View Full Version : Peeing frequently, hunger pangs, tired

26-12-18, 07:51
Hi all, was really hoping I'd be able to stay off here and enjoy xmas without worrying.

I have a thread about MND / MS in the symptom section.

However ive started to get new symptoms past few weeks, and getting more worried. Ive lost weight because I just dont have any appetite at all, and not drinking properly due to getting urges to urinate often - I used to go all day without peeing.

Are these all again symptoms of anxiety/depression?

I saw a doc again on xmas eve, mainly about the MS, but I feel I want to go again now. Ive seen a doc 3 times in december and rang nhs 111 4/5 times. I had a urinary test and blood sugar test.

The peeing is upsetting me, which i thought was getting better, but i was getting urges every hour yesterday, and couldnt get it off my mind.

I have no appetite, but get like weird hunger pangs in my stomach, even a few hours after eating. I worry about stomach ulcers because they can cause similar sensations.

Im worried I have a thyroid issue or a vitamin deficiency because of these symptoms, along with other less noticable ones.

Cancer of some sort has also crossed my mind due to the weightloss and no appetite.

I also feel tired, flat, nervous, achy sometime, weak at times, lightheaded......so many things. Im convinced I have a physical illness.

The doc has given me a blood test form to do if I want but im petrified of the results. Peace of mind would be nice, just not sure I can handle that extra stress.

Oh dear, I feel like a mess. Im either seriously ill with anxiety or getting very ill with a physical illness......

26-12-18, 08:34
I'm really sorry, that sounds absolutely horrendous for you. I don't have any reassurance to offer, I'm afraid, except that I've been living with anxiety for nearly thirty years, and the only time there was something wrong with me that required proper medical attention it was incredibly obvious.

26-12-18, 11:58
Mr Lurcher, I'm no doctor, but to me it sounds like you have severe health anxiety. I can quite freely say that because of my own experiences and your emotions will be running high.
My advice is to get those blood tests done.
It was the only way out if spiralling out of control.
Yes, you will be scared, but not as scared as you are now.
Re need reassurance and sometimes you just have to go for it.
With the frequent peeing. Did you know you pee more the less you drink? It makes sense if you think about it logically. Drinking flushes your insides. Not enough drink, then it won't stay in your body for long. You have to drink more! Anxiety is mainly stress and worry based and the adrenaline can cause weight loss. Compare to a long jog. Again, you need to eat more. Your stomach gurgles because of 2 things. It is hungry or it is working off of acids. Both my mum and gran had ulcers and you would know it if you had one. Now, what about this blood test? :huh:

26-12-18, 12:04
It could be anxiety, but your symptoms sound like diabetes as well. Especially weight loss, frequent urination and hunger pangs.

My mom is diabetic and these symptomes are exactly what she gets when her blood sugar is too high. Do you know someone with one of these blood sugar measuring devices?

If it's diabetes, it's very treatable!

26-12-18, 12:24
But Clara, if Mr Lurcher won't have the blood tests, how will he know? And if it is just anxiety anyway, he will now be obsessing over diabetes and that has just fed his anxiety even more. :lac: People with severe HA will latch on to any disease or illness believing and mimicking that they have it. And the only way is to be tested and accept it if you have been given the all clear! Also, we are not doctors and members that are too afraid to seek professional advice come here instead for diagnosis and that is neither reliable or wise. :huh:

26-12-18, 12:42
Hi both, I did a blood sugar test and urine test at the docs. Both didnt show any problems with blood sugar. Is that enough do test for diabetes?

The hunger pangs are weird. Yesterday before xmas dinner I felt hungry but as soon as I started eating I suddenly became nauseous.

Ive been very stressed over the past month, started with worry about MS, then bowel cancer, back to MS, crohns, diabetes, MS again, bladder cancer, MS once more, thyroid issues......and now, diabetes again!

The peeing thing is odd, sometimes the sensation comea from my bladder, other times from my penis (sorry tmi), Ive become obsessed with flexing my pelvic muscles and alwas feel very tense.

