View Full Version : Worried about lump base of mouth, argh

24-12-18, 11:42
Good morning all,

Having a bit of a panic about this lump ive noticed a couple of days ago on the bottom of my mouth under my tongue on the right side, its about the size of a very small pea (although feeling it with my tongue feels like the size of a car) when i poke and prod it, it feels like it slides under where the roots of my teeth end. looking in the mirror both sides of my mouth look symmetrical and healthy, no sores or discolouration anywhere :| and cant even see the lump (as it must be under the visible area). Also when my tongue is in its resting position i cant feel any lumps. im a 28y/o male, never smoked or taken drugs. i drink alcohol at the weekend (one day a week). Have regular dental checkups (last one was 4 weeks ago). I wont be able to see my dentist for another two weeks, my other worry is that the lump will change or get worse before i can see my doc/dentist and it will 'be too late' idk :weep:. i understand we cant diagnose on here but id just love to semi forget about it for a couple of weeks so i can enjoy Christmas with the family!! i feel a bit better writing this out anyway.

one positive is that im no longer panicking i have MS; which is nice :P

Many thanks


24-12-18, 12:05
I have one in my lower left jaw. It's like someone has put a frozen pea in there that I can move about. Went to doctors about it years ago and they said it was nothing to worry about - a node or something if I remember correctly. Still freaks me out every now and then when I feel it when rubbing my jaw, but then remember the doctor said it was all good :)

26-12-18, 08:47
Thanks for the reply, I don't think it has got any bigger in the last few days but still panicing :(

26-12-18, 10:47
If it's freaking you out then go to the doctor to get it checked. But it sounds exactly like mine. I can go months without feeling it and then have a few weeks where it's feeling more prominent but it's nothing to worry about :)

27-12-18, 04:50
Yes! I have this on my left side, under my tougne. I can't see mine either. I noticed it back in August. Saw my dentist and he said blocked salivary gland but it's still there. Feels like a BB..mine doesn't move around though, it's up against my bottom jaw/gum.

29-12-18, 10:18
Ive booked a dentist appointment for the 7th of Jan so hopefully i can try and take my mind off it now. but easier said than done. its been a week since ive noticed it and hasn't grown at all. trying to stay positive!

13-01-19, 22:43
This post has put my mind at ease because I have exactly the same thing which I’ve been doctors about before and they say it’s a blocked salvary gland nothing to worry about but I still do worry about it

25-01-19, 10:40
Update on this post, first I went to my GP he couldn't feel anything wrong and was convinced it was my anxiety. Couple of weeks later I went to my dentist, he could feel somthing but wasn't worried he said it just feels like excess soft tissue and it's not symmetrical. And if anything changes or develops come and see him. Why doesn't this feel like it's re assuring me. I feel just as worried as before and I'm so scared it's just going to get bigger and turn out to be a tumour :( I've booked a docs appointment on the 4th to see them about my HA as I can't go on like this. I just feel like I need tests done on the lump argh I don't know!!... should I just calm down and take comfort in what the GP and dentist have said??? So scared, my HA has spiralled in the last few days :(

25-01-19, 10:44
Yes, you've been told by professionals that this is harmless, and they've trained for a lot of years. Take a deep breath, and be happy you're well.

27-01-19, 16:50
Yes, you've been told by professionals that this is harmless, and they've trained for a lot of years. Take a deep breath, and be happy you're well.

Thank you for the reply BlueIris, I've calmed down a bit this weekend but still doubting the experts, in my head I feel like I've already diagnosed myself and it's in the early stages so what if it's not been spotted properly, you know all the usual hypotheticals. I just want to forget about it and get on with my life. Roll on HA treatment!

03-02-19, 09:01
Panicking about this again! :( unsure if it's got bigger or not, I have resisted feeing it for a couple of days now when I felt it with my tongue this morning I thought it had grown but then feeling it with my finger it feels the same. My head is a mess :( I feel like I'm going round in circles if I go back to the dentist for them to check again.