worst case scenario . I keep finding myself sitting in my room just crying over and over again. I had CBT for this last year and just came off my antidepressants in the last couple of months. I’m so annoyed that I’ve fallen back into this rut. Health anxiety is really making it hard.

01-01-19, 21:33
I have several lunps under the skin on my back and sides. Most are pretty firm. Have had them for years. Dr says some are lipomas and others are fibromas. They never change. Been there for years. Sometimes the ones on rhe back hurt if I sit on a hard plastic chair. I have had misc xrays and ct scans on chest and abdomen since I have had them and nothing is ever said about it. I would imagine if they were bad they would show up on a scan. Do get them checked but don’t freak out.