26-12-18, 12:53
From your ALS thread...

Respectfully, having been reading and replying here for many years, your thought pattern and posts are quite familiar. Post a worry, get reassurance, comeback with more symptoms as your anxiety desperately tries to keep your fear alive. Even after a medical professional gives you the all clear, many ask strangers on the internet for more reassurance.

You're on an anxiety forum in the HA section so deep down you know this is all in your mind :whistles: The key is getting help with the illness you do have. Treating that also treats the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

26-12-18, 14:02
Thanks FMP for putting me in the picture.

26-12-18, 14:55
But Clara, if Mr Lurcher won't have the blood tests, how will he know? And if it is just anxiety anyway, he will now be obsessing over diabetes and that has just fed his anxiety even more. :lac: People with severe HA will latch on to any disease or illness believing and mimicking that they have it. And the only way is to be tested and accept it if you have been given the all clear! Also, we are not doctors and members that are too afraid to seek professional advice come here instead for diagnosis and that is neither reliable or wise. :huh:

I was giving advice, I didn't mean to upset him. I obsess over my health as well, and in my experience it's more like looking for answers that could provide treatable, non-frightning causes for the symptoms. Diabetes is very managable - half of my family has it. It is much more treatable and managable than MS. I'm not so sure somebody can actually obsess over diabetes.

Besides, I don't think it's a good idea to attack people who give advice. :shrug:

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:44 ----------

I did a blood sugar test and urine test at the docs. Both didnt show any problems with blood sugar. Is that enough do test for diabetes?

I guess that's enough, you don't seem to have that. That is how I was screened for diabetes as well.

By the way, I have also had frequent peeing for many years. I visit the bathroom up to 15-20 times a day. Makes sense it could be anxiety related.

26-12-18, 15:08
I was giving advice, I didn't mean to upset him. I obsess over my health as well, and in my experience it's more like looking for answers that could provide treatable, non-frightning causes for the symptoms. Diabetes is very managable - half of my family has it. It is much more treatable and managable than MS. I'm not so sure somebody can actually obsess over diabetes.

Besides, I don't think it's a good idea to attack people who give advice. :shrug:

Clara, with respect, sometimes it helps to review a members post history as the obvious patterns of anxiety are apparent. To suggest diabetes in this situation is a trigger. Yes, I agree, if the doctor was suggesting blood work, then by all means get it but I'm willing to bet the "Told Ya So Gang" would be paying a visit when they come back normal ;)

Every symptom listed by the OP are very common Anxiety Symptoms (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) and taking into account the OP's post history, multiple tests and doctor visits, one would have to conclude that if there were a real physical issue, it would have been diagnosed.

Positive thoughts

26-12-18, 15:26
Clara, I know you are just trying to help and if you knew me better, attacking someone as you put it, is quite the opposite of who I am. :)
Mr Lurcher has obviously a severe case of health anxiety and as a HA sufferer myself, I would take a diagnosis as another reason to obsess about.
Take myself at the moment, in the back of my mind, I have bone cancer, pneumonia, brain tumour, blood clots and a bad heart. None of which have been confirmed by a doctor, but by my obsessing of over thinking a symptom.
I DID get my bloods done by the way.
Sometimes with members and especially ones with HA, it is better to point them in the direction of a GP.
I hope you won't take my comments as attacking you, as we ALL have issues. That is why we are here.

26-12-18, 15:56
Hi both, I did a blood sugar test and urine test at the docs. Both didnt show any problems with blood sugar. Is that enough do test for diabetes?

The hunger pangs are weird. Yesterday before xmas dinner I felt hungry but as soon as I started eating I suddenly became nauseous.

Ive been very stressed over the past month, started with worry about MS, then bowel cancer, back to MS, crohns, diabetes, MS again, bladder cancer, MS once more, thyroid issues......and now, diabetes again!

The peeing thing is odd, sometimes the sensation comea from my bladder, other times from my penis (sorry tmi), Ive become obsessed with flexing my pelvic muscles and alwas feel very tense.

