View Full Version : MS worry.

24-12-18, 16:39
After 18 months in a near constant bubbling fear I have now fixated on MS. I have no idea where this latest obsession has come from. I feel like my hands and feet are either numb or have pins and needles. Today it feels like like my right leg is heavy. My head hurts, like a pressure headache. I constantly think my eyesight is going. I haven't googled because I'm so scared that this time it's finally true. After months of putting off a gp appt I have accepted I need to go. But I'm so scared of telling him my symptoms. I'm scared of his reaction. I'm just scared all the time.

24-12-18, 17:52
I went through this for over a year. Worrying for no reason. Go to the GP for peace of mind but let me tell you I've had:

Vision Issues
Feeling Completely Off-Balance
Numb Patches/Tingling

Everything! I got an MRI and it was clear and even after that I was still worrying about it and it even kinda ruined some vacations I had.

Also if you had MS, it would not be the all over symptoms you're feeling, MS only attacks one area.

Your anxiety is just attaching itself to MS in a sticky way. It sounds silly but meditation really helped me in coping. Repeating positive mantras of being calm and that these are just my nerves acting up.

Hope this helps! Don't feel this way over the holiday, it's not worth it.

xx feel free to private message me

24-12-18, 20:26
Thank you. I know that I have to go to my GP but the holiday season is going to mean I have to wait a while. I just want to try and calm myself down so I can enjoy Christmas with my family. I have spent the last 3 hours trying to control my anxiety. But my thoughts are spiralling. Thank you again for replying xx

26-12-18, 22:42
Hey. My mum has MS (RR) and her symptoms were severe. I mean, her whole right leg would go completely numb after 2 minutes of walking (so numb she fell over constantly and couldn't get back up), then the feeling would come back with rest, then numb again. It was so severe they thought she had a brain tumour. You would seriously know you had MS. I had all of your symptoms and was scared as I also have a higher genetic change of getting it - MRI was squeaky clean. Just went through a funny patch and the symptoms eventually went away (had them for a good 6 months). Sounds like a tension headache caused by the stress. The numbness in hands and feet thing - right, before I went for my MS MRI I was CONVINCED I had facial numbness. I couldn't have been more convinced - but turns out that's just how my face feels but hadn't thought of it before I was worried about MS. Also, if you focus right now for 2 minutes and think about itching - you will most likely need to scratch.
You're fine girl, enjoy Christmas, eat too much and try not to worry.