View Full Version : Tiny bony lump wrist

26-12-18, 19:30
I have this tiny bony lump on my wrist and it’s bothering me! My friend who’s a nurse said ganglion ... it’s on the inside of my wrist and I can see it move through my skin, it’s quite hard but I think it slightly pushes in when I push and it’s very small, My bf keeps saying just forget it it’s nothing ... would a rational person be concerned? I can’t google because the worst always come up!

26-12-18, 19:43
would a rational person be concerned?

Not even in the least :lac: Listen to your boyfriend! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

bin tenn
26-12-18, 20:13
The "rational person" often doesn't even worry about much more telling symptoms, let alone what's probably a ganglion cyst. As far as I know, those are very common in the location you described.

26-12-18, 20:15
Stupid health anxiety! Roll on January when I start hypnotherapy!
Happy Xmas all x

26-12-18, 20:23
I have one in that location; it's been there for years and never done anything weird.

26-12-18, 21:19
I have one in that location; it's been there for years and never done anything weird.

Me too, but mine has now disappeared after 4 years, ganglion tend to do this as they are just a benign cyct.

27-12-18, 04:45
I have one under my ankle, Dr said it's a calfied area from previous injury