Yep,the blood tests and urine tests are enough tondignose diabetes. The main way that its diagnosed is through a random or fasting glucose test, and there's a specific benchmark result doctors use to determine if one is pre/diabetic. If your glucose is normal and no sugars are showing up in your urine, chances are, uiure not diabetic.

I've had all of your symptoms, and even posted about them in the past. I've been tested, and I'm not diabetic. They can be explained by the various effects heightened anxiety has on your body (look into the fight/flight response and your GI system and how adrenaline and metabolism is also affected).

But you did the right thing by getting checked out by your doc.

27-12-18, 11:55
I went for blood tests this morning then.

Im in a panic about the results now, cant distract myself at all.

I also have a hand tremor in my right hand, mainly when picking things up or using the muscles - needles to say im freaking out. I dont know if it could be because I use my mobile every minute of the day.

The doc ticked things like thyroid, kidneys, liver functions. Beside myself with worry, even have pain in my kidney area now, worried sick about kidney disease which can cause frequent urination.

Im almost certain that something will be wrong.

---------- Post added at 11:55 ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 ----------

Its going to be a kidney issue, guaranteed. I really hope the results are back today or tomorrow, i dont think i can hack waiting until middle of next week.

27-12-18, 13:18
You can worry as much as much as you like but the results will be the same.

To me all your symptoms are anxiety-related but you won't believe this of course, having a long history of HA.

You won't have to wait long if anything major turns up on the bloods. Your GP has just ordered a routine screen. You would have been written up for urgent bloodwork if your GP was concerned.

27-12-18, 13:19
Mr Lurcher, firstly we'll done for getting the test. :yesyes:
Of course your hand would shake, you were nervous and scared. :hugs: try to keep yourself occupied with lots of jobs and things to do up to next week. You'll be surprised how quickly the time goes.
Once again, we'll done!

27-12-18, 13:51
Do you think you will be able to accept the blood test results if they turn out to be normal though? You've plucked up the courage to have them done but if you then go on to ruminate about other "possibilities" (self-diagnosed) then it will have all been for nothing.

You have to stop googling/reading medical stuff online. Absolutely non-negotiable. Your family need you around them at Christmas. Prove to them that your blood tests are a step towards taking some control back and that you will listen to your GP and follow any advice given rather than let your HA mindset run riot on here?

27-12-18, 16:05
I think the blood tests will provide me with reassurance regarding some illnesses. But a blood test doesnt find MS or some other conditions.

Im just praying they'll be ok. Ive been trembling with panic all day today about the results, and havent paid anyone any attention whatsoever.

27-12-18, 17:55
So you won't get anywhere re your perceived MS/other issues..This would obviously involve a neuro referral which your GP has said isn't clinically necessary. So you have the choice to fund your own private referral or accept a professional opinion based on clinical need.

Bearing in mind that you think you have a whole myriad of sinister diseases on the go I think it's unlikely that a set of routine bloods will bring you much reassurance.

HA can make a person really self-absorbed. Maybe you should try to make an effort and pay some attention to your family even if it's really hard because it's even harder for them to help you break out of this mindset?

27-12-18, 18:54
I agree with Pulisa's comments Mr Lurcher. :)

27-12-18, 19:25
Im either seriously ill with anxiety or getting very ill with a physical illness......

We've already answered this question and in fact, as you'll see reading this recap of your own quotes from this thread, that you've answered it too:

First, the astonishing number of diseases you've been worrying about:

I have a thread about MND / MS in the symptom section.

I worry about stomach ulcers because they can cause similar sensations.

Im worried I have a thyroid issue or a vitamin deficiency because of these symptoms

Cancer of some sort has also crossed my mind

[My stress for the past month] started with worry about MS, then bowel cancer, back to MS, crohns, diabetes, MS again, bladder cancer, MS once more, thyroid issues......and now, diabetes again!

worried sick about kidney disease

That's quite a buffet of selections to choose from! No disrespect but you're a terrible doctor if you've come up with such a widespread range of possible diagnoses, I sure wouldn't ever want you to examine me!

