View Full Version : Remember RLR?

28-12-18, 04:57
Well I happened to look for his old forum today. Unlike other times when I have tried to access the old threads today I was successful. RLR is long gone but his wisdom lives on in the form of his invaluable advice on hundreds of threads.

To those who don’t know: RLR was a retired neurologist who visited here. His understanding of HA was unmatched. He also had his own forum which I am providing a link to below. If you experience heart palpitations, skips etc do yourself a favour and visit the site. Regardless, there is loads of advice that anyone with HA can benefit from.

Nicola, I come here infrequently these days so not sure if this information has already been posted here so feel free to delete if it has.


28-12-18, 15:04
Thanks Swajj - I thought his forum was shut down so good to see it still going.

28-12-18, 17:30
The last post on it was back in 2013... it is in 'read only' mode. so it is there to read which is good but can't be posted on.

29-12-18, 00:13
Yes it is read only. Also, it isn’t all there. Many years are missing but whoever has put it back up might put them back on eventually. Everything points to RLR passing away in 2013. It is still a great resource for those with anxiety who want to understand how anxiety and physical symptoms are related.

30-12-18, 17:41
What a great knowledge source that guy was 😊