View Full Version : Boyfriend is ALWAYS tired

27-12-18, 01:05
Hey guys, so I will try to condense this. My bf has a lump on his arm that he is getting removed January 8th (smooth, soft and mobile). The surgeon thinks it is a lipoma and says it does not concern him at all but I am obviously scared that it is something more sinister. Anyways, he is SO tired all the time. This really worries me. He is constantly falling asleep and needing naps even when we have not been doing anything to make us tired. He has been eating a lot lately, which I guess is a good thing since he has a strong appetite. He can fall asleep so easily and just seems really lethargic. I am also pretty tired lately, but not on the level that he is. This worries me because fatigue can obviously be a sign of disease and sickness in the body and since we still have almost 2 weeks until the lump is removed and sent off for testing I am really worried. Has anyone else experienced periods of extreme fatigue with no underlying causes?

bin tenn
27-12-18, 01:22
Has he ever been evaluated for, or suspected of having, sleep apnea? That sounds a lot like fatigue and lethargy from sleep apnea, IMO. A close friend of mine used to do that when we were younger, and now he uses a CPAP machine at night - no more issues.

27-12-18, 01:32
You know, I never really thought of that! He is 6'3 and used to be a college swimmer, and since he stopped swimming he has gained a considerable amount of weight (approx 60 lbs) and I do know that being overweight/big is common in sleep apnea. Maybe I should look into how to get him tested for that

bin tenn
27-12-18, 02:47
He would likely need to consult with his doc and have a sleep study done. That's how I've heard of people reaching the diagnosis, at least. Not sure if there are other options. It's not an immediate threat, but long term, it can create problems. But that's IF he has it; won't know until he's tested. :)

27-12-18, 02:54
Sometimes, the less you do. The less energy you actually seem to have sometimes? Like I don't know you're day to day (so please don't think of me as being rude! Not a judgement). Like if I'm at college/work or going to the gym. I never feel tried or the need to nap. While over Christmas break. The last few days, I haven't done much but eat and I've nearly napped twice a day and felt very low and sleepy a lot!

bin tenn
27-12-18, 04:41
Sometimes, the less you do. The less energy you actually seem to have sometimes? Like I don't know you're day to day (so please don't think of me as being rude! Not a judgement). Like if I'm at college/work or going to the gym. I never feel tried or the need to nap. While over Christmas break. The last few days, I haven't done much but eat and I've nearly napped twice a day and felt very low and sleepy a lot!

This is also very true for me, personally! Oddly enough, the days that I'm busy or at least moderately occupied for the bulk of the day, I seem to have a lot more energy. When I've done next to nothing, I yawn like crazy and want a nap.