Now, take a look at what your mental state has been self-described as:

Ive been very stressed over the past month,

Ive become obsessed with flexing my pelvic muscles and always feel very tense.

Im convinced I have a physical illness.

Beside myself with worry, even have pain in my kidney area now,

The peeing is upsetting me, ..., and couldnt get it off my mind.

Im almost certain that something will be wrong.

im petrified of the [blood test] results.

Peace of mind would be nice, just not sure I can handle that extra stress.

Oh dear, I feel like a mess.

Its going to be a kidney issue, guaranteed.

So you are aware that you're in a completely terrible mental state right now. That's good. But why would someone in a terrible mental state expect to feel good? When does that ever happen? People in terrible mental states always physically feel like s*** because the mind can influence how the body feels, very powerfully.

So whether you suffer from anxiety or physical illness is as clear as the cleanest, purest spring water in the world. The real question is, are you willing to acknowledge and accept the answer? Until you do, there will not be any positive progress, no matter what test results you get from the doctor. You could even get a test result saying that you have identical DNA to Superman and you'd still find ways to think you're sick... (but what if there was kryptonite in my sandwich?...do doctor tests measure kryptonite levels?...)

I know, because I've been there. Many times. As have pretty much all of us.

29-12-18, 00:13
@pulisa I agree regarding being self absorbed. For the past month I havent paid my kids enough attention and my relationship has suffered a lot.

@jray23 Thanks again for the insightful post. Sometimes you need someone to point things out into how bad your thinking is. Very helpful. The buffet of illnesses is quite extraordinary I know!

Luckily I had my blood tests today and they were fine, so thats brought me some much needed relief. The MS thing is still a bit there, but I feel a bit of realisation today that this getting extremely out of hand now, and that my mind is creating issues through my search for a certainty of a clean bill of health. My bladder issues remain though....will this get better as my anxiety cools down? My hand tremor has already improved a bit, which is also a relief.

Thank you all for replying, this is a great forum.

Now onto trying to take the meds which also cause me anxiety.......

29-12-18, 08:47
Give them a go, Mr Lurcher? Cut the tablet in half to begin with if you would prefer to start low and build up when you feel more confident about taking the meds/potential side effects?

The bladder issues are very much anxiety-related. You realise now that things have been getting out of hand and that's a big step in the right direction regarding recovery.

I think your family will be delighted to have you "back". HA can make you very self-absorbed and people will avoid you because they are fed up of endless symptom talk.
You can start to get your life with your family and friends back now.

29-12-18, 10:14
There you go Mr Lurcher :)
A short while waiting for results is much better than agonising over 'what ifs' and the fact that your hand has stopped shaking points to you being anxious and nervous.
Sometimes we all need a bit of a shove or someone to tell us to get on with living and not over obsessing.
I hope you can enjoy some time with your family now. :)

29-12-18, 17:56
Glad to hear the results were all clear even though we expected that. If anything I said helped you I am very happy, this forum helped me a lot (even though I mostly lurked) in some of my rougher times so I just want to try and pay it forward.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

29-12-18, 18:12
I'm willing to bet the "Told Ya So Gang" would be paying a visit when they come back normal ;)



Positive thoughts

30-12-18, 10:00
I feel like giving up now.

Last night I felt like I had a split second blackout, and then before bed I think I urinated a blood clot or something.

Sorry if this sounds gross, but because of my bladder problem ive sometimes urinated in the sink so I can check my urine.

So last night I pee'd, looked down and there was like a little reddish spec with a pink trail behind it half way down the sink. I dont know if there was a spec of something red on the sink already, but im freaking out now. Kidney cancer, Bladder cancer, urethra cancer etc. I wish I took a picture because i cant remember what it looked like. Why do things always go wrong. If I go to the doc again, they'll just think im mad, just had clear blood test results etc. Urethra cancer is very aggressive and can be fatal if left for too long, ive had the frequent urination for 3 weeks now, albeit has been getting better past few days. Why.......why........why.........

