View Full Version : Worried About Colon/Bowel Cancer

28-12-18, 01:20
*sighs* My health anxiety is rearing its head today yesterday after I had a bowel movement, which as I felt it scrape the back passage wall, and I wiped and there was just a faint tinge of blood on the toilet paper, It was like light pink, not bright red or dark, none in toilet none in bowl or on stool. I was like okay it caused a small tear, no biggie, now mind you my diet hasn't been good lately, not much fiber lately, and I do mean lately, not enough water. So I went again last night, the same thing, I am like okay just irritated it again, today had another bowel movement, same thing again, I don't feel any pain, or any lumps are anything indicating it could be a fissure, and as I said the blood is light pinkish, not bright red nor black or dark, my stool looks normal and haven't had any symptoms of what bowel or colon cancer has, it doesn't run in our family, I am thinking maybe lack of fiber, not enough water and some irritation? I hope I am correct my husband doesn't act concerned, I am sitting right now and it does feel like there may be some slight irritation on the right inner side of my anal area, but as I said its no painful at all, and I did have to push a bit to go. Should I be worried? I am only 45 and here they don't really do tests until you are 50. I am overweight, but have lost 60 pounds, I don't smoke, nor do I eat much red meat maybe once a week, I don't eat fried foods at all everything is baked or steamed or cooked in the convection oven and I don't eat a lot of processed foods anymore and have cut my sodium way down, I do not drink or smoke. I hate health anxiety.

28-12-18, 15:05

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


28-12-18, 15:57
Pushing can cause piles. And the diet not being great is a way to start them off. As is being stressed/anxious.

Are you a bit sore? Any mucus? Feel a bit swollen or inflamed there? Any itching? All classic signs.

28-12-18, 17:31
No, Terry none, other than very tiny soreness. However, I did amp up the fiber and had a lot of water 80 ounces yesterday and took psyllium and no blood after three bowel movements. Hubby thinks I got a slight tear and its healed, this used to happen when I was younger but don't remember that it did it for two days, thanks for your reply. Dang health anxiety the old me would have been wait two weeks if it is still happening then go to the doctor, the new me quickly says the worst case.

29-12-18, 03:22
It could just be the paper rubbing.

But it's always much more likely to be one of the common complaints most people get in that area.

29-12-18, 06:12
Yes that is what I am thinking and the stool was a bit "sharp" coming out and did feel like it scraped the passage on the way out am fine now had a few bathroom times today and no blood when wiping or any in stool it is scary seeing blood. Lol