30-12-18, 10:55
Mr Lurcher, if we were all to dissect all our inners we would all find bits of this and that.
It is so obvious you have a very severe case of health anxiety and it is that you need to treat.
It's almost as if you want to find something wrong so you can say, "see", I told you so.
As much as I can be sympathetic and I am, you are not helping yourself at all.
You are wallowing in your own pit of worries 24/7.
I have HA, but I still get on with life. You have to otherwise you end up destroying yourself.
You did the right thing. You got checked out, but it's not enough for you. So, you now need to look at maybe seeing a therapist maybe?
My advice is to stop Googling, if you are, put your energies in to your family and eat well, maybe a nice walk and watch a good film on TV.
Give yourself a break, especially your mind.

30-12-18, 11:04
Mr Lurcher, if we were all to dissect all our inners we would all find bits of this and that.
It is so obvious you have a very severe case of health anxiety and it is that you need to treat.
It's almost as if you want to find something wrong so you can say, "see", I told you so.
As much as I can be sympathetic and I am, you are not helping yourself at all.
You are wallowing in your own pit of worries 24/7.
I have HA, but I still get on with life. You have to otherwise you end up destroying yourself.
You did the right thing. You got checked out, but it's not enough for you. So, you now need to look at maybe seeing a therapist maybe?
My advice is to stop Google going, if you are, put your energies in to your family and eat well, maybe a nice walk and watch a good film on TV.
Give yourself a break, especially your mind.

Thanks for the message Carnation. I know im my own worst enemy. The upsetting thing is that yesterday I felt much better, and started getting on with things - rearranged some bedrooms that my partners wanted to do for ages, but then those two episodes struck and im back in a panic.

I have been seeing a therapist but im thinking of trying someone new.

I wish I could give my mind a break.

30-12-18, 11:21
Good, that's a start in the right direction!

30-12-18, 12:33

Going to therapy and posting here for reassurance is counter productive to recovery. Googling is intentionally shooting yourself in the foot. Peeing into the sink is up there with examining poo and a indicator of just how severe your HA is! :huh: Carnation is spot on with her reply and nothing said here is helping you. These are just words on a screen. It's up to you to take real life action to help yourself.

I wish you the best for a happy and mentally healthier New Year.

Positive thoughts

30-12-18, 13:07
Going to therapy and posting here for reassurance is counter productive to recovery. Googling is intentionally shooting yourself in the foot. Peeing into the sink is up there with examining poo and a indicator of just how severe your HA is! :huh: Carnation is spot on with her reply and nothing said here is helping you. These are just words on a screen. It's up to you to take real life action to help yourself.

I wish you the best for a happy and mentally healthier New Year.

Positive thoughts

Hi FMP, why is going to therapy counter productive??

What would you see as 'real life action'? Taking the meds?

Would going to the doc again to get this new symptom checked out count as real life action??

30-12-18, 13:23
Hi FMP, why is going to therapy counter productive??

What would you see as 'real life action'? Taking the meds?

Would going to the doc again to get this new symptom checked out count as real life action??

Going to therapy is not counterproductive. Going to therapy where learning to reassure yourself and then coming here seeking more reassurance is counter productive. Does your therapist know you're posting here? Any therapist worth a crap would highly discourage it :lac:

As far as real life action? No, paid reassurance is not real life action IMO. Real life action is taking the meds, going to therapy, avoiding Dr. Google, eating right, exercising, finding ways to distract yourself from your worries and working on self help techniques (see link in my signature).

Having been on the boards for awhile, I see the all too familiar patterns of serial HA posting. Heck, in the last two weeks, you've had no less than a half a dozen fears with no medical evidence to support them!

I get that it's somewhat reassuring to know you're not alone and it can be cathartic to write out your fears, but words on a screen cannot make you take the real life steps toward recovery.

Positive thoughts

30-12-18, 16:25
Any decent therapist would tell you that posting constantly about your symptoms, seeking reassurance and then coming up with new issues is guaranteed to keep your HA alive and kicking.

If this forum didn't exist, what would you do? If you find comfort in posting on here it's false comfort and doesn't help you one bit.

30-12-18, 16:59
I fully admit I suffer from anxiety, depression and HA, but what about this actual possibility of blood in my pee? Surely that warrants a doc visit again? Would my blood tests have given some sort of clue if something sinister was going on?

I'm not sure what I would do if this forum didn't exist, I'd probably end up googling more.

30-12-18, 17:48
I feel like giving up now.

Last night I felt like I had a split second blackout, and then before bed I think I urinated a blood clot or something.

Sorry if this sounds gross, but because of my bladder problem ive sometimes urinated in the sink so I can check my urine.

So last night I pee'd, looked down and there was like a little reddish spec with a pink trail behind it half way down the sink. I dont know if there was a spec of something red on the sink already, but im freaking out now. Kidney cancer, Bladder cancer, urethra cancer etc. I wish I took a picture because i cant remember what it looked like. Why do things always go wrong. If I go to the doc again, they'll just think im mad, just had clear blood test results etc. Urethra cancer is very aggressive and can be fatal if left for too long, ive had the frequent urination for 3 weeks now, albeit has been getting better past few days. Why.......why........why.........

A little reddish spec in the sink......? Could have been anything food-related which you might expect to find in the sink....You set yourself up for that "shock", Mr Lurcher. That's if you actually saw it and didn't think you saw it because you were on the lookout...?

30-12-18, 17:49
Mr Lurcher, you are not 100% sure about the pee thing. One minute it's a blood clot, then a pink bit trailing, then you say blood or was it something already in the sink.
If you are that worried then you need to go back to the GP again for more checks.
I'm not meaning any of that to sound condescending. If you really think there is still an issue, then a GP visit is the only answer.

30-12-18, 17:50
I fully admit I suffer from anxiety, depression and HA, but what about this actual possibility of blood in my pee? Surely that warrants a doc visit again? Would my blood tests have given some sort of clue if something sinister was going on?

I'm not sure what I would do if this forum didn't exist, I'd probably end up googling more.

If you want to get better you have to resist the temptation to google. You know what will happen if you do

30-12-18, 18:27
Why do things always go wrong.

ive sometimes urinated in the sink so I can check my urine.

Because you are actively looking for things to be wrong, or even "potentially wrong".

Bodies aren't neat, clean and perfect. They're going to do a lot of seemingly weird stuff, and often.

If I were only yesterday actively looking for things to be wrong, I'd be frightened to death of heart problems due to chest pain (costochondritis), some kind of sleep disorder (jerking awake), a torn muscle (hip pain), something wrong in my neck (neck pain), and probably a few other things I've already forgotten. But these things happen. You need to let them happen, and not make mental notes about them, not seek reassurance about them. Ask your therapist to help you develop a plan of action for when you feel a symptom.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

---------- Post added at 18:27 ---------- Previous post was at 18:26 ----------

Also ask your therapist to develop a criteria that must be met before you visit the doctor. Then follow these plans.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

30-12-18, 19:28
Yes you do need to have a criteria for those GP visits. You want to be taken seriously as and when you do go to see the GP.

30-12-18, 20:45
Any decent therapist would tell you that posting constantly about your symptoms, seeking reassurance and then coming up with new issues is guaranteed to keep your HA alive and kicking.

If this forum didn't exist, what would you do? If you find comfort in posting on here it's false comfort and doesn't help you one bit.

I know I’ve banged on about this before- but I really think this site (and people like YOU Pulisa, do really help). Not as the entire arsenal, but one little weapon in the fight against HA. If nothing else, posting on here provides a log to refer back to; a clear history of faulty HA thinking. It might not be the case for everyone but I will swear till I’m blue in the face that it’s had a positive effect on me!!

30-12-18, 21:06
I know it has, jojo, but not everyone uses the site as you do. You help other people too and not in a "comparing symptoms" way.

30-12-18, 21:39
Thanks for all your replies. I think I do find this site helpful. Its nice to have another outlet for these emotions, without constantly having to nag your partner or family.

I'm really struggling to sit with this. Part of me wants to ring out of hours, but dont know what can be done about this tonight. I was in such a panic last night, I cant even remember what it looked like and it just all feels like a blur.

My whole family thinks im being mad again and saying it was probably some food or something in the sink already.

Would a doc be able to say tonight how likely this would be something serious?

30-12-18, 21:53
My bet is it wasn’t blood. It was something that was already in the sink, that your brain told you was blood. We know from your recent history that your brain is on acutely high alert, frantically searching for something wrong. It is primed to find that “sinister symptom” (demonstrated by the fact that you are peeing in the sink in the first place!!). So a spec in the sink becomes BLOOD. (My brain does this to me too)
Even if it was blood, the chances that it is serious is close to zero.

31-12-18, 00:10
Anxiety is a bitch to our bodies It causes many symptoms your blood tests would have shown cancer or anything so if doc gave you all clear then you're clear, did you know a bladder and or kidney infection can cause you to pee and lot and have some blood as well? Make sure you are staying hydrated

31-12-18, 19:31
Happy bloody new year.

Today now I've been getting twinges and aches in my lower left flank / left side of my back area. Kidneys etc. Although I don't know if I could of pulled something after the night of heavy lifting two days ago, sometimes the aches and twinges comes with movement.

Feeling pretty rubbish I'm heading into 2019 with another damn symptom to worry about.

Haven't got much choice but to return to the docs this week. Would a blood test have picked up something bad wrong with my kidneys / liver / bladder? It was marked on the sheet to check my kidney and liver functions.

31-12-18, 19:42

31-12-18, 20:23
Hi MrLurcher
When severe anxiety overtakes me as it has this winter, I too need to go to teh toilet more frequently and I completely understand about the hunger pangs/nausea. I think I am hungry as I get hunger pangs, yet as soon as I start eating my meal/food, I feel full after a few mouthfuls and quite nauseous. I do think that if you have ruled everything else out that it is anxiety that you are feeling. Some people think anxiety is a worry or concern about something but real anxiety has hundreds of different feelings. I find anxietycentre.com a good website to read to reassure you that what you feel is normal for an anxiety sufferer. Dr Claire Weekes also has good advice for nervous suffering - in her books or you tube.

You will find support on this forum, it has always helped me over the years. x

04-02-19, 15:07
Hi both, I did a blood sugar test and urine test at the docs. Both didnt show any problems with blood sugar. Is that enough do test for diabetes?

The hunger pangs are weird. Yesterday before xmas dinner I felt hungry but as soon as I started eating I suddenly became nauseous.

Ive been very stressed over the past month, started with worry about MS, then bowel cancer, back to MS, crohns, diabetes, MS again, bladder cancer, MS once more, thyroid issues......and now, diabetes again!

The peeing thing is odd, sometimes the sensation comea from my bladder, other times from my penis (sorry tmi), Ive become obsessed with flexing my pelvic muscles and alwas feel very tense.

Hi MrLurcher

I saw you post in another thread about bladder issues and I'm male as well. Unfortunately I've had this issue for a year and it's driving me insane. I've had all tests apart from a upcoming MRi on my pelvic area which have all been completely fine.

What interests me in your above comment is the feeling of needing to urinate. I can't remember what is normal but you mentioned about sometimes feeling it in the bladder or in the penis. I have the exact same thing, sometimes I go and then instantly I feel like I need to go again in my penis which just doesn't seem right! Sometimes I'm okay for an hour or maybe 2 and then others it's constant. It's really driving me into a depression as I can't function in most of my life.

I'm at the point now I wish they would just find something! I think my fear is more about being left with the god awful urge to urinate with no explanation.

04-02-19, 16:26
I went on with hunger pangs and frequent urination once, and while I never did worry about it, my GP checked my blood sugar. Turns out I wan anxious (not health stuff, work stuff) and it was the source of the whole thing.

04-02-19, 19:13
Doesn't nearly everyone get hunger pangs? Isn't that normal?